Environmental Permit No. FEP-04/057/2000/A
環境許可證編號 FEP-04/057/2000/A
A部 (許可證主要部分)
Pursuant to
Sections 10 and 12 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the
Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) grants this further environmental
permit (hereinafter referred to as this “Permit”) to the Highways Department (hereinafter referred to as the “Permit Holder”)
to operate the part of designated project described in Part
B of this Permit subject to the conditions specified in Part C of this Permit. The issue of this Permit is based
on the documents, approvals or permissions described below:
根據《環境影響評估條例》(環評條例) 第10及12條的規定,環境保護署署長(署長)將本新的環境許可證(下稱“本許可證”)批予路政署(下稱“許可證持有人”)以營辦本許可證B部所說明的指定工程項目其中部分,但須遵守本許可證C部所列明的條件。本許可證是依據下列文件、批准或許可而簽發﹕
Application No. 申請書編號 |
Documents in
the Register: 登記冊上的文件: |
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) |
Road T7 in Ma On Shan : -
Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Feb 1998) -
Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual (Feb 1998) - EIA –
Executive Summary (Feb 1998) [hereinafter
referred to as the “EIA Report (Register No. EIA-137/BC)”] 馬鞍山T7幹線 (登記冊編號 : EIA-137/BC) [下稱"環評報告"] Application
for Environmental Permit (Application No. AEP-057/2000) including all
attachments submitted on 許可證持有人於2000年4月13日提交的環境許可證申請和附件 (申請書編號AEP-057/2000 ) Environmental
Permit No. EP-057/2000 issued on 於2000年5月10日簽發的環境許可證編號EP-057/2000 Application
for Variation of an Environmental Permit (Application No. VEP-146/2004)
including all attachments submitted on 許可證持有人於2004年6月29日提交的更改環境許可證的申請和附件(申請書編號VEP-146/2004) Environmental
Permit No. EP-057/2000/A issued on 於2004年7月10日簽發的環境許可證編號EP-057/2000/A Application
for Further Environmental Permit (Application No. FEP-143/2012) including all attachments submitted on 許可證持有人於2012年11月26日提交的新的環境許可證的申請和附件 (申請書編號FEP-143/2012) |
2012年12月 21日
Date 日期 |
(Maurice K.L. YEUNG) Principal
Environmental Protection Officer for
Director of Environmental Protection 環境保護署署長 (首席環境保護主任楊國良代行) |
B部 (指定工程項目的說明)
Hereunder is the
description of part of the designated project mentioned in Part
A of this Permit:
Title of the Designated Project |
Trunk Road T7 in Ma On Shan [The designated project is hereinafter referred to
as “the Project”] 馬鞍山T7幹線 [這指定工程項目下稱 “工程項目”] |
Nature of the Designated
Project |
Trunk Road 幹道 |
Location of the Designated Project |
The locations of the
Project and its road alignment are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of this Permit
respectively. 工程項目的地點和其道路路線分別載於本許可證的圖1和 圖2。 |
Scale and Scope of the Part of the Designated Project under this
Permit |
Operation of Trunk
Road T7 including : 營辦T7幹線包括: (i)
About 3.2km dual-2 lane trunk road with a grade separated junction at
Ma On Shan Road and a grade separated interchange at 一條約3.2公里長的雙程雙線幹道,在馬鞍山路設置一個分層路口和在西沙路設置一個分層道路交匯處; (ii)
About 1.2km 2-lane access road from Ma On Shan/Hang Hong street
roundabout to existing access road to Ma On Shan Tsuen; 一條約1.2公里長的雙線通道,由馬鞍山/恆康街迴旋處連接至馬鞍山村的現有通道; (iii) About 0.2km 2-lane carriageway extension of 在樟木頭年豐路擴建一條0.2公里長的雙線行車道; (iv) Noise
mitigation measures; 執行消減噪音措施; (v) Maintenance of landscaped areas (Highways
Department’s portion) as shown in the Landscape Maintenance Plans as shown in
Figures H1 to H12 of this Permit; and 載於本許可證的圖H1 至
H12園景保養圖的園景美化區(路政署部份) 的維修保養; 和 (vi)
Drainage works as shown in the Drainage Plans (Highways Department’s
portion) as shown in Figures H13
to H21 of this Permit. 載於本許可證的圖H13至H21排水設施圖(路政署部份)的排水工程 |
C部 (許可證條件)
1. General
1.1 The Permit Holder shall ensure full compliance with all conditions
of this Permit. Any non-compliance may constitute a contravention of the
EIAO and may become subject of appropriate action being taken under the
1.2 This Permit shall not remove the
responsibility of the Permit Holder to comply with any
legislation currently in force such as the Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400),
Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311), Water Pollution Control Ordinance
(Cap. 358), Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354) and others.
