to the Study
Surface water
falling within the northern catchments of Hong Kong Island is now being
intercepted by a series of existing drainage pipes and culverts running through
the urban area and is ultimately discharged at several locations into Victoria
Harbour via the northern coastline of Hong Kong Island. The existing system is
already under capacity. Flooding and hazardous overload water flows can occur
in extreme conditions. However, much of the catchment[1] is outside the urban area
and the objective of the drainage improvement scheme studied here is to
intercept surface water before it enters the urban area and direct it to an
outfall on the west-side of Hong Kong Island. This will reduce the flows into the
lower catchment and reduce flooding frequency in the urban area.
The study under
Agreement No. CE91/95 identified a tunnel alignment running from a tunnel
portal close to the site of the Haw Par Mansion in Tai Hang and following a
sinuous route beneath urban areas in Jardines Lookout and Mid Levels (Figure 1). A discharge portal at the west
end of Hong Kong Island at Pokfulam, north of the Cyberport site was
identified. Intakes are identified on drainage paths intersecting the alignment
to intercept flows and direct them to the tunnel. It is envisaged that the
tunnel would be formed using two tunnel boring machines (TBM) from each of the
portals. Since a portion of the proposed tunnel route is encroaching into Pok
Fu Lam, Lung Fu Shan, Tai Tam and Aberdeen Country Parks, the project is
classified under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance
(EIAO) (Cap. 499) as designated project. The investigation under Agreement No.
CE 25/2002 (DS) commenced in October 2002 and includes this EIA Study.
and Scope of EIA
The proposed drainage tunnel is a
Designated Project (the Project) under Schedule 2 of the EIAO (Cap. 499) and
requires an environmental permit under the EIAO for its construction and operation.
An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Study has been undertaken for the Project to provide information on the nature
and extent of potential environmental impacts arising from the construction and
operation of the proposed Project and related activities taking place
concurrently, and to contribute to decisions on the overall environmental
acceptability of the Project.
The EIA provides a detailed assessment
of the potential environmental impacts associated with the Project, in relation
to the issues specified in the EIA Study Brief No. ESB-070/2001, including air
quality, noise impact, water quality, marine and terrestrial ecology,
fisheries, waste management, landscape and visual impact, cultural heritage
implications and hazard to life.
PRoject Description
and Scale of Project
The proposed 10.5km long drainage tunnel
is located in North Hong Kong. It
stretches from Tai Hang in the east to the Cyberport in the west. It utilises 35 drop shafts to collect
and divert upland runoff to the east-west running stormwater tunnel via a
series of connecting adits between the drop shafts and the main tunnel. The diverted runoff will be conveyed via
the tunnel to the sea at the western portal, which is located just to the north
of Cyberport.
and Operational Activities
The construction period for the whole
Project is about 55 months. The major activities involved during the
construction phase of the Project are excavation of tunnels, drop shafts and
adits. The main tunnel is proposed
to be constructed by tunnel boring machines from each portals. The adits connecting
main tunnel and intakes is proposed to be excavated by either blasting
or mechanical method, depending on the ground conditions and the proximity of
sensitive receivers. It will take
about 43 months to complete the main tunnel and adit construction. The raising boring method or reversing
circulation method is proposed to be adopted for intake shaft construction. The
period of construction for each intake shaft is proposed to be about 8 months
but 12 months for the deepest intake shaft. Majority of the excavation material is
proposed to be transported via the two tunnel portals for disposal off site.
The average production rate of excavation spoil is about 500 m³ per day at both
portals (one at each end of the main tunnel).
During the operation phase, the main on
site activities are the operation and maintenance work of the main drainage
tunnel, adits, intake structures and the ancillary facilities.
The construction of the Project is scheduled
for commencement in mid 2007 for completion in end 2011.
Environmental Impacts
Potential environmental impacts
associated with the construction and operation phases of the proposed Project
are summarized below:
Noise Impact
Potential construction noise impact is assessed
for the Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSR) at all of the intakes
and both portals of the proposed drainage tunnel. The assessment results indicate that the
noise level at most of the intakes and both portals will exceed relevant
standard and noise mitigation measures will be required to reduce the
construction noise impact to acceptable levels. Mitigation measures include adoption of
quite equipment, restriction of operation period, provision of temporary noise
barriers and full noise enclosures at stockpile areas at Eastern Portal and
covered conveyor systems for transportation of excavation spoil from the tunnel
at both tunnel portals.
