Most of the sensitive residential receivers are relatively distant from the Extension. With mitigation measures in place, the visual impacts to the sensitive residential receivers would range from "Insubstantial" to "slight" at the visual sensitive receivers during construction phase and slightly changed to "Insubstantial to moderate" during the operation and restoration phases as the volume and height of the landfill gradually increase. During the aftercare phase, the impact will be reduced to "Insubstantial to slight" on day 1 of the aftercare phase, when landfilling operations have ceased; and further reduced to "Insubstantial" as the landscape restoration gradually matures. Visual Impact During Construction Phase [ Mouse over the VSR number to see the description and click the VSR number in purple colour to see the photomontages ]
Visual Impact During Operation/Restoration Phase [ Mouse over the VSR number to see the description and click the VSR number in blue colour to see the photomontages ]
Visual Impact During Aftercare Phase (Year 10) [ Mouse over the VSR number to see the description and click the VSR number in pink colour to see the photomontages ]