1.3 The
Permit Holder shall make copies of this Permit together with all documents
referred to in this Permit available at all times for inspection by the
Director at the Permit Holder’s office.
1.4 The Permit Holder shall give a
copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the operation of the Project
and ensure that such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all
requirements incorporated by the Permit.
1.5 The Permit Holder shall operate
the part of the Project described in Part B of this
1.6 The Permit Holder shall ensure
that the part of the Project is operated in accordance with relevant
information and recommendations in the EIA Report (Register no. EIA-137/BC).
1.7 All deposited submissions as
required under this Permit shall be rectified in accordance with the comments,
if any, made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Director’s
comments or otherwise as specified by the Director.
1.8 All
submissions approved by the Director, all submissions deposited without
comments by the Director, or all submissions rectified in accordance with
comments by the Director under this Permit shall be construed as part of the
Permit conditions described in Part C of this
Permit. Any variation of the
submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in
relevant permit conditions unless otherwise allowed for in this Permit.
1.9 The Permit Holder shall release
all finalized submissions, as required under this Permit, to the public, if
requested by the Director, by depositing copies in the EIAO Register Office, or
in any other places, or by any other means as specified by the Director for
public inspection. For this purpose, the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient
copies of the submissions.
2. Specific
2.1 The noise barriers and enclosures as
shown in Figures 2 and 3 and Table 1 of this Permit
shall be properly maintained to mitigate traffic noise during operation of the Project.
2.2 The Permit Holder shall maintain the
landscaped areas in accordance with the Landscape Maintenance Plans in Figures H1 to H12 of this Permit. A copy each of these Landscape
Maintenance Plans in A1 size shall be deposited in the EIAO Register Office.
2.3 The Permit
Holder shall employ a qualified landscape architect, arborist, forester or horticulturist
to maintain the above landscaped areas.
2.4 The stormwater drainage system as shown
in Drainage Plans in Figures H13
to H21 of this Permit shall
be maintained. A copy each of these
Drainage Plans in A1 size shall be deposited in the EIAO Register Office.
2.5 Silt traps
and sedimentation tanks shall be regularly maintained to remove suspended solid
from run-off.
1. This
Permit consists of three parts, namely, Part A
(Main Permit), Part B (Description of Designated
Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions). Any person relying on this permit should
obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO, and
the following notes are for general information only.
2. The
Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a
variation of the conditions of this Permit. The Permit Holder shall replace the
original permit by the amended permit.
3. A
person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated
project may, before he assumes responsibility of the designated project, apply
under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental
4. Under
Section 14 of the EIAO, the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for
the Environment, suspend, vary or cancel this Permit.
5. If
this Permit is cancelled or surrendered during the operation, an environmental
permit must be obtained under the EIAO before the operation of the Project
could be continued. It is an
offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to operate a designated project without
a valid environmental permit.
6. Any
person who operates the Project contrary to the conditions in the Permit, and
is convicted of an offence under the EIAO, is liable:
on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2
million and to imprisonment
for 6 months;
on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to
a fine of $5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years;
on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and
to imprisonment for 6 months;
on a second or subsequent summary conviction to a fine
of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year; and
in any case where the offence is of a continuing
nature, the court or magistrate may impose a fine of $10,000 for each day on
which he is satisfied the offence continued.
7. The
Permit Holder may appeal against any conditions of this Permit under Section 17
of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Permit.
