Maeda Corporation |
Expansion of Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works |
EM&A Report No. 27 for February 2008 March 2008 Report no: 01284R0721 |
47th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queens Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2911 2233
Fax: +852 2805 5028
Expansion of Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works |
Monthly EM&A Report No. 27 for February 2008 |
Author: |
Amy Bowker |
Checker: |
Alexi Bhanja |
Approver: |
Guiyi Li |
Report no: |
EA01284 R0721 |
Date: |
March 2008 |
Certified by Environmental Team Leader Alexi
Bhanja |
1 Executive Summary............................................................................................................ 1
2 Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Basic Information............................................................................................................. 2
2.2 Management Structure and Project Organisation............................................................. 2
2.3 Construction Programme................................................................................................. 2
2.4 Works Undertaken during the Reporting Month............................................................... 2
2.5 Status of Environmental Permit/ Licence........................................................................... 3
3 Environmental
Status........................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Works Undertaken during the Month with
Illustrations...................................................... 3
3.2 Project Area, Environmental Sensitive
Receivers and Monitoring Locations.................... 3
4 Brief Summary
of EM&A Requirements...................................................................... 3
4.1 Monitoring Parameters.................................................................................................... 3
4.2 Action and Limit Levels.................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Event and Action Plans.................................................................................................... 4
4.4 Environmental Mitigation Measures and
Requirements.................................................... 6
5 Implementation
Status of Environmental Protection and Pollution Control/ Mitigation Measures 6
6 Monitoring
Results............................................................................................................. 6
6.1 Monitoring Methodology.................................................................................................. 6
6.2 Name of Laboratory, Types of Equipment Used
and Calibration Details.......................... 7
6.3 Parameters Monitored..................................................................................................... 8
6.4 Monitoring Locations........................................................................................................ 8
6.5 Monitoring Date, Time, Frequency and
Duration, Weather Condition and Other Factors. 8
6.6 Results and Graphical Plots of Monitoring
Parameters..................................................... 9
6.7 Factors Which Might Affect the Monitoring Results.......................................................... 11
6.8 QA/QC Results and Detection Limit................................................................................ 11
7 Non-compliance,
Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions 11
7.1 Non-compliance of Action and Limit Levels.................................................................... 11
7.2 Complaints Received..................................................................................................... 11
7.3 Notifications of Summons and Successful
Prosecutions.................................................. 11
7.4 Review of the Reasons and Implications of
Non-compliance, Complaints, Summons and Prosecutions 12
7.5 Site Inspection............................................................................................................... 12
8 Waste
Management Status............................................................................................. 13
9 Future Key
Issues............................................................................................................. 13
Recommendations and Conclusions................................................ 13
List of Tables
Table 2-1 Key
Personnel Contact Names and Telephone Number for the Project 2
Table 2-2 Status
of Permit/Licence for the Project 3
Table 4-3 Event/ Action Plan for Air Quality Monitoring 5
Table 4-4 Event/ Action Plan for Noise Monitoring 6
Table 6-5 Monitoring
Equipment 8
Table 6-6 Air
Quality Monitoring Locations 8
Table 6-7 Noise
Monitoring Locations 8
Table 6-8 Sampling
Schedule of Air Quality Monitoring 9
Table 6-9 Sampling
Schedule of Noise Monitoring 9
Table 6-10 Air
Quality Monitoring Results 10
Table 6-11 Noise
Monitoring Results 11
Table 7-12 Summaries
of Site Inspections and Recommendations 12
List of Appendices
Appendix 1 Project
Appendix 2 Construction
Appendix 4 Project
Area, Environmental Sensitive Receiver and Monitoring Location
Appendix 5 Action and Limit Levels
Appendix 6 Environmental
Requirement and Implementation Status
Appendix 7 Calibration
Appendix 8 Monitoring Results and
Graphical Plots
Appendix 9 QA/QC
Results and Detection Limit
Appendix 10 Cumulative
Number of Complaint, Notification of Summon and Successful Prosecution
Appendix 11 Upcoming
EM&A Schedule
The expansion of Shek
Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works (SWHSTW) aims to increase the treatment capacity
of the existing SWHSTW to cope with the increasing wastewater flows and loads
as a result of the population growth in the catchment area of Fanling/Sheung
Shui and the committed extension of sewerage system to unsewered areas. It is considered as a project
constituting a material change to an exempted designated project under Schedule
2 of EIAO. Thus, the procedures under the EIAO have been followed and an
Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Programme has to be carried
out. The present report documents the outcomes of the EM&A Works
undertaken during February 2008.
