Environmental Permit No. 環境許可證編號 : EP-002/1998
Section 10
Pursuant to Section 10 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, the Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) grants this environmental permit to THE CHINA LIGHT AND POWER CO., LTD (the 'Permit Holder') to decommission a designated project described in Part B subject to the conditions described in or attached to Part C. The issue of this Environmental Permit is based on the documents, approvals or permissions described below :-
Application No. 申請書編號 |
AEP-002/1998 |
Documents in the Register: 登記冊上的文件 |
(i) Project Profile "Felling of Five Power Station Chimneys at Tsing Yi Power Station" (Register No. PP-007/1998) [hereinafter referred to as "Project Profile"] (i) 工程項目簡介"傾拆青衣發電廠五枝煙囪"(登記冊編號:PP-007/1998)[下稱"工程項目簡介"] (ii) Environmental Impact Assessment Report "Demolition of Tsing Yi Power Station – Non-Blasting Option: Volume II - Main Report" (Register No EIA-133/BC) [hereinafter referred to as "EIA Report"] (ii) “青衣發電廠拆卸工程–非爆破方案:第II卷–主報告”環境影響評估報告(登記冊編號:EIA-133/BC)[下稱“環評報告”] |
Director's permission to apply directly for environmental permit 署長批准直接申請環境許可證 |
Letter Reference: (36) in EP2/N3/PT2/24 An(3) VII Dated: 4 August 1998 信件檔號:(36) in EP2/N3/PT2/24 An(3) VII 日期: 1998年 8月 4日 |
Date 日期:
(Mr. Robert J.S. LAW)
Director of Environmental Protection
Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this environmental permit :-
Title of Designated Project 指定工程項目的名稱 |
Felling of Five Power Station Chimneys at Tsing Yi Power Station [hereafter referred to as “Designated Project] 傾拆青衣發電廠五枝煙囪[下稱“指定工程項目”] |
Nature of Designated Project 指定工程項目的性質 |
Demolish and remove the structure of chimneys associated with the Tsing Yi Power Station. 拆卸及除去與青衣發電廠相關的煙囪構築物 |
Location of Designated Project 指定工程項目的地點 |
Tsing Yi Power Station, 69-69 Tsing Yi Road, TYTL 46, Tsing Yi, N.T. 新界青衣TYTL 46,青衣路69-69號青衣發電廠 |
Scale and Scope of the Decommissioning of a Designated Project listed in Part II of Schedule 2. 解除附表2 第II部所列明的指定工程項目的運作的規模和範圍 |
Five chimneys (3 chimneys of about 130 m and 2 chimneys of about 150 m tall) are to be demolished by using of explosive engineering and to be reinstated as part of the overall demolition project. 使用爆破工程技術拆卸5座煙囪(其中3座約130米高,另2座約150米高),並作為整體拆卸工程項目的一部分修復土地。 [Note: The overall demolition and other reinstatement works associated with the decommissioning of the Power Station are described in the Environmental Impact Assessment Report "Demolition of Tsing Yi Power Station - Non-Blasting Option: Volume II–Main Report" (Register No EIA-133/BC)]. [註:與解除發電廠的運作相關的整體拆卸及其他修復工程,有關說明載於“青衣發電廠拆卸工程–非爆破方案:第II卷–主報告”環境影響評估報告(登記冊編號:EIA-133/BC) |
C部 (許可證條件)
1 General Conditions 一般條件
1.1 The Permit Holder shall ensure full compliance with all conditions of this environmental permit. Any non-compliance with this permit may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499) and shall be definite ground for enforcement action or permit cancellation where applicable.
1.2 This permit shall not remove the responsibility of the Permit Holder to comply with any legislation currently in force such as Noise Control Ordinance (Cap.400), Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap.311), Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap.358), Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap.466), Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap.354), Gas Safety Ordinance (Cap. 51), Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance (Cap.502), Dangerous Goods Ordinance (Cap. 295), Building Ordinance (Cap. 123) and others.
1.3 The Permit Holder shall make copies of this permit available at all times for inspection by the Director at the site.
1.4 The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this permit to the person(s) in charge of the site.
1.5 The Permit Holder shall display a copy of this permit on the construction site at all vehicular site entrances/exits or at a convenient location for public information at all times. The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated information about the environmental permit, including any amended permit, is displayed at such locations. If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of the permit, the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed on the next day at the same locations as the original permit.
1.6 The Permit Holder shall decommission the Designated Project in accordance with the project descriptions in Part B of this permit.
