Detailed Site Selection Study for a Proposal Contaminated Mud Disposal Facility within the Airport East/East of Sha Chau Area

Agreement No. CE 12/2002(EP)

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Final Site Selection Report

Table  of Contents


1                      Introduction                                                                                            1-1

1.1                   Introduction                                                                                                            

1.2                   Background to the study                                                                                      1-1

1.3                   Purpose of the study                                                                                            1-2

1.4                   Purpose of this EIAFSS report                                                                             1-3

1.5                   Structure of this report                                                                                         1-5

2                      Consideration of Alternatives                                                         2-1

2.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        2-1

2.2                   Strategic Assessment & Site Selection Study for Contaminated Mud Disposal        2-1

2.3                   Consideration of Alternatives within the Study Area                                            2-16

2.4                   Selection of Preferred Scenario                                                                          2-21

3                      Legislative Requirements                                                                    3-1

3.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        3-1

3.2                   Water Quality                                                                                                     3-1

3.3                   Marine Ecology                                                                                                   3-4

3.4                   Fisheries                                                                                                             3-4

3.5                   Noise Impact                                                                                                      3-5

3.6                   Culture Heritage                                                                                                 3-7

3.7                   Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance (CAP.127)                               3-9

4                      Baseline conditions & sensitive receivers                                   4-1

4.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        4-1

4.2                   Water Quality                                                                                                     4-1

4.3                   Maine Ecology                                                                                                  4-10

4.4                   Fisheries                                                                                                           4-36

4.5                   Noise                                                                                                                4-45

4.6                   Cultural Heritage                                                                                               4-47

4.7                   Baseline Review Findings                                                                                  4-52



1                      PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                                                1-1

1.1                   The Project                                                                                                         1-1

1.2                   Project Design                                                                                                    1-1

1.3                   Backfill Levels                                                                                                    1-2

1.4                   Cap Thickness                                                                                                    1-2

1.5                   Construction Programme                                                                                     1-2

1.6                   Concurrent Projects                                                                                            1-3

2                      WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT                                                                  2-1

2.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        2-1

2.2                   Water Quality Impact Assessment Methodology                                                   2-1

2.3                   Water Quality Impact Assessment                                                                       2-1

2.4                   Water Quality Mitigation Measures                                                                    2-12

2.5                   Residual Environmental Impacts                                                                         2-13

2.6                   Cumulative Impacts                                                                                           2-14

2.7                   Environmental Monitoring & Audit                                                                     2-14

2.8                   Conclusions                                                                                                       2-14

3                      MARINE ECOLOGY ASSESSMENT                                                                3-1

3.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        3-1

3.2                   Ecological Impact Assessment Methodology                                                         3-1

3.3                   Potential Sources of Impact                                                                                 3-1

3.4                   Assessment of Marine Ecological Impacts                                                            3-9

3.5                   Summary of Mitigation Measures                                                                       3-10

3.6                   Residual Environmental Impacts                                                                         3-11

3.7                   Cumulative Impacts                                                                                           3-12

3.8                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                   3-12

3.9                   Conclusions                                                                                                       3-13

4                      Fisheries Impact Assessment                                                                4-1

4.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        4-1

4.2                   Fisheries Impact Assessment Methodology                                                           4-1

4.3                   Identification of Environmental Impacts                                                                4-1

4.4                   Assessment of Environmental Impacts                                                                 4-7

4.5                   Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts                                                       4-8

4.6                   Residual Fisheries Impacts                                                                                   4-8

4.7                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                     4-9

4.8                   Conclusions                                                                                                        4-9

5                      HAZARD TO HEALTH                                                                                    5-1

5.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        5-1

5.2                   Objectives                                                                                                          5-1

5.3                   Methodology                                                                                                       5-2

5.4                   Human Health Risk Assessment Results                                                              5-3

5.5                   Marine Mammal Risk Assessment                                                                       5-7

5.6                   Conclusion                                                                                                          5-8

6                      Noise                                                                                                               6-1

6.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        6-1

6.2                   Identification of Sources of Noise Impacts                                                            6-1

6.3                   Noise Assessment Methodology                                                                           6-1

6.4                   Assessment of Noise Impacts                                                                              6-2

