Section 15 of the Ordinance requires the Director to set up and maintain a register containing project profiles, EIA study briefs, EIA reports, environmental permits and other key decisions made by the Director. The register, which is open for inspection by the public during normal office hours, ensures transparency of the statutory EIA process.
Except for EIA reports and other bulky documents, the public can access documents and information relating to the statutory EIA process through the EIA Ordinance website (
In addition to the EIA Ordinance Register Office, the project profiles and EIA reports would also be inspected at the Wan Chai Environmental Resource Centre at 221, Queen's Road East Wanchai, and Fanling Environmental Resource Centre, 2nd floor, Government Accommodations, Grand Regentville, 9, Wo Mun Street, Luen Wo Hui, Fanling, New Territories.
following guidance notes can be obtained from the EIA Ordinance
Register Office or the above website (
Guidance Note on Advertisement and Public Inspection of
Documents; and
Advice Note on EIA Sub-committee of the Advisory Council
on the Environment.