Due to the proximity of some NSRs to the
works site, slight noise exceedances of relevant standard at several intake
shaft locations are expected even after all possible mitigation measures
including the use of quieter construction plant, re-scheduling the sequences of
works, provision of noise barriers and adoption of different construction
methods have been exhausted to minimise the noise impacts. Unavoidable residual
impacts are
predicated at six intake shaft locations, namely BR7(P), E7(P),
E5(A)(P), W5(P), W8 and W12. The
noise limit exceedance levels range from 1dB to 6dB mainly
arising from surface breaking and rock drilling activities. The expected exceedance periods at each
respective sites are less than 1 week (surface breaking) and 1 month (rock
drilling) respectively. It is
anticipated that residual impacts would be transient and localized even with
the adoption of the best practical mitigation measures on site.
Public support is essential for
successful implementation of the project. To maintain an effective
communication channel with the public, a 24-hour hotline system will be
established by the Contractor to receive any enquiry and complaint lodged by
the public in respect of the project.
Upon receipt enquiry/complaint, the Contractor will investigate the
causes of the incident and take the appropriate action to rectify the
situation. Periodic news letters
will also be distributed to the nearby residence, advising them the current
progress, the schedule of works in future, the potential environmental impacts
arising from the works and the corresponding mitigation measures.
By considering that the construction of
the proposed drainage tunnel is already a means with least disruption to the
public in alleviating the flooding problem in Northern Hong Kong Island, the
short duration of the sensitive receivers experiencing the residual impacts is
considered acceptable. During the
operation phase, noise impacts are not expected from the proposed drainage
Water Quality
The water quality impacts during the
construction phase include turbid runoff from excavation activities, chemical
spillage and wastewater generation on site. With the implementation of the good site
management and housekeeping practices, unacceptable water quality impacts
during construction are not anticipated.
Some of the recommended measures are listed as below:
provide and maintain a well designed
drainage system on site;
handle and dispose of wastewater with
care to avoid contaminating the water resources (such as effluent generated
from site is diverted to proper wastewater treatment device for treatment and disposal);
appropriate control of chemicals (such
as provision of oil interceptors and no stockpile of excessive chemicals);
provide adequate sewerage facilities for
site workers (such as provision of chemical mobile toilets); and
install silt curtains outside the works area during construction
of temporary pier and outfall structures.
The water quality impact from the
outfall of the proposed drainage tunnel during the operation phase in 2012 has
been quantitatively assessed using a Particle Dispersion Model to simulate
spreading, sedimentation and re-suspension of particulate matter to the marine
sensitive receivers. The key
sensitive receivers during the operation phase of the proposed drainage tunnel
are the seawater intakes, fish culture zone and sites of ecological interests
within the study area.
A water quality model is developed to assess the
water quality impact during the operation of the tunnel. 1 in 2 years and
1 in 50 years rain storm events are chosen for the simulation
to represent the reasonable frequency and typical scenarios that may happen in
Hong Kong respectively. The
modelling results indicate that the predicted concentrations of suspended
solids (SS), E. coli and salinity
would generally satisfy the Water Quality Objectives (WQOs)/ambient water
quality for 1 in 2 and 1 in 50 years rain storm events
for all identified ecological sensitive sites and fish culture zones.
Notwithstanding the above, short term
operation impact due to the SS is predicated at the planned WSD’s Cyberport
seawater intakes. The planned seawater pumping station could incorporate
sensors to detect the SS level and increase its storage capacity to cater for
situation when the seawater pump is shut down during SS exceedance. To alleviate the impact at sources, bar racks at the entrance of the intake
and sand trap at the bottom of the intake shaft would be installed to
collect debris, boulders and coarse sand. The sand trap will be most
effective at low flow condition. Cleaning operation will be carried
out in the
watercourses above the intakes and within the tunnel system before the onset of
every wet season to remove leaves and floating debris. A marine vessel may also be
employed to collect leaves and floating debris flushing out from the tunnel on as needed basis. With
the implementation of these recommended mitigation measures, residual impact is
considered acceptable.
Major habitats recorded within the study area include
natural woodland, shrubland, fung shui woodland, urban plantation and
stream/nullah. The proposed tunnel
portal and intake structure construction would cause a permanent loss of 0.16
ha of woodland, 0.70 ha of urbanised/disturbed land, 0.04 ha of shrubland habitats
and 85 m of natural stream. The
temporary habitat loss would include 0.53 ha of woodland, 1.56 ha of
urbanised/disturbed land, 0.11 ha of shrubland, 91 m of natural stream, and 384
m of nullah.
