Council for Sustainable Development to hold Air Summit on December 17
The Council for Sustainable Development will hold an Air Summit on December 17 to involve stakeholders from various sectors of the community in wrapping up the public engagement process on air quality and consolidating views. From these the Council will draw conclusions and make recommendations to the Government in early 2008. Please click here to register for the Summit. |
Strategy to tackle the problem of climate change (Chinese version only)
The Secretary of the Environment pointed out in the Legislative Council motion debate held on 28 November that economic growth should not be the only goal for development. In the pursuit of economic growth, we must meet the principle of sustainability and balanced development. The Government will spare no efforts to implement necessary measures to suppress greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency, so as to achieve the target pledged in this year's Policy Address i.e. to reduce energy intensity by at least 25% by 2030 from the 2005 level. |
Concessionary duty rate for Euro V diesel starts from December 1
The concessionary duty rate of $0.56 per litre for Euro V diesel came into force on December 1 for two years. The concessionary duty rate served as a fiscal incentive to fuel suppliers to advance the availability of Euro V diesel in the local market and to drivers to use this more environmentally friendly fuel. |
A Proposal to Ban Idling Vehicles with Running Engines
政府在二○○七年十一月二日就立法推行停車熄匙計劃展開公眾諮詢。環境局局長邱騰華解釋政府的建議時,表示政府有決心採取一切必要的措施,改善空氣質素。諮詢文件可在環保署網頁下載。你可於二○○八年三月三十一日或之前向環保署提出意見,郵寄地址為灣仔告士打道五號稅務大樓四十五樓,亦可傳真至 2824 9361,或電郵至 idling_msg@epd.gov.hk。
The Government launched a public consultation on 2 November 2007 on a proposal to ban idling vehicle engines. The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau said as he unveiled the proposal that the Government is determined to take all necessary action to improve air quality. The document can be downloaded from EPD's website. You are welcome to forward views and comments on or before 31 March, 2008, to the EPD by post (address: 45/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong), by fax (2824 9361) or via email (idling_msg@epd.gov.hk). |

SEN's official visit to Beijing and Japan
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau paid official visits to Beijing and Japan in the past couple of months. During his visit in Beijing, he called on Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, National Development and Reform Commission, and State Environmental Protection Administration. While in Japan, he met the Minister of the Environment as well as senior officials from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to exchange views on various environmental protection issues. |
Cooperation Arrangement on Control of Waste Shipments Signed
The Director of the Pollution Control Department of the State Environmental Protection Administration, Mr Fan Yuansheng, and the Deputy Director of Environmental Protection of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Dr Mike Chiu, on behalf of the respective governments, signed the Cooperation Arrangement on Control of Waste Movements between the Mainland and HKSAR on November 15 in Shenzhen. The newly signed agreement replaces the Memorandum of Understanding-Cooperation on Control of Waste Movements between the Mainland and HKSAR, which was signed and implemented since 2000. |
與國家環境保護總局合辦環境影響評價國際論壇 -「戰略環評在中國」
Cooperation with State Environmental Protection Administration on International Conference on Strategic Environmental Assessment in China
The EPD was invited by the State Environmental Protection Administration to co-organise a major international conference on strategic environmental assessment held in Beijing from 3 to 4 November. The objective of the conference was to promote the application of strategic environmental assessment in policies and plans in China.The international forum was well attended by many senior officials from various ministries and provinces in China, including several provincial mayors, and a number of well known international experts. Mr Elvis Au, Assistant Director of EPD and the former President of International Association for Impact Assessment, chaired the international advisory committee and delivered a keynote speech outlining Hong Kong experience on the role of strategic environmental assessment in decision making. |
The fourth Shenzhen-Hong Kong Environmental Co-operation Forum
環境局常任秘書長王倩儀女士率領環保署代表,於二○○七年十一月二十三日到訪深圳市環保局,共同主持深港環保合作交流會第四次會議。 會上,雙方回顧了在二○○七年的合作進展,並同意來年的合作重點:包括就管理持久性有機污染物的技術經驗,進行交流和培訓、推進深圳河灣水污染控制、進行污泥治理研究及跨界項目環境影響評估等工作。環保署代表於會後參觀了深圳市環境保護監測站及機動車排氣檢測在線監控系統。
Permanent Secretary for the Environment Ms Anissa Wong led an EPD delegation to meet the Shenzhen Environmental Protection Bureau on November 23, 2007, and co-chaired the fourth Shenzhen-Hong Kong Environmental Co-operation Forum. Progress made in the year in respect of environmental co-operation was reviewed and further co-operation initiatives were agreed for the coming year. These include experience sharing and training on the management of persistent organic pollutants, taking forward Shenzhen River/Bay water pollution control, sediment remediation study, environmental impact assessment of cross-boundary projects, etc. The delegation then visited the Shenzhen Environmental Monitoring Centre and the Motor Vehicle Emission Testing On-line Monitoring System after the meeting. |
IAQ Carnival 2007 cum Prize Presentation Ceremony
EPD and the IAQ Information Centre jointly organized the "IAQ Carnival 2007 cum Prize Presentation Ceremony" on 9 November at Lung Cheung Mall of Wong Tai Sin. A variety of interactive activities and games were available for the general public to enhance their awareness on Indoor Air Quality. Also, the prizes for the winners of the "IAQ Poster Design Competition" were presented at the Carnival. |
Promoting Green Lunch in Schools
The EPD has released a new "Guideline on How to Promote Green Lunch in Schools" in October to replace the previous "Guideline on the Reduction of Disposable Plastic Foam Food/Drink Containers". The new guideline sets clearer directions and provides more detailed recommendations on how to implement green lunch in schools. It also provides more comprehensive information to prevent schools from being misled by unscrupulous school lunch suppliers, with the inclusion of two newly compiled lists of green lunch suppliers and disposable lunch box recyclers. Please click here to access to the guideline. |
Lions International Youth Exchange 2008 Scholarship Environmental Essay Competition
環保署與國際獅子總會合辦「獅子會國際青年交流 – 環保徵文比賽」,以提高本地青年的環保意識、國際視野及技能,比賽歡迎全港所有中四至中七學生參加。參加者須提交一篇以環保為題的英文文章。十位最優秀的得獎者會獲邀參加在海外約一百個城市舉行的獅子會國際青年交流計劃。
To enhance students' environmental awareness, broaden their horizons and skills, the EPD jointly organized the Lions International Youth Exchange Scholarship - Environmental Essay Competition with Lions Clubs International. All secondary 4 - 7 students in Hong Kong are invited to submit an English essay on an environmental issue. The top 10 winning students will be invited to the Lions International Youth Exchange Scholarship program to be held in 100 cities around the world. |