Impact Assessment Ordinance, Cap. 499
Conditions Imposed under section 5(12)
of the Ordinance
for Permission to Apply Directly
for Environmental Permit
All measures as described in
the Project Profile submitted with the application of
2. No haul road shall be constructed for the Project.
3. No tree felling shall be carried out for the Project.
4. All affected protected plant species shall be transplanted to a suitable area outside the works boundary.
5. Steel fence shall be constructed around the tree Artocarpus hypargyreus at Lamma site before construction of the Lamma Transposer Station begins.
6. Diesel storage on site shall not be more than 2,500 litres.
7. Chemical toilet shall be provided during the construction stage.
8. Temporary drains with silt traps shall be constructed at the boundaries of the sites prior to the commencement of any earthworks.
9. Grease trap and perimeter drains shall be provided to retain any leakages of diesel/chemicals during both construction and operation stages.
10. No earth, building materials, fuel, oil or toxic materials and other materials which may cause contamination are allowed to be stockpiled on site.
11. On completion of the works, any construction plant which may cause pollution due to leakage of oil or fuel shall be removed from the sites immediately.
Under section 17 of the EIA
Ordinance, the applicant may appeal to the Appeal Board against any of the
above conditions within 30 days of the receipt of this notice of the Director’s
Environmental Protection Department
November 2006