Environmental Permit No. FEP-01/104/2001/D

環境許可證編號  FEP-01/104/2001/D




Sections 10 and 12



10 12








A (許可證主要部分)


Pursuant to Section 10 and 12 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) grants this further environmental permit (hereinafter referred to as this “Permit”) to the Highways Department (hereinafter referred to as the "Permit Holder") to operate the designated project described in Part B of this Permit subject to the conditions specified in Part C of this Permit.  The issue of this Permit is based on the documents, approvals or permissions described below:


根據《環境影響評估條例》(環評條例)1012條的規定,環境保護署長(署長)於本新的環境許可證(下稱"本許可證")批予(下稱"許可證持有人")以營辦本許可證B所說明的指定工程項目,但須遵守本許可證C所列明的條件。本許可證是依據下列文件、批准或許可條件而簽發 :




Application No.




Document in the Register :

登記冊上的文件 :

(1)      Route 16 Investigation Assignment


-       Environmental Impact Assessment Final Assessment Report (January 1998) (Register No. EIA-135/BC) [Hereinafter referred to as the “1998 EIA Report”]

《環境影響評估最終評估報告》 (19981) (登記編號: EIA-135/BC) [下稱「1998年環評報告」]

-       Environmental Monitoring & Audit Manual (January 1998) [Hereinafter referred to as the “1998 EM&A Manual”]

《環境監察及審核手冊》(19981) [下稱「1998年環監手冊]






(2)      Route 16 Investigation Assignment


-     Alternative Alignment Environmental Impact Assessment Final Assessment Report (August 1999) (Register No. AEIAR-022/1999) [Hereinafter referred to as the “1999 EIA Report”]

《替代路線 — 環境影響評估最終評估報告》(19998) (登記編號 AEIAR-022/1999) [下稱「1999年環評報告」]

-     Environmental Monitoring & Audit Manual (August 1999) [Hereinafter referred to as the “1999 EM&A Manual”]

《環境監察及審核手冊》(19998) [下稱「1999年環監手冊]

The Director’s letter of approval of the 1999 EIA Report dated 5 November 1999 ref (25) in Ax(1) to EP2/N1/A/24 Pt.3

署長於1999115 日發出批准1999年環評報告的信件(檔號(25) in Ax(1) to EP2/N1/A/24 Pt.3)


(3)      Environmental permit application documents for the Main Portion, including all attachments, submitted by Highways Department on 20 August 2001 (Application No. AEP-103/2001)

路政署於 2001820日就主要路段提交的環境許可證申請文件,包括所有附件 (申請書編號AEP-103/2001)


(4)      Environmental Permit issued on 17 September 2001 for the Main Portion (Permit No. EP-103/2001)

2001917就主要路段發出的環境許可證 (環境許可證編號EP-103/2001)


(5)      Environmental permit application documents for the Entrusted Portion, including all attachments, submitted on 6 September 2001 (Application No. AEP-104/2001)

200196就委託路段提交的環境許可證申請文件,包括所有附件 (申請書編號AEP-104/2001)


(6)      Environmental Permit issued – Permit No.: EP-104/2001 issued on 4 October 2001.

已簽發的環境許可證 許可證編號:EP-104/20012001104簽發。




(7)      Application for Variation of an Environmental Permit (Application No. VEP-124/2003) submitted on 6 December 2003.

2003126提交的更改環境許可證申請文件 (申請書編號VEP-124/2003)


(8)      Environmental Permit issued – Permit No.: EP-104/2001/A issued on 29 December 2003

已簽發的環境許可證 — 許可證編號:EP-104/2001/A20031229簽發。


(9)      Application for Variation of an Environmental Permit (Application No. VEP-163/2005) submitted on 24 January 2005

2005124提交的更改環境許可證申請文件 (申請書編號VEP-163/2005)


(10)  Environmental Permit issued – Permit No.: EP-104/2001/B issued on 16 February 2005

已簽發的環境許可證 — 許可證編號:EP-104/2001/B2005216簽發。


(11)  Application for Variation of an Environmental Permit (Application No. VEP-238/2007) submitted on 11 September 2007

2007911提交的更改環境許可證申請文件 (申請書編號: VEP-238/2007)


(12)  Environmental Permit issued – Permit No.: EP-104/2001/C issued on 8 October 2007

已簽發的環境許可證 — 許可證編號:EP-104/2001/C2007108簽發。




(13)  Application for Variation of an Environmental Permit (Application No. VEP-249/2008) submitted on 21 January 2008

2008121提交的更改環境許可證申請文件 (申請書編號VEP-249/2008)


(14)  Environmental Permit issued – Permit No.: EP-104/2001/D issued on 13 February 2008