Direct impacts to terrestrial habitats would be limited in area
and scattered among intake points and all outside the country park areas. Impacts of loss of urbanised/disturbed
and shrubland habitat are considered minimal and minor respectively due to the
limited ecological values of these habitats. As the losses of woodlands and
natural streams are also of limited size and scattered, the construction impacts
are ranked as minor and minor to moderate respectively. Compensation planting will be provided to
compensate the woodland loss (1.5:1).
Mitigation for the loss of stream habitat would be implemented to
provide living space within the modified stream section at Eastern Portal for
aquatic communities to develop as well as access to natural stream section.
The intake structures are designed to
intercept the excess flow in the existing streams into the drainage tunnel
during heavy rain storm events. During the normal circumstances, base flow in
the affected stream is kept to maintain the ecological environment.
The drainage tunnel will be underground and the operation will not
pose any observable impact to the surrounding habitats and the associated flora
and fauna. The potential operation
impact on habitat and terrestrial and aquatic fauna are ranked as minor.
As this project will cause limited terrestrial ecological impacts,
with mitigation measures recommended the ecological impacts are considered
Marine Ecology
A literature review of existing ecological conditions in the
assessment area was supplemented by intertidal and subtidal
field surveys of marine ecological resources at the outfall of western
portal. The ecological values of
the artificial
intertidal and subtidal
habitats are low. Construction of
stilling basin will result in a permanent loss of about 50m²
artificial intertidal habitat. The impact of the project works on these
habitats is concluded to be low.
The construction of the outfall and stilling basin will also result
in some loss of subtidal muddy bottom habitat. However, the size is small (approximate
625 m2) and the ecological value is low. No hard or soft coral
colony was found during the survey and the affected area supported very little
biota. This habitat loss is not
expected to have a significant negative impact on the marine ecology. Residual impacts on habitat loss are
Based on the water quality model simulation, the water quality
impacts due to the operation discharge is predicted to be limited to a narrow
strip along the western coast of Hong Kong Island. For all modelled scenarios (flood and ebb
tide, 1 in 2 year and 1 in 50 years storm events), no exceedance to the WQO
(suspended solids, E. coli and
salinity concentrations) is identified at any of the recognized sites e.g.
coral of marine conservation importance or coral sites. The construction and operation of the
Project has no significant impacts on Chinese White Dolphin and Finless
Porpoise, as their activity range lies in the areas to the west of and south of
the project area respectively. A well-planned program of site practices should
be able to maintain the marine ecology impacts in acceptable level. Therefore, specific ecological
monitoring during both the construction and operation phases will not be
Approximate 440m2 shallow sea area would be occupied by
the temporary berthing point. The
construction period for the proposed drainage tunnel will be about 4
years. Thus, the area occupied by
the berthing point would not be available for capture fisheries activities
during this period. After completion of the tunnel construction works, the
temporary berthing point will be removed.
A stilling basin will be constructed on the shore while a
permanent armor rock panel (approximate 625m2) will be placed on the
existing seabed just outside the outlet of the stilling basin. No dredging
works will be carried out or needed during construction.
The 2000/2001 Port Survey identified that the catch arising from
capture fisheries within the study area around the outfall area were the lowest
in Hong Kong in terms of adult fish production and the value of
production. There are only less
than 50 fishing vessels operated within the area, among them, less than 10 are
over 15 m length. No fish fry
collection has been recorded.
Due to low fisheries production, catch value and the small size of
fishing ground being affected, no adverse impacts on fisheries would be
anticipated. Moreover, as construction phase water quality impacts are
considered short-term and localised in nature, no severe impacts to the marine
communities in any Fish Culture Zone (FCZ) or Kong Sin Wan is expected.
Mitigation measures for water quality during the construction phase have been
detailed in the EIA report to ensure the construction impacts are under
The operation phase effluent would have limited impacts on marine
water quality. However, the
predicated results of the water quality model indicate that the magnitude of
the changes in water quality and the extent of the affected area by the operation
discharge are very limited and no exceedance to the WQO (suspended solids, E. coli and salinity concentrations)
will occur on the water quality results at any of the FCZ. The impacts on fisheries resources and
fish culture zones are not expected during operation phase of the proposed
drainage tunnel.
Air Quality
The construction dust impact assessment
has identified the construction works that have potential to generate dust
impact to the nearby Air Sensitive Receivers. The transportation of earth material for
both portals is likely to be the dominant dust generation during the excavation
of the construction stage. With implementation of the recommended dust
suppression measures and backed up by a proper designed EM&A programme, the construction of Project is expected to
comply with the Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives.
Heritage Impact
A total of 4 graded historical buildings
were found within 50 m of the proposed works areas associated with the Project.
