
Consideration of Alternatives > Adaptive Reuse in Existing Buildings
It is the aim of the Project to bring all the buildings on the Site back into beneficial use. All buildings will need to be fitted with some modern services, improved fire compartmentation and fire escape provisions. Many will need floors strengthening to accommodate greater floor loads than they were designed for. An attempt has been made to find uses that can be accommodated in the existing buildings with the minimum of disturbance and alteration. Space is also needed to house the E&M equipment to support the functioning of all facilities and activities on Site. Two options have been considered for locating the chillers and cooling towers:

Option 1: to locate the chillers and cooling towers in individual building;
Option 2: to locate the chillers and cooling towers in centralised locations in the new building adjacent to the upper courtyard.

Compared to Option 1, Option 2 has the merits in terms of minimising the modification works at many of the existing buildings and offers a more sustainable solution, therefore has been incorporated into the design of the Project.