已簽發的環境許可證 — 許可證編號:EP-104/2001/D2008213簽發。


(15)  Application for Further Environmental Permit including all attachments submitted on 16 October 2014 (Application No. : FEP-157/2014)

20141016提交的新的環境許可證申請文件包括所有附件 (申請書編號: FEP-157/2014)











 27 October 2014







(Maurice K.L. Yeung)

Principal Environmental Protection Officer

For Director of Environmental Protection


(首席環境保護主任 楊國良 代行)



B (指定工程項目的說明)


Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this Permit :



Title of Designated Project



Route 8 between Cheung Sha Wan and Sha Tin – Entrusted Portion [This designated project is hereinafter referred to as “the Project”]. (Route 8 between Cheung Sha Wan and Sha Tin was previously known as Route 9 / Route 16 from West Kowloon to Sha Tin) 

八號幹線長沙灣至沙田段 委託路段 [本指定工程項目下稱「工程項目」](八號幹線長沙灣至沙田段前稱九號幹線/16號幹線西九龍至沙田)


Nature of Designated Project



A section of a dual 3-lane trunk road.



Location of Designated Project


Sha Tin, New Territories.  The location of the Project is shown in Figure 1 of this Permit.



Scale and Scope of Designated Project(s)


Operation of :



(a)      The Toll Plaza, the Sha Tin Heights Tunnel, the Sha Tin Approach Roads and the Slip Road connecting to Che Kung Miu Road;



(b)        Maintenance of noise mitigation measures as shown in Figures 2, 2.1 to 2.5 and Annex A;

載於本許可證22.12.5 及附件A噪音緩解措施的維修保養


(c)         Maintenance of landscaped areas as shown in the Landscape Maintenance Plans in Figures H1 and H2 of this Permit.



1.         General Conditions


1.1       The Permit Holder shall ensure full compliance with all conditions of this Permit. Any non-compliance may constitute a contravention of the EIAO and may become subject of appropriate action being taken under the Ordinance.



1.2       This Permit shall not remove the responsibility of the Permit Holder to comply with any legislation currently in force such as the Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400), Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311), Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358), Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap.466), Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354) and others.

本許可證並不免除許可證持有人須符合現行生效的法例的責任,例如:噪音管制條例(第400章);空氣污染管制條例(第311章);水污染管制條例(第358章);海上傾倒物料條例(466) ;廢物處置條例(第354章);及其他條例。


1.3       The Permit Holder shall make copies of this Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit available at all times for inspection by the Director at the Permit Holder’s office.



1.4      The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the operation of the Project and ensure that such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all requirements incorporated by the Permit.



1.5      The Permit Holder shall operate the Project described in Part B of this Permit.



1.6      The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is operated in accordance with relevant information and recommendations in 1998 EIA Report (Register No. EIA-135/BC) and the 1999 EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-022/1999).

許可證持有人須確保該工程項目按照1998年環評報告(登記冊編號:EIA-135/BC) 1999年環評報告(登記冊編號:AEIAR-022/1999)所述的有關資料及建議營辦。


1.7      All deposited submissions as required under this Permit shall be rectified in accordance with the comments, if any, made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Director’s comments or otherwise as specified by the Director.




1.8      All submissions approved by the Director, all submissions deposited without comments by the Director, or all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Permit shall be construed as part of the Permit conditions described in Part C of this Permit.  Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in relevant permit conditions unless otherwise allowed for in this Permit.



1.9      The Permit Holder shall release all finalized submissions, as required under this Permit, to the public, if requested by the Director, by depositing copies in the EIAO Register Office, or in any other places, or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection. For this purpose, the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions.




2.        Specific Conditions



2.1              The noise barriers/enclosures as shown in Figures 2, 2.1 to 2.5 and Annex A of this Permit shall be properly maintained to mitigation traffic noise during operation of the Project.



2.2              The Permit Holder shall maintain the landscaped areas in accordance with the Landscape Maintenance Plans in Figures H1 and H2 of this Permit.  Two copies of these Landscape Maintenance Plans in A1 size shall be deposited in the EIAO Register Office.  Any major changes to the landscape planting shall be determined by the qualified person referred to in Condition 2.3 below as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations in 1998 EIA Report (Register No. EIA-135/BC) and the 1999 EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-022/1999), in regards to comparable types and sizes of proposed plants for the landscape mitigation measures.