Breaches of Action and Limit Levels
No non-compliance of action/limit
level was recorded at all monitoring stations for noise during the reporting
1-hr and 24-hr TSP
One 1-hr TSP and one 24-hr TSP levels
exceedances at CAM2a on 29 February 2008 were recorded. During the monitoring works on that day, no
dusty construction works of the expansion of SWHSTW were observed. However, it was
observed that soil handling works were being undertaken for the planter
construction at the pumping station nearby the monitoring station (CAM2a). Thus, it is considered that the exceedances
were not related to the construction works of the expansion of SWHSTW.
Complaints Log
During this reporting month, no environmental complaint was received.
Notifications of Any Summons and Successful Prosecutions
During the reporting month, no notification of summons or successful prosecution was recorded.
Reporting Changes
There was no reporting change during the reporting month.
Future Key Issues
The construction activities for the
coming three months will include excavation
and backfilling, temporary work including installation of waling and struts,
and extraction of sheet piles, pipe works, roofing and finishing work, Water Tightness Test,
installation of cat ladders, structural steelwork with FRP covers and
Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works (SWHSTW)
provides treatment to the wastewater generated from Fanling/Sheung Shui areas
before discharge it into Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site through River Indus
and Shenzhen River, thus helps protecting the water quality of River Indus,
Shenzhen River and Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site. The expansion of SWHSTW aims to expand the treatment capacity of
the existing SWHSTW to cope with the increasing wastewater flows and loads as a
result of the population growth in the catchment area of Fanling/Sheung Shui
and the committed extension of sewerage system to unsewered areas.
In accordance with Section 9(2)(g) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the SWHSTW is an exempted designated project as the existing SWHSTW has been in operation before the EIAO came into effect on 1 April 1998. However, since the proposed works involve physical expansion and alternation to the existing SWHSTW (hereafter called “the Project”) and may cause adverse environmental impacts if mitigation measures are not in place, it shall be considered as a project constituting a material change to an exempted designated project under Schedule 2 of EIAO. Hence the procedures under the EIAO have been followed. A Project Profile (PP) for direct application of the EP (Application No.DIR-121/2005) was approved by Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in May 2005 and an environmental permit (EP-218/2005) was obtained prior to the commencement of the expansion works.
Drainage Services Department (DSD) awarded the civil contract
of the expansion of SWHSTW to Maeda Corporation (Maeda) in September 2005. Maeda appointed Hyder Consulting Limited
(HCL) as the Contractor’s Environmental Team (ET) during
the construction period. CH2M HILL Hong
Kong Limited (formerly known as CH2M-IDC Hong Kong Limited) is the independent
environmental checker (IEC). The
construction contract commenced in September 2005 and the total construction
period is approximately 36
months. The notified commencement date
of work to the Director of EPD is 14 December 2005.
2.2 Management Structure and Project Organisation
The Engineer (DSD) is responsible for overseeing the construction works and ensuring that they are undertaken by the Contractor (Maeda) in accordance with the specifications and contractual requirements. The Contractor shall report to the Engineer. The ET is employed by the Contractor and is responsible for conducting the EM&A programme. The IEC shall advise the Engineer on the environmental issues related to the Project.
The key personnel contact names and telephone number are summarised in Table 2-1. The project organisation is shown in Appendix 1.
Party |
Position |
Name |
Telephone number |
Project Proponent - DSD |
Project Manager |
Raymond Lee |
2594 7457 |
Engineer’s Representative |
Freddie Tsang |
2594 7459 |
Contractor - Maeda |
Site Agent |
George Cheung |
9268 1918 |
ET - Hyder |
ET Leader |
Alexi Bhanja |
2911 2916 |
Y.T. Tang |
3105 8686 |
Table 2-1 Key Personnel Contact Names and Telephone Number for the Project
Construction programme of the Project is attached in Appendix 2.