1.7 The Designated Project shall be decommissioned in accordance with the information and recommendations contained in the Project Profile and the EIA Report.
2 Special Conditions 特別條件
2.1 The Permit Holder shall deposit with the Director 5 copies of 1 to 1000 scale layout drawings showing the works boundary of the Designated Project and the locations of mitigation measures recommended in the Project Profile and the EIA Report, before commencement of decommissioning of the chimneys. The layout drawings so provided shall conform to the information included in the Project Profile and the EIA Report, and shall show the tolerable range of accuracy of any plans and/or lines.
2.2 Mitigation measures to minimize potential water quality impacts as detailed in Annex A attached to this permit shall beroperly implemented.
2.3 Before commencement of the decommissioning of the chimneys, the Permit Holder shall deposit with the Director 5 copies of the waste management plan as set out in the EIA Report to avoid or minimize potential impacts associated with waste arising. The waste management plan shall set out clearly those waste management measures that are not covered by the Waste Disposal Ordinance or other pollution control ordinance. The waste management plan shall be properly implemented.
2.4 The environmental monitoring and audit program as set out in the Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual (EM&A Manual) prepared for the project and as amended to reflect the demolition methodology in the Project Profile shall be properly implemented. The actions described in the action plan of the EM&A Manual shall be carried out in accordance with the time frame set out in the action plan or agreed by the Director.
2.5 The demolition of the chimneys shall be carried out only when the inventory level of each of the three ESSO Hong Kong Ltd (Tsing Yi Terminal) [hereinafter referred to as "ESSO"] Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) spheres is below 200 tonnes. The Permit Holder shall liaise with ESSO to establish the periods during which it is possible to reduce the LPG inventory to the required levels and the timing of the demolitions shall be arranged accordingly. The Permit Holder shall notify the Director of the timing of the demolition of the chimneys at least one week before the demolitions take place.
2.6 The Permit Holder shall arrange with ESSO for the testing of all fire-fightings systems installed in the ESSO Tsing Yi terminal immediately prior to the demolition being initiated. In the event that any fault is apparent in the fire-fighting systems, the demolition shall be postponed until the fire-fighting system is made fully effective.
2.7 The Permit Holder shall arrange with ESSO for all non-essential activities within the terminal to be suspended immediately before the demolition is initiated and for all non-essential personnel to be withdrawn to a safe area for the duration of the demolition process.
2.8 The Permit Holder shall arrange with ESSO for all LPG road tankers (except empty tankers) to be removed from the terminal before the initiation of demolition and to be taken outside the restricted area for the duration of the demolition process.
2.9 The Permit Holder shall arrange with ESSO to stop any barge, sea tanker or any other marine vessel alongside the ESSO jetties or seawall, either taking on or transferring LPG into stock, whilst the demolition of chimneys is in progress.
2.10 The Permit Holder shall liaise with ESSO and Mobil Oil Hong Kong Ltd (Tsing Yi Terminal) [hereinafter referred to as "Mobil"] to implement the recommended mitigation measures in the Risk Assessment attached in Annex B attached to this permit.
2.11 The demolition of the chimneys shall be carried out only after these recommended mitigation measures have been fully implemented. The Permit Holder shall submit written confirmation from all concerned parties, including ESSO and Mobil, demonstrating the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures.
2.12 The special conditions in this permit shall not remove the responsibility of the Permit Holder or any person on the site to comply with the requirements or precautionary measures under the Gas Safety Ordinance (Cap. 51), Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance (Cap.502), Dangerous Goods Ordinance (Cap. 295), Building Ordinance (Cap. 123) or any other ordinance relating to public health or safety issues.
Notes 註:
2. The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the Ordinance to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this environmental permit. The Permit Holder shall replace the original permit displayed on the construction site, by the amended permit.
3. A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part for the decommissioning of the designated project may, before he assumes responsibility for the decommissioning of the designated project, apply under Section 12 of the Ordinance to the Director for a further environmental permit.
4. Under Section 14 of the Ordinance, the Director with the consent of the Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands, may suspend, vary or cancel this environmental permit. The permit shall be removed from the display on the construction site.
5. If this permit is cancelled or surrendered during the decommissioning, an environmental permit must be obtained under the Ordinance before the decommissioning of the designated project could continue. It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the Ordinance to decommission a designated project without an environmental permit.
