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of Impact on Sites of Cultural Heritage in Environmental Impact Assessment
- Mitigation for a designated project,
as defined in Schedule 1 of the Ordinance, "a) means the elimination,
reduction or control of the adverse environmental impact of the project;
b) includes restitution by replacement, restoration, compensation or
other means for damage to the environment caused by the impact".
- Proposals for mitigation shall give priority
to avoidance of impact. The assessment methods shall be capable of :
- identifying and evaluating mitigation
measures in order to avoid, reduce or remedy the impact;
- assessing the effectiveness of mitigation
measures; and
- defining the residual environmental
impact, which is the net impact remaining with mitigation measures
in place.
- Examples of mitigation measures for partial
preservation may include conservation of the main deposits of archaeological
sites by turning them into passive amenities areas; preserving the main
and significant part or parts of a historical building and integrating
them into the new development; and others.
- Proposals for mitigation measures should
be accompanied with an implementation programme together with all detailed
treatment, elevations and landscape in scaled plans and drawings. A
rescue plan, when required, may involve preservation of an archaeological
site "by record", i.e. through excavation to extract the maximum
data; full historical, cartographical, photographic and photogrammetric
records of a historical building; re-erection of a stone tablet in a
suitable amenities plot; etc.
- The programme for conducting and undertaking
the agreed mitigation measures should be able to be implemented. The
programme should be clearly stated in the EIA report, as required under
Annex 20 of the TM. In particular, paragraph 6.7 of Annex 20 requires
the EIA report to define and list out clearly the proposed mitigation
measures to be implemented; by whom, when, where, to what requirements
these measures are to be implemented; and the various implementation
responsibilities. A comprehensive plan and programme for the protection
and conservation of a partially preserved site of cultural heritage,
if any, during construction stage of the proposed project must be detailed.
Failure to provide such information may result in the EIA report being
- Competent professionals in the relevant
fields of discipline are required for both design and implementation
of the mitigation measures. Professionals with appropriate expertise,
experience and qualifications in cultural heritage should be engaged
in designing and implementing the mitigation measures. The Director
may also stipulate in the environmental permit monitoring and audit
programmes as recommended in the EIA report to monitor the residual
impact on the sites of cultural heritage and the effectiveness of the
mitigation measures.
- Members of the public can have access
to information on the cultural heritage at the AMO in Tsim Sha Tsui.
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