2.4 Works Undertaken during the Reporting Month
Works undertaken during the reporting month included:
and backfilling;
of waling and struts and extraction of sheet piles;
and superstructure construction;
§ Installation of FRP covers;
§ Water Tightness Test; and
§ Finishing work.
2.5 Status of Environmental Permit/ Licence
The status of the Environmental Permit/Licence for the Project is shown below.
Permit/Licence |
Application Date |
Date of issue |
Ref. No. |
Valid Until |
Environmental Permit |
21 May 2005 |
16 June 2005 |
EP-218/2005 |
End of Project |
Notification was made to EPD pursuant to Section 3(1) of
the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation (Form NA was submitted) |
22 Sep 2005 |
N/A |
N/A |
End of Project |
Registration as a chemical
waste producer |
26 Sep 2005 |
4 Nov 2005 |
WPN: 5213-624-M2446-06 |
End of Project |
Discharge Licence |
11 Nov 2005 |
20 Dec 2005 |
Licence No.:
W5/1I287/1 |
19 Dec 2010 |
for Exemption Account for Disposal of Construction Waste |
12 Dec 2005 |
Approved by
EPD on 31 Dec 2005 |
No.: RN/00134 |
25 Sep 2008 |
Noise Permit |
15 Nov 2007 |
29 Nov 2007 |
GW-RN0507-07 |
31 May 2008 |
Table 2-2 Status of Permit/Licence for the Project
Undertaken during the Month with Illustrations
The site has been subdivided into different Works Areas/Portions as illustrated in Appendix 3. Excavation, backfilling, pipe laying and finishing work were undertaken in Portions 1,2 & 3. Installation of waling struts & extraction of sheet piles, substructure construction and the installation of FRP covers were undertaken in Portion 1. Water Tightness Tests were undertaken in Portions 1 & 2 and superstructure construction was undertaken in Portion 2.
3.2 Project Area, Environmental Sensitive Receivers and Monitoring Locations
The site is located at the existing Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Plant, next to Chuk Wan Street. The project area, environmental sensitive receivers and monitoring locations are shown in Appendix 4.
4.1.1 Air Quality
During the construction phase impact monitoring, 1-hour and 24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) levels should be measured at the selected air monitoring locations in accordance with the EM&A Manual. These two parameters are aimed to indicate the impacts of construction dust on air quality.
4.1.2 Noise
The construction noise level should be measured in terms of the A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq) for 30 minutes. Leq(30 min) is used as the monitoring parameter for the period between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays. For all other time periods, three consecutive Leq(5min) are employed for comparison with the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) criteria.
Other noise parameters such as L10 and L90 should also be obtained for reference.
4.2.1 Air Quality
baseline monitoring results documented in the Baseline Monitoring Report for
the Project (our report ref.: EA01284R0012) form the basis for derivation of
the Action and Limit Levels for air quality impact monitoring. Appendix 5 shows the derived Action and
Limit Levels for the Project. If the
air quality criteria are exceeded due to the Project, the Event/Action Plan
summarised in Table 4-3 should be triggered immediately.
4.2.2 Noise
The Action and Limit Levels for construction noise are defined in Appendix 5. If valid non-compliance of the criteria occurs, actions in accordance with the Event and Action Plan in Table 4-4 should be implemented. If construction works are undertaken during the restricted hours, a construction noise permit under NCO shall be obtained by the Contractor.
The Event and Action Plans for air quality and noise monitoring are shown in Tables 4-3 and 4-4, respectively.
