Project Title : Expansion of Heliport Facilities at Macau Ferry Terminal


Reference of the Approved EIA Report in the Register : AEIAR-095/2006

Conditions of Approval under Section 8(3) of the EIA Ordinance (the Ordinance)



The EIA report as exhibited under Section 7(1) of the Ordinance is approved by the Director of Environmental Protection on the following conditions which shall form part of the approved EIA report:


1.        No helicopter operation within the heliport shall be allowed between 11:00pm and 8:00am (the next day) inclusive.


2.        The flight path to be shifted further north of the coast of Hong Kong Island as shown in Plan 1 (attached) shall be adopted by helicopters when approaching or departing the heliport.


3.        Helicopter type(s) less noisy than S76C+ helicopter type shall be employed at the heliport either:

a.           immediately when the new heliport commences operation; or

b.          to phase out the use of S76C+ helicopter type in 5 years’ time after the new heliport commences operation; or

c.           the Civil Aviation Department to work out a practicable 5-year plan to adopt less noisy helicopter type.


4.    During the evening period between 7:00pm to 11:00pm, in order to reduce helicopter noise to the best practicable level, the scheduling of helicopter movements shall be subject to the following:

a.           the total number of helicopter movements operating from the new and existing heliports shall not exceed 34;

b.          the total number of helicopter movements operating from the new heliport shall not exceed 22;

c.           when the total number of helicopter movements operating from the new and existing heliports for the same evening is 22 or less, all these movements shall only be allowed to arrive or depart via the new heliport so as to maximize the better noise shielding effect of the new heliport over the existing one; and

d.          when the total number of evening helicopter movements operating within the new and existing heliports for the same evening exceeds 22, 22 number of the these movements shall arrive or depart via the new heliport, especially if S76C+ helicopter type is still in use.


5.     When less noisy helicopter type(s) are available for use at the heliport following from the above Condition No. 3:

a.           the use of the less noisy helicopters for the evening period shall be maximized to reduce the evening helicopter noise impacts; and

b.          if some more noisy helicopters are still needed to be used at the heliport, priority shall be given to the more noisy helicopters to use the new heliport to take advantage of the better shielding effect of the new heliport over the existing one so as to reduce the evening helicopter noise impacts.



Environmental Protection Department

February 2006



ID: MFTapprovalconditions