6.5                   Mitigation of Adverse Noise Impact                                                                     6-3

6.6                   Residual Environmental Impacts                                                                           6-4

6.7                   Environmental Monitoring & Audit                                                                       6-4

6.8                   Conclusion                                                                                                          6-4

7                      Cultural heritage IMpact Assessment                                           7-1

7.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        7-1

7.2                   Objectives of the Marine Archaeological Investigation                                           7-1

7.3                   Baseline Conditions                                                                                             7-1

7.4                   Marine Archaeological Impact Assessment                                                          7-2

7.5                   Conclusions                                                                                                        7-2

8                      CONCLUSIONS & Environmental Outcomes                                     8-1

8.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        8-1

8.2                   Water Quality                                                                                                     8-1

8.3                   Marine Ecology                                                                                                   8-1

8.4                   Fisheries                                                                                                             8-2

8.5                   Hazard to Health                                                                                                 8-2

8.6                   Noise                                                                                                                 8-3

8.7                   Cultural Heritage                                                                                                 8-3

8.8                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A)                                                      8-4

8.9                   Environmental Outcome                                                                                      8-4


PART 3           environmental impact assessment for the east of sha chau facility


1                      PROJECT DESCRIPTION                                                                                1-1

1.1                   The Project                                                                                                         1-1

1.2                   Project Design                                                                                                    1-1

1.3                   Backfill Levels                                                                                                    1-2

1.4                   Cap Thickness                                                                                                    1-2

1.5                   Construction Programme                                                                                     1-2

1.6                   Concurrent Projects                                                                                            1-3

2                      WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT                                                                  2-1

2.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        2-1

2.2                   Water Quality Impact Assessment Methodology                                                   2-1

2.3                   Water Quality Impact Assessment                                                                       2-1

2.4                   Water Quality Mitigation Measures                                                                    2-11

2.5                   Residual Environmental Impacts                                                                         2-13

2.6                   Cumulative Impacts                                                                                           2-13

2.7                   Environmental Monitoring & Audit                                                                     2-13

2.8                   Conclusions                                                                                                       2-14

3                      MARINE ECOLOGY ASSESSMENT                                                                3-1

3.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        3-1

3.2                   Ecological Impact Assessment Methodology                                                         3-1

3.3                   Potential Sources of Impact                                                                                 3-1

3.4                   Assessment of Marine Ecological Impacts                                                            3-8

3.5                   Summary of Mitigation Measures                                                                         3-9

3.6                   Residual Environmental Impacts                                                                         3-11

3.7                   Cumulative Impacts                                                                                           3-11

3.8                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                   3-12

3.9                   Conclusions                                                                                                       3-12

4                      Fisheries Impact Assessment                                                                4-1

4.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        4-1

4.2                   Fisheries Impact Assessment Methodology                                                           4-1

4.3                   Identification of Environmental Impacts                                                                4-1

4.4                   Assessment of Environmental Impacts                                                                 4-6

4.5                   Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts                                                       4-7

4.6                   Residual Fisheries Impacts                                                                                   4-7

4.7                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit                                                                     4-8

4.8                   Conclusions                                                                                                        4-8

5                      HAZARD TO HEALTH                                                                                    5-1

5.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        5-1

5.2                   Objectives                                                                                                          5-1

5.3                   Methodology                                                                                                       5-2

5.4                   Human Health Risk Assessment Results                                                              5-3

5.5                   Marine Mammal Risk Assessment                                                                       5-7

5.6                   Conclusion                                                                                                          5-8

6                      Noise                                                                                                               6-1

6.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        6-1

6.2                   Identification of Sources of Noise Impacts                                                            6-1

6.3                   Noise Assessment Methodology                                                                           6-1

6.4                   Assessment of Noise Impact                                                                               6-2

6.5                   Mitigation of Adverse Noise Impact                                                                     6-3

6.6                   Residual Environmental Impacts                                                                           6-3

6.7                   Environmental Monitoring & Audit                                                                       6-3

6.8                   Conclusion                                                                                                          6-3

7                      Cultural heritage IMpact Assessment                                           7-1

7.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        7-1

7.2                   Objectives of the Marine Archaeological Investigation                                           7-1