ET |
ER |
Exceedance for one sample |
Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose
remedial measures; ·
Inform IEC and ER; ·
Repeat measurement to confirm finding. |
Check monitoring data submitted by ET; ·
Check Contractor’s working method. |
Notify Contractor. |
Rectify any unacceptable practice; ·
Amend working methods if appropriate. |
Exceedance for two or more consecutive samples |
Identify source, investigate the cause of exceedance and propose
remedial measures; ·
Inform IEC and ER; ·
Advise ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures; ·
Repeat measurements to confirm findings; ·
Increase monitoring frequency to daily; ·
Discuss with IEC and Contractor on remedial actions required; ·
If exceedance continues, arrange meeting with IEC and ER; ·
If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring. |
Check monitoring data submitted by ET; ·
Check Contractor’s working method; ·
Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures; ·
Advise the ET on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures; ·
Supervise Implementation of remedial measures. |
Confirm receipt of notification of exceedance in writing; ·
Notify Contractor; ·
Ensure remedial measures properly implemented. |
Submit proposals for remedial to ER within 3 working days of notification; ·
Implement the agreed proposals; ·
Amend proposal if appropriate. |
Exceedance for one sample |
Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose
remedial measures; ·
Inform IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD; ·
Repeat measurement to confirm finding; ·
Increase monitoring frequency to daily; ·
Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC,
EPD and ER informed of the results. ·
If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring. |
Check monitoring data submitted by ET; ·
Check Contractor’s working method; ·
Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures; ·
Advise ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures; ·
Supervise implementation of remedial measures. |
Confirm receipt of notification of exceedance in writing; ·
Notify Contractor; ·
Ensure remedial measures properly implemented. |
Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance; ·
Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of
notification; ·
Implement the agreed proposals; ·
Amend proposal if appropriate. |
Exceedance for two or more consecutive samples |
Notify IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD; ·
Identify source, investigate the cause of exceedance and propose
remedial measures; ·
Repeat measurement to confirm findings; ·
Increase monitoring frequency to daily; ·
Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working procedures to determine
possible mitigation to be implemented; ·
Arrange meeting with IEC and ER to discuss the remedial actions to be
taken; ·
Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC,
EPD and ER informed of the results; ·
If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring. |
Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential remedial
actions; ·
Review Contractor’s remedial actions whenever necessary to assure
their effectiveness and advise ER accordingly; ·
Supervise the implementation of remedial measures. |
Confirm receipt of notification of exceedance in writing; ·
Notify Contractor; ·
In consultation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the
remedial measures to be implemented; ·
Ensure remedial measures properly implemented; ·
If exceedance continues, consider what portion of the work is
responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop that portion of work until
the exceedance is abated. |
Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance; ·
Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of
notification; ·
Implement the agreed proposals; ·
Resubmit proposals if problem still not under control; ·
Stop the relevant portion of works as determined by ER until the
exceedance is abated. |
Table 4-3 Event/ Action Plan for Air Quality
Action |
ET |
ER |
Action Level |
Notify IEC and ER; ·
Carry out investigation; ·
Report the results of investigation to the
IEC, ER and Contractors; ·
Discuss with the Contractor and formulate
remedial measures; ·
Increase monitoring frequency to check
mitigation effectiveness. |
Review the analysed results submitted by the
ET; ·
Review the proposed remedial measures by the
Contractor and advise the ER accordingly; ·
Supervise the implementation of remedial
measure. |
Confirm receipt of notification of failure in
writing; ·
Notify Contractor; ·
Require Contractor to propose remedial
measures for the analysed noise problem; ·
Ensure remedial measures are properly
implemented. |
Submit noise mitigation proposal to IEC; ·
Implement noise mitigation proposals. |
Limit Level |
Identify source; ·
Inform IEC, ER, EPD and Contractor; ·
Repeat measurements to confirm findings; ·
Increase monitoring frequency to check
mitigation effectiveness; ·
Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working
procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented; ·
Inform IEC, ER and EPD the causes and actions
taken for the exceedances; ·
Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial
actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results; ·
If exceedance stops, cease additional
monitoring. |
Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the
potential remedial actions; ·
Review Contractors remedial actions whenever
necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly; ·
Supervise the implementation of remedial
measures. |
Confirm receipt of notification of failure in
writing; ·
Notify Contractor; ·
Require Contractor to propose remedial
measures for the analysed noise problem; ·
Ensure remedial measures properly
implemented; ·
If exceedance continues, consider what
portion of the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop that
portion of work until the exceedance is abated. |
Take immediate action to avoid further
exceedance; ·
Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC
within 3 working days of notification; ·
Implement the agreed proposals; ·
Resubmit proposals if problem still not under
control; ·
Stop the relevant portion of works as
determined by the ER until the exceedance is abated. |
Table 4-4 Event/ Action Plan for Noise
4.4 Environmental Mitigation Measures and Requirements
The recommended measures for mitigating air quality, water quality, noise, waste and all other possible environmental impacts due to the construction works have been stated clearly in the EM&A Manual. The details of the measures implemented by the Contractor are shown in Appendix 6.
