7.                  FUTURE KEY ISSUES


Construction Programme for the Coming Months


7.1               The construction programme for the Project is shown in Appendix K.


Key Issues for Coming Month


7.2               Key issues to be considered in the coming month include:

·         Dust generated from land-based activities;

·         Wastewater/runoff generated on site;

·         Tree felling and transplantation;

·         Management of chemicals and avoidance of oil spillage; and

·         Noise from construction activity, such as breaking, excavation and PME operation.


7.3               The following mitigation measures are required:


Air Quality Impact

·         To enclose and continuously spray water onto potential dusty operation, such as soil nail installation, breaking, and handling of dusty material.

·         To water or cover the exposed surface/slopes, stockpiles properly with impervious sheeting.

·         To water dry haul roads and unpaved works area sufficiently.

·         To conduct vehicle washing at every site egress.

·         To provide proper maintenance for machinery and vehicles on site to avoid dark emission.

·         To investigate any other dust sources around the air sensitive receivers.

·         To follow up any exceedance caused by the construction works.


Construction Noise Impact

·         To schedule noisy construction operation close to the NSR, such as backfilling and road paving at Slope 13, BPRW37, E05W, E03W and Slope 15.

·         To follow up any exceedance caused by the construction works.

·         To switch off equipment if not in use.

·         To space out noisy equipment and move as far away as possible from the sensitive receivers.

·         To deploy silent equipment.

·         To erect noise barrier to alleviate noise impact.


Water Quality Impact

·         To carry out water quality testing in compliance with the Effluent Discharge Licence.

·         To provide sufficient treatment for the wastewater/runoff and groundwater prior to discharge.

·         To properly maintain the drainage systems on site.


Chemical and Waste Management

·         To remove waste from the site regularly such that accumulation of waste materials or rubbish on site could be avoided.

·         To avoid any improper storage and handling of chemical waste on site.

·         To provide a sheltered and properly labelled chemical storage area; surround the area completely by concrete bunding; seal the gaps around the base of the storage area and properly lock the storage area.

·         To provide drip trays with sufficient capacity for all diesel drums or chemical containers, if any, outside locked storage area.

·         To consider reuse, recycle or return of Construction/ Demolition (C&D) material.

·         To identify C&D material by packaging, labelling, storage, transportation and disposal in accordance with statutory regulations.


Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Months


7.4               The tentative schedule for environmental monitoring from October to December 2006 is shown in Appendix L.