Ecological Evaluation of Woodland
Criteria Secondary Woodland



Semi-natural dominated by native plants.


Patches of secondary woodland were recorded within the Study Area, within the HKSAR boundary.  The overall size of secondary woodland was approximately 18.0 ha.


Moderate floral and faunal diversity. 


Bird species of conservation interest included Besra (Accipiter virgatus) flying overhead; Black Kite (Milvus migrans) flying overhead; Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) both flying overhead and perching; Japanese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis) perching; Little Green Heron (Butorides striatus) perching. Some mammal species of conservation including Small Asian Mongoose, Small Indian Civet, East Asian Porcupine, Leopard Cat, Masked Palm Civet and Red Muntjac were recorded in woodland near Chuk Yuen.


Habitat characteristics and species composition are natural and mature.  It would take more than 30 years for the secondary woodland to be re-created.


Highly fragmented

Ecological Linkage

Overall, not functionally linked to any very highly valued habitat in close proximity

Potential Value

High, secondary woodland becoming mature woodland if given time and protection from disturbance.

Nursery /Breeding Ground



All woodland of moderate age (around 30 years) based on tree size, woodland structure and species composition.

Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife

Moderate abundance / richness of fauna.

Overall Ecological Value