The status of the mitigation measures implemented by the Contractor is listed in Appendix 6.
6.1.1 Air Quality
1-hr and 24-hr TSP monitoring works were undertaken by the ET using high volume samplers (HVS). The sampling procedures followed the standard sampling method as set out in High Volume Method for Total Suspended Particulates, Part 50 Chapter 1 Appendix B, Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations of the USEPA.
During the sampling, dust laden air was
drawn through a HVS fitted with a conditioned, pre-weighted filter paper, at a
controlled rate. After sampling for 1
hour and 24 hours, the filter paper with retained particles was collected and returned to the laboratory
for drying in a desiccator followed by accurate weighing. Respective 1-hour and 24-hour TSP levels were calculated from the ratio of the mass of
particulates retained on the filter paper to the total volume of air sampled.
The HVSs were equipped with an electronic
mass flow controller and calibrated against a traceable standard at regular
intervals. All equipment, calibration
kit and filter papers were clearly labelled.
The sampling procedures and specifications were the same for 1-hour and 24-hour baseline
air quality monitoring except the sampling duration. The specifications were as follows:
§ 0.6-1.7 m3/min (20-60SCFM);
§ Equipped with a timing/control device with +/- 5 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
§ Installed with elapsed time meter with +/- 2 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
§ Capable of providing a minimum exposed area of 406 cm2 (63in2);
§ Flow control accuracy: +/- 2.5% deviation over 24-hr sampling period;
§ Equipped with a shelter to protect the filter and sampler;
§ Incorporated with an electronic mass flow rate controller or other equivalent devices;
§ Equipped with a flow recorder for continuous monitoring;
§ Provided with a peaked roof inlet;
§ Incorporated with a manometer;
§ Able to hold and seal the filter paper to the sampler housing at horizontal position;
§ Easy to change the filter; and
§ Capable of operating continuously for a 24-hour period.
Relevant environmental data including
temperature, pressure, weather conditions, elapsed-time meter reading for the
start and stop of the sampler, identification and weight of the filter paper,
and other special phenomena observed and work progress of the concerned site
were also recorded.
Filter papers of size 8"x10" were
labelled before sampling. They were
inspected clean with no pin holes and conditioned in a humidity-controlled chamber
for over 24-hr and be pre-weighed before use for the sampling.
After sampling, the filter papers loaded
with dust were kept in a clean and tightly sealed plastic bag, and then
returned for reconditioning in the humidity controlled chamber followed by
accurate weighing by an electronic balance with a readout down to 0.1 mg. All the collected samples would be kept in a
good condition for 6 months before disposal.
The weight of filter paper was measured by a
HOKLAS accredited laboratory.
Weatherproof logging sound level meters which comply with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publication 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) specifications were used to measure the construction noise at the designated monitoring locations. Noise parameters of the A-weighted levels Leq, L10 and L90 were measured with a sampling period of 5 minutes throughout the monitoring. The average of six consecutive 5-minute readings was used to provide Leq(30 minutes) for non-restricted hours. A facade correction of 3dB(A) would be applied to all free field measurements.
During the impact monitoring, information such as date, weather condition, equipment used, measurement results and major noise sources were recorded on the field data record sheet. Noise measurements would not be made in fog, rain, wind with a steady speed exceeding 5 m/s or wind with gusts exceeding 10 m/s. The wind speed would be checked with a portable wind speed meter capable of measuring wind speed in m/s. All measurements were recorded to the nearest 0.1dB(A).
