Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) Ordinance, Cap. 499
Application for Permission
to Apply Directly for an Environmental Permit
Application No.: DIR-124/2005
Project Title: Prince Edward Station Pedestrian Subway Extension
and Entrance Modification Works
Conditions Imposed under
Section 5(12) of the EIA Ordinance
For Permission to Apply Directly for Environmental Permit
1. All measures described in the Project Profile submitted with the Application on 19 July 2005 shall be fully implemented.
An Environmental
Monitoring and Audit programme shall be established
for the construction of the Project.
3. Groundwater with detectable prohibited substances, including TPH, BTEX and PAH shall be recharged close to the groundwater extraction point on-site; or treated to remove all prohibited substances prior to off-site discharge.
4. Acoustic louvers and silencers of at least 15dB(A) noise reduction shall be provided for the vent shafts on top of the emergency escape stair near the junction of Sai Yeung Choi Street South and Nullah Road.
5. There shall be no testing of the emergency ventilation systems during 2300 to 0700.
6. Design drawings and remedial measures for the two vent shafts (each with dimension of 3m(W) x 3.2m(L) x 7.5m(H)) shall be submitted to demonstrate how the visual impacts could be mitigated
Under Section 17 of the EIA Ordinance, the applicant may appeal to the Appeal Board against any of the above conditions within 30 days of the receipt of this notice of the Director’s decision.
Environmental Protection Department
August 2005