Annex A: Mitigation Measures to Minimize Potential Water Quality Impacts
Site run-off and drainage shall be prevented or minimized in accordance with the guidelines stipulated in the Environmental Protection Department's Practice Note for Professional Persons, Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94). The following management practices shall be followed:
必須根據環境保護署供專業人士參考的守則《ProPECC PN 1/94》(關於建築工地排水),防止或盡可能減少工地排出的地面徑流或污水。下列的管理措施應予遵守。
1. Demolition Site Run-off and Surface Water Drainage 清拆工地內地面徑流及地面水的排放
1.1 Exposed soil areas shall be minimized to reduce the potential for siltation, contamination of run-off, and erosion. Run-off related impacts associated with demolition work and other general activities shall be controlled through the use of appropriate mitigation measures which include:
1.2 The boundaries of critical site areas shall be marked and provided with protective measures to control site run-off. Temporary channels shall be provided to facilitate run-off discharge into the appropriate watercourses, via a silt retention pond. Permanent drainage channels shall incorporate sediment basins or traps and baffles to enhance deposition rates.
1.3 All temporary and permanent drainage pipes and culverts provided to facilitate run-off discharge shall be adequately designed for the controlled release of storm flows. All sediment traps shall be regularly cleaned and maintained. The temporarily diverted drainage shall be reinstated to its original condition when the demolition work has finished or the temporary diversion is no longer required.
1.4 Sand and silt in the wash water from the wheel washing facilities, which ensure no earth, mud and debris is deposited on roads, shall be settled out and removed before discharging the used water into storm drains. A section of the road between the wheel washing bay and the public road shall be paved with backfall to prevent wash water or other site run-off from entering public road drains.
1.5 Oil interception facilities shall be provided in appropriate areas in the drainage system, where oil spills may occur, and regularly emptied to prevent the release of oil and grease into the storm water drainage system after accidental spillages.
2. General Demolition Activities 一般清拆活動
2.1 Debris and rubbish on site shall be collected, handled and disposed of properly to prevent such material from entering the water column and causing water quality impacts.
2.2 All fuel storage areas shall be provided with locks and be sited on sealed areas, within bunds of a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest container to control spilt fuel oils.
2.3 All site boundaries shall be well maintained and good site practice shall be observed to ensure that litter and fuels are managed, stored and handled properly.
3. Sewage Effluent 污水
Demolition workforce sewage discharges on site shall be connected to the existing sewer or sewage treatment facilities where possible. If the demolition works result in the loss of connection to the sewerage system, adequate portable chemical toilets will need to be provided by a licensed contractor who will be responsible for the proper maintenance of these facilities.
Annex B: Mitigation Measures to Minimize Potential Risk to Life
The following recommendations shall be implemented, as risk reduction measures, to ensure that the explosive demolition of Tsing Yi Power Station chimneys is carried out within the Hong Kong Risk Guidelines.
1. The nearest Mobil oil tank shall be emptied for the duration of the felling.
2. Fire detection (heat/flame) and fire-fighting foam systems on all oil tanks and bunds shall be fully tested prior to the demolition exercise and be ready for remote activation by oil terminal staff.
3. Water sprays on LPG spheres shall be fully tested prior to the demolition exercise and ready for remote activation by oil terminal staff.
4. A 3-chimney height exclusion zone shall be maintained to minimize the chance of ejecta or debris hitting any spectators.
5. No road tankers containing liquid LPG or oil products shall be present within the 3-chimneys height exclusion zone.
6. Marine tankers shall be well beyond the 3 chimney height exclusion zone (suggest 1km unless empty).
7. The processes on the Mobil and ESSO sites (all vessels and pipework) shall be fully isolated during initiation.
8. Initiation shall not be carried out if high or gusting winds are expected, to avoid the possibility of the chimney falling in an unplanned direction or at an unplanned time.
9. Initiation shall not be carried out if heavy rain has occurred, as this tends to increase the likelihood and effect distance of landslides.
10. Boats in the area shall be kept well beyond the 3-chimney height exclusion zone.
11. The ESSO LPG spheres shall be reduced to less than 200 tonnes per sphere during the felling process.
12. The independent technical review of the EIA Report has highlighted the need for the demolition contractor to have in place a robust safety management system for both the explosive and manual methods. This would include a system for identification of hazards similar to the SWIFT technique used in the Project Profile but applied using an expert multi-disciplinary team (including the demolition contractors and for the explosive method, the oil companies).
Environmental Permit No. 環境許可證編號 : EP-002/1998