

Construction Phase

With the implementation of the recommended dust control measures and good construction site practices, the construction of the Project will not cause adverse dust and air quality impacts

The AVS levels of the river sediments were compared with the sediment considered to have minimum odour impact (reference sediment). As the AVS levels in the sediment samples from the Project Site are significantly lower than that from the reference sediment. It is therefore expected that the potential odour emissons from the dredging and handling of river sediments would be minimal.

Operation Phase

The volume of sediment to be dredged during the maintenance dredging will be significantly less than that of capital work dredging during the construction phase . Besides, the sediment quality will be improved after the completion of the dry weather flow interception as part of the Project. Hence, it is expected that the potential odour emissions from the dredging and handling of river sediments would be minimal.


It is recommended that regular environmental audit will be conducted to ensure the implementation of the recommended dust control measures for both the Advanced Works and River Modification and Associated Works. Besides, dust levels, in terms of TSP will be monitored, at Ta Kwu Ling Village and Tsung Yuen Ha during River Modification Works in works area III or IV and works area I or II, respectively.