Appendix B - Implementation Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures

Environmental Mitigation Measures


Implementation Status

Construction Noise Impact



Site Formation

Silenced powered mechanical equipment (PME) for most equipment (including drill rig, backhoe, dump truck, breaker and crane) and the decrease of percentage on time usage of drill rig among the Central Area from 50% to 40% is proposed.

All construction sites


Temporary movable noise barrier shall be used to shield the noise emanating from the drilling rig in order to provide adequate shielding for the affected NSRs.

All construction sites


Construction Air Quality Impact

General Site Practice












Mean vehicle speed of haulage trucks at 10km/hr.

All construction sites


Twice daily watering of all open site areas.

All construction sites


Regular watering (once every 1 hour) of all site roads and access roads with frequent truck movement.

All construction sites


During road transportation of excavated spoil, vehicles should be covered to avoid dust impact. Wheel washing facilities should be installed at all site exits together with regular watering of the site access roads.

All construction sites


Tarpaulin covering of all dusty vehicle loads transported to, from and between site locations.

All construction sites


Establishment and use of vehicle wheel and body washing facilities at the exit points of the site, combined with cleaning of public roads were necessary.

Site exits


General Site Practice


Suitable side and tailboards on haulage vehicles.

All construction sites


Watering of temporary stockpiles.

All construction sites



Use of select aggregate and fines to stem the charge with drill holes and watering of blast face.

All construction sites


Use of vacuum extraction drilling methods.

All construction sites


Carefully sequenced blasting.

All construction sites



Fabric filters installed for the crushing plant.

All construction sites


Water sprays on the crusher.

All construction sites


Loading and Unloading Points, and conveyor Belt System

Water sprays at all fixed loading and unloading points (at the crusher and conveyor belts).

All construction sites


The loading point at the crusher is enclosed with dust collection system installed.

All construction sites


When transferring materials from conveyor belt or crusher to the dump trucks, chutes or dust curtains are used for controlling dust.

All construction sites


Cover the conveyor belts with steel roof and canvas sides.

All construction sites


Construction Water Quality Impact

Construction Phase

All active working areas should be bounded to retain storm water with sufficient retention time to ensure that suspended solids are not discharged from the site in concentrations above those specified in the TM for the Victoria Harbour (Phase I) WCZ. All fuel storage areas should be bounded with drainage directed to an oil interceptor.


Site drainage system


Construction Phase

Separate treatment facilities may be required for effluent from site offices, toilets (unless chemical toilets are used) and canteens.

Site drainage system


Discharged wastewater from the construction sites to surface water and/or public drainage systems should be controlled through licensing. Discharge should follow fully the terms and conditions in the licenses.

All works area


Relevant practice for dealing with various type of construction discharges provided in EPD’s ProPECC Note PN 1/94 should be adopted.

All works area


Waste Management

Waste Disposal

Difference types of wastes should be segregated, stored, transported and disposed of separately in accordance with the relevant legislative requirements and guidelines as proper practice of waste management.

All construction sites


Sorting of wastes should be done on-site. Different types of wastes should be segregated and stored in different stockpiles, containers or skips to enhance recycling of materials and proper disposal of spoil.

All construction sites


Excavated spoil should be used as much as possible to minimize off-side fill material requirements and disposal of spoil.

All construction sites


Chemical waste should be recycled on-site or removed by licenced companies. It should be handled according to the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical wastes. When off-site disposal is required, it should be collected and delivered by licenced contractors to Tsing Yi Chemical Waste Treatment Facility and disposed of in accordance with the Chemical Waste (General) Regulation.

All construction sites


Necessary mitigation measures should be adopted to prevent the uncontrolled disposal of chemical and hazardous waste into air, soil, surface waters and ground waters.

All construction sites


Waste Storage

Chemical material storage areas should be bounded, constructed of impervious materials, and have the capacity to contain 120 percent of the total volume of the containers. Indoor storage areas must have sufficient ventilation to prevent the build-up of fumes, and must be capable of evacuating the space in the event of an accidental release. Outdoor storage areas must be covered with a canopy or contain provisions for the safe removal of rainwater. In both cases, storage areas must not be connected to the foul or stormwater sewer system.

All construction sites


Dangerous materials as defined under the DGO, including fuel, oil and lubricants, should be stored and properly labelled on site in accordance with the requirements in the DGO. If transportation of hazardous materials is necessary, hazardous materials, chemical wastes and fuel should be packed or stored in containers or vessels of suitable design and construction to prevent leakage, spillage or escape.

All construction sites


Human waste should be discharged into septic tanks provided by the contractors and removed regularly by a hygiene services company. Refuse containers such as open skips should be provided at every work site for use by the workforce. On-site refuse collection points must also be provided.

All construction sites


Landscape and Visual

Additional Measures




Planting and vegetation restoration (including transplanted trees) on soil slopes including restoration of grassland, scrub and woodland on slopes around the development platforms and access road. Restoration would be undertaken using predominantly native species.

Whole development


Additional Measures


Screen planting along the access roads, to limit impacts of elevated structures and rock slopes.

Whole development


Colouring of shotcrete slopes.

Whole development


Limited planting on shotcrete slopes.

Whole development


Landscape buffers and planting in and around the development itself to screen partially close views of the site.

Whole development


Screen planting in front of retaining walls / granite cladding to those walls to reduce glare and visual impacts.

Whole development


Careful design of road elevated structure and abutments, to limit visual impacts.

Whole development


Roadside landscape features / hardworks to limit visual impacts.

Whole development


Conservation of CDG or CDV recovered from the site for re-use in the landscape restoration.

Whole development


Preservation (by transplanting if necessary) of any trees identified as being of particular landscape value.

Whole development




Woodland planting on soft cut slopes available (about 13.4ha) within the development site. Native species, preferably with documented ecological utility, should be used.

Soft cut slopes


Seeds of the native species when possible should be added into the hydroseeding mix. Seedings should be pit planted with placement of slow release fertilizer.

Soft cut slopes


Maintenance and service, including weeding, fertilizing, replacement of dead plants, etc. should be performed during the first 1 years of planting to enhance the survival rate of the plants.

Soft cut slopes


Contaminated Land


In accordance with the approved Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) and Remediation Action Plan (RAP) in Nov 2006, it is recommended that cement solidification / stabilization prior to on-site backfill for heavy metal contaminated soil and excavation followed by disposal at designated landfill for organic contaminated soil. Upon the completion of the proposed remediation exercise as outlined in CAR & RAP, a Remediation Report will be complied for submission to EPD to demonstrate that the proposed soil remediation has been carried out properly and satisfactorily. Results from the confirmation tests will also be included in the Remediation Report. Photos showing the area of excavation, the solidification process, and remediated soil and site shall also be included in the report for reference.

Locations specified in CAR


(Works In Progress)

Landfill Gas Hazard


Further site investigation should be carried out during the detailed design stage in order to measure landfill gas around the perimeter of the site, to re-confirm that there is no preferential pathway for landfill gas migration and to assess the potential for landfill gas hazards on the future development. If a landfill gas hazard is identified, mitigation measures should be proposed and implemented to address the hazard.

The whole development site


Legend:    V = implemented;     

x = not implemented;

@ = partially implemented;

N/A = not applicable