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Popular Links

Alphabetical Search for Application History of Designated Projects
Cyber Help Bench for EIA
Active Designated Projects

Application Documents in the Register

Application for EIA study brief
EIA study brief issued under EIA Ordinance
List of EIA study brief issued prior to implementation of EIA Ordinance
Application for permission to apply directly for environmental permit
Decision on application for permission to apply directly for environmental permit
Application for approval of EIA report
EIA report exhibited for public inspection
EIA report approved under EIA Ordinance
List of EIA report approved prior to implementation of EIA Ordinance
Application for environmental permit
Application for variation of environmental permit
Application for further environmental permit
Surrender of environmental permit

Advertisement Notices

Notices on the Availability of Project Profiles for the Application for EIA Study Briefs and the Arrangement for Public Inspection.
Notices on the Availability of Project Profiles for the Application for Permission to Apply Directly for Environmental Permit and the Arrangement for Public Inspection
Notices on the Availability of EIA Reports and the Arrangement for Public Inspection

What's New

General Notices
Application Statistics (to be updated monthly)
List of Major Statutory EIA Studies (to be updated quarterly)
Documents Uploaded (to be updated monthly) (English version only)

Other Information

Legislative Framework
Application fees
Opening Hours of EIA Ordinance Register Office
EIA Process
Guidance Notes

Useful Links to Other Websites

Link to EPD Website
Link to 3D EIA
Link to Electronic Transaction System
Link to Strategic Environmental Assessment
Links to Project Website
Get Notification of Project Profiles & EIA Reports
Link to GovHK

Last Revision Date: 19 September 2011