Landscape and Visual

Sources of Impact

Sources of Landscape and Visual Impact

The Project will have various landscape and visual impacts during construction and operation. 

Construction phase

Two phases of construction are proposed.  Firstly an ‘Advanced Work’ phase will be undertaken where the section of boundary patrol road and boundary fence along the section of Shenzhen River will be re-provisioned.  Secondly a ‘River Modification & Associated Works’ phase will be undertaken when the main work will entail the regulation and channelization of the Shenzhen River within the Project Site.  Appropriate figures within Section 7 detail the different Project Site areas for these two different phases of construction.  During the construction phase of the project, potential impacts could result from the following:

Site clearance (including some demolition eg of gate No. 56) and tree removal/ transplantation;

Site formation works including cutting and filling;

Construction of proposed temporary Hong Kong boundary patrol road (Advanced Works);
Construction of proposed boundary patrol road and boundary fences (Advanced Works);
River modification works including river diversion, river excavation for widening and deepening, and new channel formation (River modification and associated works);
Construction of flood retardation pond including isolated islands (River modification and associated works);
Presence and operation of construction vehicles and machinery; and
One stockpiling area within the HKSAR on the sharp bend of the river to the north of Chuk Yuen Village (located within the river modification works area).  This will be used to stockpile construction and demolition materials, including existing topsoil for reinstatement works.  All other stockpile areas are to be located on the Mainland.

Contractors’ temporary works areas, including site accommodation and parking areas are proposed to be located on the Mainland, so will not cause impacts within the HKSAR.

Operation phase

During the operation phase of the project, potential impacts will result from the following:

Operation of channelized Shenzhen River;

Operation of new boundary facilities including road and fences; and
Landscaping works.