6.2 Name of Laboratory, Types of Equipment Used and Calibration Details
6.2.1 Name of Laboratory
Filter papers used for air quality
monitoring were sent to ALS Environmental, a HOKLAS accredited laboratory, for
weighing. Other sampling and analytical
works were conducted by Hyder Consulting Limited, the ET.
Types of
Equipment Used and Calibration Details
HVS - Model GBM2000H1, manufactured by Anderson Instruments Inc., was used for TSP monitoring. It complies with the USEPA specifications in Appendix B Part 50 - Reference Method for the Determination of Suspended Particulate matter in the Atmosphere (High-Volume Method) of the Code of Federal Regulation dated July 1, 1991. Initial calibration of dust monitoring equipment was conducted upon installation and prior to commissioning. One point flow rate calibration would be carried out every two months. Five-point calibration would be carried out every six months. All the calibration data were converted into standard temperature and pressure condition.
HVS Calibration
Kit Serial No: 517N was used for the calibration of HVSs. Calibration of calibration kit would be carried out annually. Appendix 7 presents the monitoring equipment
calibration records.
For noise monitoring, Bruel & Kjaer (B&K) Precision Integrating Sound Level Meters of Type 2238 in compliance with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publication 651: 1979 (Type 1) and 804: 1985 (Type 1) Specifications were used.
Prior to and following each noise measurement, the accuracy of the sound level meter was checked using an acoustic calibrator (B&K Type 4230) generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency. Measurements were considered as valid only if the calibration level from before and after the noise measurement agree to within 1dB. All sound level meters and calibrators would be calibrated annually. Appendix 7 presents the monitoring equipment calibration records.
Table 6-5 summarises the types of monitoring and calibration equipment.
Equipment Type |
Manufacturer |
Model |
Serial Number/I.D. |
Sound Level
Meter |
B&K |
Type 2236 |
1774423 |
Sound Level
Calibrator |
B&K |
Type 4231 |
1770806 |
High Volume
Sampler |
Anderson |
GBM 2000 H1 |
1097 |
High Volume
Sampler |
Anderson |
GBM 2000 H1 |
1062 |
Orific HVS
Calibration Kit |
Tisch Environmental |
N/A |
517N |
Table 6-5 Monitoring Equipment
Parameters monitored are described in Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.
There are two designated air quality
monitoring locations identified in the EM&A Manual. Due to the access constraint, alternative
monitoring locations were selected and approved by ER, IEC and EPD prior the commencement of monitoring.
These alternative locations for air quality monitoring are summarised in
Table 6-6 and shown in Appendix 4.
Monitoring Station ID |
Name of Premises |
Monitoring Location |
CAM1a |
San Po Street Pumping Station |
Ground floor level |
CAM2a |
Sheung Shui Heung Floodwater Pumping Station |
Ground floor level |
Table 6-6 Air Quality Monitoring Locations
There are two designated noise monitoring locations identified in the EM&A Manual and their locations are described below and shown in Appendix 4.
Monitoring Station ID |
Name of Premises |
Monitoring Location |
NM1 |
Wai Loi Tsuen |
1.2m above ground |
NM2 |
Temporary Domestic Structure |
1.2m above ground |
Table 6-7 Noise Monitoring Locations
6.5 Monitoring Date, Time, Frequency and Duration, Weather Condition and Other Factors
Monitoring frequency for 1-hr TSP and 24-hr TSP is 3 times every 6 days and once every 6 days, respectively. One set of noise measurements will be conducted between 0700 and 1900 on normal weekdays at each monitoring station on a weekly basis, when noise-generating activities are underway. Monitoring date, time and duration for noise and air quality monitoring and all other factors related to the monitoring result, such as weather condition, are listed in the following tables.
