Source of Air Pollution during Construction Phase
Dust arising from blasting, excavation and filling, slope stabilisation, site formation, stone crushing and vehicle movements |
Source of Air Pollution during Operation/ Restoration Phase
Gaseous emissions from the new Landfill gas treatment (LFG) facility (NO2, SO2, CO, vinyl chloride, benzene, non-methane organic carbons (NMOCs)))
Gaseous emissions from the thermal oxidizer of the leachate treatment plant (LTP) (NO2, SO2 CO, vinyl chloride, benzene, NMOCs) |
Vehicular emissions from traffic associated with the Extension |
Fugitive emissions from the active tipping face |
Odour emissions from the active tipping face and operation of LTP |
Source of Air Pollution during aftercare phase
Gaseous emissions from the LFG treatment facility
Gaseous emissions from the LTP