Environmental Permit No. FEP-04/057/2000/A
| Figure
1 | Figure
2 | Figure 3 | Figure H1 | Figure H2 | Figure H3 | Figure H4 | Figure H5 | Figure H6 | Figure H7 | Figure H8 | Figure H9 | Figure H10 | Figure H11 | Figure H12 | Figure H13 | Figure H14 | Figure H15 | Figure H16 | Figure H17 | Figure
H18 | Figure H19 |Figure H20 | Figure H21 |
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Table 1 – Schedule of Noise Mitigation Measures
表1 – 噪音緩解措施一覽表
Mitigation Measures [ Note (a) ] 緩解措施 [ 註(a) ]
Location [ Note (b) ] 位置 [ 註(b) ] |
低噪音路面物料 |
On all sections of new or
altered roads 新建或改建道路的所有路段 |
Type 4 of approx. 235m
long (cantilever barrier) 第4類,約長235米 (懸臂式隔音屏障) |
Section a-b : Along the northern edge of the eastern bound
carriageway of the T7 in front of the R(B) site a至b段:沿R(B)地點前面的T7幹線路東行行車道北面邊緣 |
Type 4 of approx. 110m
long (cantilever barrier) 第4類,約長110米 (懸臂式隔音屏障) |
Section c-d : Slip Road
J21/A in front of Heng On Estate c至d段:恒安邨前面的支路J21/A |
Types 5, 6 & 6A
approx. 610m long (semi-enclosure) 第5、6及6A類,約長610米 (半密封式隔音罩) |
Section b-g : Along the
northern edge of the eastern bound carriageway of the T7 adjacent to Heng On
Estate b至g段:沿毗鄰恒安邨的T7幹線東行行車道北面邊緣 |
Type 3 of approx. 340m
long (plain barrier) 第3類,約長340米 (無裝飾屏障) |
Section g-h : Starting
from the semi-enclosure adjacent to Heng On Estate towards g至h段:由毗鄰恆安邨的半密封式隔音罩開始向錦英苑伸延 |
Type 5 of approx. 310m
long (semi-enclosure) 第5類,約長310米 (半密封式隔音罩) |
Section h-i : Along the
northern edge of the eastern bound carriageway of the T7 in front of h至i段:沿錦英苑前面的T7幹線東行行車道北面邊緣 |
Types 6 & 6A of
approx. 253m long (semi-enclosure) 第6及6A類,約長253米 (半密封式隔音罩) |
Section i-j : Starting
from the semi-enclosure in front of i至j段:由錦英苑前面的半密封式隔音罩開始,一直沿T7幹線東行行車道的北面邊緣 |
Types 5, 5A, 6, 7 & 7A
of approx. 880m long (semi-enclosure) 第5、5A、6、7及7A類,約長880米 (半密封式隔音罩) |
Section j-o : Along the northern edge of the eastern bound carriageway of the T7 in front of Saddle Ridge Garden, Lee On Estate, Monte Vista and part of Slip Road J22/A j至o段:沿富寶花園、利安邨和綠怡居前面的T7幹線東行行車道北面邊緣,以及支路J22/A的部分 |
Type 4B of approx. 107m
long (cantilever barrier) 第4B類,約長107米 (懸臂式隔音屏障) |
Section o-pp : Slip Road J22/A adjacent to the residential
development above the Railway Depot at Lee On o至pp段:毗鄰利安鐵路車廠上蓋住宅發展項目的支路J22/A |
Type 5C of approx. 45m
long (semi-enclosure) 第5C 類,約長45米 (半密封式隔音罩) |
Section pp-qq : Slip Road J22/A adjacent to the residential
development above the Railway Depot at Lee On pp至qq段:毗鄰利安鐵路車廠上蓋住宅發展項目的支路J22/A |
Types 5 & 6A of
approx. 305m long (semi-enclosure) 第5及6A類,約長305米 (半密封式隔音罩) |
Section n-s : Along the eastern bound carriageway of the T7 adjacent
to the T7 interchange n至s段:沿毗鄰T7幹線交匯處的T7幹線東行行車道 |
Type 2 of approx. 90m long (plain barrier) 第2類,約長90米 (無裝飾屏障) |
Section u-t : At the eastern underpass portal along the outside of
the southern bound carriageway splitting from u至t段:沿從西沙路分岔出來的南行行車道外面的東面行車隧道出入口 |
Type 1A of approx. 360m
long (absorptive plain barrier) 第1A類,約長360米 (無裝飾吸音屏障) |
Section z-aa : Along the southern end of the western bound
carriageway of T7 in front of z至aa段:沿樟木頭村前面的T7幹線西行行車道南端 |
Type 3A of approx. 175m
long (absorptive plain barrier) 第3A類,約長175米 (無裝飾吸音屏障) |
Section x-y : Slip Road J22/B adjacent to Block 1 and 2 of Villa
Concerto, x至y段:毗鄰帝琴灣凱弦居第1及2座的支路J22/B |
Type 3A of approx. 155m
long (absorptive plain barrier) 第3A類,約長155米 (無裝飾吸音屏障) |
Section v-w : On the altered v至w段:通往支路J22/B的已改建西沙路 |
Note: (a) See Figure 2 for various types of noise mitigation measures quoted.
(b) See Figure 3 for sections of noise mitigation measures quoted.
Permit No. FEP-04/057/2000/A