7.3                   Baseline Conditions                                                                                             7-1

7.4                   Marine Archaeological Impact Assessment                                                          7-2

7.5                   Conclusions                                                                                                        7-2

8                      CONCLUSIONS and Environmental Outcomes                               8-1

8.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        8-1

8.2                   Water Quality                                                                                                     8-1

8.3                   Marine Ecology                                                                                                   8-1

8.4                   Fisheries                                                                                                             8-2

8.5                   Hazard to Health                                                                                                 8-2

8.6                   Noise                                                                                                                 8-3

8.7                   Cultural Heritage                                                                                                 8-3

8.8                   Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A)                                                      8-3

8.9                   Environmental Outcome                                                                                      8-4


Part4            Recommended site and disposal option

1                      Predicted environmental Performance of Each Facility    1-1

1.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        1-1

1.2                   Comparison of Facilities                                                                                       1-1

1.3                   Preferred Facility                                                                                                1-2

2                      Recommended site & Disposal Option                                              2-1

2.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        2-1

2.2                   Preferred Facility Based on Environmental Performance                                       2-1

2.3                   Implication to Marine Traffic                                                                               2-2

2.4                   Cost Implications                                                                                                 2-3

2.5                   Recommendation                                                                                                2-4

3                      environmental Monitoring and audit Measures                      3-1

3.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        3-1

3.2                   Environmental Management Plan                                                                         3-2

3.3                   EM&A Manual                                                                                                   3-2

3.4                   Water Quality                                                                                                     3-4

3.5                   Marine Ecology                                                                                                   3-4

3.6                   Fisheries                                                                                                             3-5

3.7                   Hazard to Health                                                                                                 3-5

3.8                   Noise                                                                                                                 3-5

3.9                   Cultural Heritage                                                                                                 3-5

4                      Prescription for the Recommended Facility                               4-1

4.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        4-1

4.2                   General Description of the Proposed Disposal Facility                                           4-1

4.3                   Design Requirements                                                                                          4-1

4.4                   Construction of Facility                                                                                        4-2

4.5                   Continuity of Operation                                                                                        4-2

4.6                   Environmental Monitoring of Construction Activities                                              4-3

4.7                   Operation of Facility                                                                                            4-4

4.8                   Management of Disposal Operations                                                                    4-4

4.9                   Environmental Monitoring of Disposal and Capping Operations                              4-5

4.10                  Facility Decommissioning and Site Restoration                                                      4-5

5                      Summary & CONCLUSIONs                                                                       5-1

5.1                   Introduction                                                                                                        5-1

5.2                   Environmental Outcome                                                                                      5-1

5.3                   Overall Conclusion                                                                                              5-3




Annex A         Water Quality Modeling Information

Annex B         Bioaccumulation Assesssment

Annex C         Human Health and Marine Mammal Risk Assessment Methodology

Annex D         Noise Assessment Calculations

Annex E         Implementation Schedule

Annex F         Marine Traffic Assessment

Annex G         Marine Archaeological Investigation Report

List of Figure

Part 1

Figure 1.1a       Location of the Airport East and East of Sha Chau Study Areas

Figure 2.2a       Schematic Diagram of a Contained Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Facility

Figure 2.2b       Options and Specifications for the Outline Design of a CDF in Hong Kong

Figure 2.2c       Potentially Available Areas for Siting a View Contaminated Mud Disposal Facility

Figure 2.3a       Compilation of Known Constrained Areas

Figure 2.3b       Potentially Usable Areas in the Two Study Areas

Figure 2.4a       Preliminary Layout for a Multi-Pit Contained Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Facility at the South Brothers

Figure 2.4b       Preliminary Layout for a Multi-Pit Contained Aquatic Disposal (CAD) Facility in the East of Sha Chau Area

Figure 4.2a       Water and Sediment Quality Data Sources

Figure 4.2b       Water Quality Sensitive Receivers within the Assessment Area for Water Quality Impact Assessment

Figure 4.2c       Examples of Ecologically Sensitive Receivers Identified in the Study Area

Figure 4.3a       Key Marine Ecological Habitats within the Assessment Area

Figure 4.5a       Location of the Noise Sensitive Receivers