許可證持有人須按照本許可證H1H2的園景保養圖保養園景美化區,並須就這份園景保養圖在環評條例登記辦事處存放兩份A1尺寸的副本。園景種植如有任何重大更改,須由下文條件第2.3項所述的合資格人士確定為符合1998年環評報告(登記冊編號:EIA-135/BC) 1999年環評報告(登記冊編號:AEIAR-022/1999)所述的有關資料及建議,相當於景觀影響緩解措施所建議種植樹木的類別及大小。


2.3              The Permit Holder shall employ a qualified landscape architect, arborist, forester or horticulturist to maintain the above landscaped areas.




Notes :


1.        This Permit consists of three parts, namely, PART A (Main Permit), PART B (Description of Designated Project) and PART C (Permit Conditions).  Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the EIAO, and the following notes are for general information only.



2.        If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit, the Director or his authorized officer may, with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment, order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant environmental damage, and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the permission of the Director or his authorized officer.



3.         The Permit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the EIAO to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit.  The Permit Holder shall replace the original permit by the amended permit.



4.         A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project may, before he assumes responsibility of the designated project, apply under Section 12 of the EIAO to the Director for a further environmental permit.



5.        Under Section 14 of the EIAO, the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment, suspend, vary or cancel this Permit.



6.        If this Permit is cancelled or surrendered during operation of the Project, another environmental permit must be obtained under the EIAO before the Project could be continued.  It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the EIAO to operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the EIAO without a valid environmental permit.



7.        Any person who operates the Project contrary to the conditions in the Permit, and is convicted of an offence under the EIAO, is liable: -



(i)                 on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $ 2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months;



(ii)       on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $ 5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years;



(iii)       on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months;



(iv)      on a second or subsequent summary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year; and



(v)       in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature, the court or magistrate may impose a fine of $ 10,000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued.



8.    The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under Section 17 of the EIAO within 30 days of receipt of this Permit.



9.         The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIAO for details and seek independent legal advice.




Environmental Permit No.  FEP-01/104/2001/D



 1 |  2  2.1  2.2 |  2.3  2.4 |  2.5  H1  H2 |

 ] / [ ]


Annex A (extracted from Environmental Permit No. EP-104/2001/D, and as referred to in Condition 2.1of this Permit)

附件A       (摘自環境許可證編號EP-104/2001/D,並如本許可證條件第2.1項所述)



Sound absorptive panels are used at the lower portion of the noise barrier (i.e. up to 2m above carriageway level) and transparent panels are used at the upper portion of the barriers, except the 3m high noise barrier outside Tin Sam Village as shown in Figure 2.  For this 3m high noise barrier transparent panels are used for full height of the noise barrier.  A summary of the mitigation measures are given below, where “left side” and “right side” are taken to mean the respective sides for a person driving along the designated direction of the carriageway:

隔音屏障的下部分具有吸音功能 (即行車道以上2),以及在隔音屏障的上部分採用透明板,2所示田心村範圍3高的隔音屏障則除外。關於3高的隔音屏障,整幅屏障會採用透明板。緩解措施的摘要載述如下,「左邊」及「右邊」是指駕駛人士朝行車道的指定方向駕駛時的兩邊:



For main road



· A full enclosure of up to approx. 375m long, located along the main road of Route 8 facing the Ma On Shan Line depot development, to join at the north with the underpass for the Trunk Road T3 as one continuous enclosure;



· At the south portal of the full enclosure, a 5.5m minimum high with 4m cantilever barrier, i.e. NB2 (as shown in Figure 2) along the left side of the northbound carriageway and a 5.4m minimum high with 4m cantilever barrier, i.e. NB3 (as shown in Figure 2) along the right side of southbound carriageway.  The height is increased near the full enclosure to keep the variable speed limit sign mounted on the external wall of the Reinforced Concrete (RC) Full Enclosure visible by the northbound vehicles during both the normal and bi-directional traffic flow.  To enable effective discharge of smoke in case of fire accidents within the RC Full Enclosure, the last bay of barriers NB2 and NB3 (the width of each is about 3m) abutting the enclosure is of vertical type with details as shown in Figure 2.3;

在密封式隔音罩的南面入口,沿北行行車道左邊裝設最少5.5高、4水平闊度的懸臂式隔音屏障,即NB2 (2所示,並沿南行行車道右邊裝設最少5.4高、4水平闊度的懸臂式隔音屏障,即NB3 (如圖2所示。調高靠近密封式隔音罩的隔音屏障高度,以便北行車輛在正常和雙向行車時,均可看見在鋼筋混凝土密封式隔音罩外牆架設的可變車速限制標誌。為確保鋼筋混凝土密封式隔音罩內一旦發生火警事故,濃煙能有效排出,鄰接的隔音屏障NB2NB3的尾格(各闊約3)須作垂直設計,詳情見圖2.3


· Low Noise Road Surfacing (LNRS) on the Route 8 main alignment.




