Cultural Heritage

Impact Assessment

Impact on Archaeological Resources

A desktop review and site inspections identified that the Pak Fu Shan and Chuk Yuen sections of the Project Site have archaeological potential. Field survey was conducted and identified a small quantity of fragmented artefacts. None of them are considered to be primary deposits or significant archaeological deposits. They are small and cannot be refitted to determine their original typology.

Potential impact on in situ archaeological resources within the works area is expected to be negligible. The impact is considered acceptable as the secondary deposits identified are considered to have low significance.


Impact on Built Heritage

No built heritage features were identified within the Project Site and hence no direct impact is anticipated.

All the identified built heritage features are situated far away from the Project Site. With respect to the nature of the construction activities (mainly earthworks and concreting works which will not cause significant vibration) and hence potential indirect impacts are not anticipated.