Sub-tidal Habitat

A total of 19 species of hard corals and 5 species of soft coral were recorded along the survey transects and its vicinities. The hard corals were in low abundance and diversity, and dominated by species which are commonly found in Hong Kong. An uncommon hard coral species Acropora solitaryensiswas recorded at Kwan Tsai during transect survey. Some common soft corals species of Hong Kong was found in relatively high abundance.
The benthic fauna recorded along the survey transect included sponges, ascidians, rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata, Pinctada sp., the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota, decorator urchins Temnopleura reevesi, sea urchin Authocidaris crassispina and the long-spined sea urchins Diadema setosum.
No aquatic fauna was recorded at the seasonal streams.

[ Mouse over the transect to see Sub-tidal habitat information ]