For slip roads


· A minor full enclosure of approx. 83 meters long, located near the middle of the north and south-bound slip roads leading from the Route 8 main alignment to Che Kung Miu Road.



Northbound slip road


Left side


· A 5.5m minimum high with 4m cantilever barrier of approx. 380m long, i.e. NB1 (as shown in Figure 2) running from the left side of the northbound carriageway of the main road, to join the west end of the minor enclosure on the slip road; a 5m high vertical barrier originated from the east end of the minor enclosure, running for approx. 120m to join a 5.5m minimum high with 4m cantilever barrier of approx. 240m long, i.e. NB5A (as shown in Figure 2).  The height of the noise barrier near the North Portal Building is increased to 7.5m high with 4m cantilever barrier follow by 92m transition to keep the lane control signal mounted on the facade of the North Portal Building visible by the southbound vehicles during bi-directional traffic flow and to prevent the obstruction by the cantilever portion of the noise barrier during the operation of the CCTV mounted on a nearby sign gantry.

380長、最少5.5高、4水平闊度的懸臂式隔音屏障,即NB1 (2所示,由主要道路北行行車道的左邊起裝設,連接支路小型隔音罩的西端;5高的直立式隔音屏障,從小型隔音罩的東端起裝設,延伸約120,連接約240長、最少5.5高、4水平闊度的懸臂式隔音屏障,即NB5A (2所示。靠近北面入口大樓的懸臂式隔音屏障増至7.5高、4水平闊,連接92長的緩衝區,以便雙向行車時,南行車輛可看見架設在北面入口大樓外牆的行車線管制燈號,避免隔音屏障的懸臂式部分遮擋架設在鄰近架空標誌的閉路電視。



Northbound slip road


Right side


· An approx. 100m long 3m high vertical barrier, i.e. NB11 (as shown in Figure 2) joining the west end of the minor enclosure, followed by a 3m high vertical barrier of approx. 200m long, i.e. NB7 (as shown in Figure 2) running from the east end of the minor enclosure towards Che Kung Miu Road; a separated 3m high vertical barrier of approx. 160m long, i.e. NB8 (as shown in Figure 2) is also to be provided on the split section of the slip road at this end of the Che Kung Miu Road; it is then followed by an approx. 160m long 1.5m high crash barrier.

100長、3高的直立式隔音屏障,即NB11 (2所示) ,連接小型隔音罩的西端;接着為約200長、3高的直立式隔音屏障,即NB7 (2所示) ,由小型隔音罩的東端延伸至車公廟路;約160長、3高的獨立直立式隔音屏障,即NB8 (2所示) ,亦會設於車公廟路這一端支路的交叉路段,再連接約160長、1.5高的防撞欄


Southbound slip road


Left side


· From Che Kung Miu Road, a 3m high vertical barrier of approx. 160m, i.e. NB6 (as shown in Figure 2) followed by a 5m high vertical barrier of approx. 265m long running, i.e. NB10 (as shown in Figure 2) along the left side until the minor enclosure is reached; followed by a 5.5m minimum high with 4m cantilever barrier of approx. 350m, i.e. NB4 (as shown in Figure 2) from the west end of the minor enclosure towards the Route 8 main alignment.  The heights of the noise barriers are increased (about 400mm) locally due to the change of the road profile and the proposed fixing arrangement for panels’ installation at the cantilever portion of the noise barrier posts.

車公廟路起裝設約160長、3高的直立式隔音屏障,即NB6 (2所示,接為約265長、5高的直立式隔音屏障,即NB10 (2所示,沿左邊延伸至小型隔音罩為止;接為約350長、最少5.5高、4水平闊度的懸臂式隔音屏障,即NB4 (2所示,由小型隔音罩的西端延伸至號幹線主要路線。由於道路地形的改變,以及因應提議在隔音屏障支柱的懸臂部分安裝隔音板,此部分的隔音屏障的高度增加約400毫米



Southbound slip road


Right side


· From the west end of the minor enclosure, a 5m high vertical barrier of approx. 170m long, i.e. NB5 (as shown in Figure 2) running towards the Route 8 main alignment.  From the Che Kung Miu Road end of the slip road, an approx. 135m long 5.5m minimum high with 2m cantilever barrier, i.e. NB9 (as shown in Figure 2) is to be provided for the left lane of the split section of the slip road.

由小型隔音罩的西端起裝設170長、5高的直立式隔音屏障,即NB5 (2所示,延伸至號幹線的主要路線。由車公廟路終止的一條支路起,於分叉路段的左線裝設約135長、最少5.5高、2水平闊度的懸臂式隔音屏障,即NB9 (2所示