These include: (a) Haw Par Mansion, the boundary wall and gateway of the Haw
Par Mansion, Tai Hang Road (b) Hop Yat Church, Bonham Road, (c) Catholic
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Caine Road and (d) Former Explosives
Magazine of the Victoria Barracks, Justice Drive, Admiralty.
The proposed works will not directly impact
any of the buildings/structures. However, it may have indirect impacts to the
boundary wall and gateway of the Haw Par Mansion and at the former Explosives
Magazine. Recommendations have been made to mitigate these potential impacts
including conduction of condition survey, provision of buffer zone and erection
of protective fencing to separate the buildings from the works areas, and
monitoring of the buildings/structures during construction phase. All
mitigation measures should be undertaken and be in place before works commence.
Waste Management
A large quantity of excavated spoil will
be produced during the construction phase of the proposed drainage tunnel. It is estimated that a total of about
185,100 m³ and 337,000 m³ of spoil will be transported via Eastern portal by
trucks and Western portal by barge respectively. Most of this material will not be
re-used on site due to the project constraints and must be disposed of to a
designated public filling area.
Other waste material will comprise concrete, wood formwork, steel poles,
chemical waste, wheel washing waste and general refuse. A waste management strategy is described
and responsibilities for implementation and management of the waste management
procedure are identified.
Landscape and
Visual Impact
The landscape and visual impact
assessment mainly focused in the areas for the intake and outlet structures at
Eastern and Western portals of the proposed drainage tunnel. Trees are the primary landscape resources
in the study area and tree preservation is the prime consideration during the
design stage. Tree felling
would be limited to the absolute minimum and would only be considered if there
is no alternative. To
compensate the loss of vegetation and trees, woodland mix planting (10,187m2),
amenity planting (1,059m2) and trees (minimum 121 nos.) will be provided
for the Project. There will be no
impact to the Country Parks as all of the proposed temporary and permanent
works for the portals and intake shafts are outside any of the Country Parks
During construction, the work site will
be fenced off by decorative screen hoarding. The landscaping/reinstatement works at
each works site will be carried out immediately after completion of the
construction works. The proposed
mitigation measures would minimize any adverse impact during construction and
operation phases. It is predicted
that the proposed improvement works would have limited landscape and visual
Hazard to Life
Blasting works will be required for construction
of a series of adits linking the main tunnel and the intake structures. No overnight storage of explosive for
this project is required. Therefore, assessment of the
hazard to life is not necessary according to the Study Brief (No.
Monitoring and Audit
monitoring and audit requirements for the construction phase are described in
terms of the monitoring locations, period of time, frequency and standards
against which the monitoring results should be compared to determine
compliance. The monitoring
programme covers aspects on air, noise and water quality. Site audit
would be carried out to check its compliances of the air, noise, water quality,
waste management, ecology, fisheries, landscape and visual and cultural
heritage mitigation measures during the construction phase. During the
initial operation phase, ground water monitoring will be carried
out for a year to confirm the steadiness of the ground water table. An Implementation Schedule of the
relevant mitigation measures for the works is included in the EIA report. Details of the programme are presented in a separate Environmental
Monitoring and Audit Manual.
The reporting of
monitoring data on website will be used during construction phase which would
facilitate the rapid and effective communication of local residents/sensitive
receivers nearby to resolve any problems in respect of environmental impacts to
the project.
The EIA study has been completed in
accordance with the requirements of the Study Brief No. ESB-070/2001 under EIAO. A drainage tunnel alignment between Tai
Hang and Cyberport has been proposed which has the least impact on the
environment while avoidance or minimization of environmental impact
underpinning the entire process of options selection. The drainage tunnel has been designed to
minimize environmental and ecological impacts and minimize waste
The EIA has predicted that the Project,
after adoption of appropriate mitigation measures, will have unavoidable
residual impacts of airborne construction noise at some intake locations for a
short duration of construction period (i.e. less than 1 week for surfacing
breaking and 1 month for rock drilling); and short-term exceedance of suspended
solid level at seawater intakes near the Western outlet area after occasional heavy
rainstorm during operation phases.
Environmental Monitoring and Audit mechanisms have been recommended to
monitor and audit the implementation and efficiency of the recommended
mitigation measures to ensure compliance with required standards during the
construction and operation phases.
The conclusion of the EIA is that no
insurmountable environmental impacts will result from implementation of the
[1] The catchment is enclosed by the ridgelines running between Jardines Lookout in the east through Mount Butler, Mount Cameron, Mount Gough and the Peak.