Station |
Date |
Time |
Duration |
Weather Condition |
1-hr TSP |
CAM1a |
2 February 2008 |
1340-1628 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
6 February 2008 |
1115-1402 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
12 February 2008 |
1104-1353 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
18 February 2008 |
1125-1424 |
3 X 1 hour |
Fine |
23 February 2008 |
0938-1233 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
29 February 2008 |
0951-1251 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
CAM2a |
2 February 2008 |
1348-1636 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
6 February 2008 |
1130-1415 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
12 February 2008 |
1111-1400 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
18 February 2008 |
1135-1426 |
3 X 1 hour |
Fine |
23 February 2008 |
0945-1236 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
29 February 2008 |
1008-1308 |
3 X 1 hour |
Cloudy |
24-hr TSP |
CAM1a |
2 February 2008 |
1628-1628 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
6 February 2008 |
1402-1402 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
12 February 2008 |
1353-1353 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
18 February 2008 |
1424-1424 |
24 hours |
Fine |
23 February 2008 |
1233-1233 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
29 February 2008 |
1251-1251 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
CAM2a |
2 February 2008 |
1636-1636 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
6 February 2008 |
1415-1415 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
12 February 2008 |
1400-1400 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
18 February 2008 |
1426-14262 |
24 hours |
Fine |
23 February 2008 |
1236-1236 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
29 February 2008 |
1308-1308 |
24 hours |
Cloudy |
Table 6-8 Sampling Schedule of Air Quality Monitoring
Station |
Date |
Time |
Duration |
Weather Condition |
NM1 |
02 February 2008 |
1020-1050 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
06 February 2008 |
1020-1050 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
12 February 2008 |
0930-1000 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
18 February 2008 |
0930-1000 |
30 minutes |
Fine |
23 February 2008 |
0930-1000 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
29 February 2008 |
1000-1030 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
NM2 |
02 February 2008 |
1120-1150 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
06 February 2008 |
1120-1150 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
12 February 2008 |
1030-1100 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
18 February 2008 |
1030-1100 |
30 minutes |
Fine |
23 February 2008 |
1030-1100 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
29 February 2008 |
1100-1130 |
30 minutes |
Cloudy |
Table 6-9 Sampling Schedule of Noise Monitoring
6.6 Results and Graphical Plots of Monitoring Parameters
Air quality monitoring results of 1-hour and 24-hour
TSP levels are summarised in Table 6-10 and detailed in Appendix 8. Graphical plots of the monitoring results
are also provided in Appendix 8. One
1-hr TSP and one 24-hr TSP levels exceedances at CAM2a on 29 February 2008 were
recorded. During the monitoring works
on that day, no dusty construction works of the expansion of SWHSTW were observed.
However, it was observed that soil handling works were being undertaken
for the planter construction at the pumping station nearby the monitoring
station (CAM2a). Thus, it is considered
that the exceedances were not related to the construction works of the
expansion of SWHSTW.
Station |
Date |
Measured Level (mg/m3) |
Action/Limit Level (mg/m3) |
1-hr TSP |
24-hr TSP |
1-hr TSP |
24-hr TSP |
CAM1a |
February 2008 |
132.1 |
75.7 |
342.7/500 |
203.3/260 |
70.7 |
112.3 |
February 2008 |
133.1 |
138.4 |
31.8 |
30.2 |
February 2008 |
37.7 |
134.0 |
91.4 |
57.2 |
February 2008 |
201.6 |
159.3 |
200.7 |
195.0 |
February 2008 |
125.8 |
113.1 |
92.2 |
49.2 |
29 February 2008 |
171.1 |
191.5 |
235.4 |
317.3 |
CAM2a |
February 2008 |
62.6 |
2.7 |
340.2/500 |
201.6/260 |
68.8 |
80.5 |
February 2008 |
78.4 |
107.2 |
42.9 |
13.0 |
February 2008 |
13.1 |
103.2 |
57.7 |
52.9 |
February 2008 |
228.4 |
153.3 |
179.8 |
198.8 |
February 2008 |
103.4 |
112.5 |
93.4 |
57.8 |
CAM2a |
29 February 2008 |
898.9 |
283.9 |
340.2/500 |
201.6/260 |
328.8 |
299.6 |
(1) “Shading” indicates an exceedance of Action Level. “Bold and shading” indicates an exceedance of Limit Level.
Table 6-10 Air Quality Monitoring Results
Noise monitoring results are summarised in Table 6-11 and detailed in Appendix 8. Graphical plots of the monitoring results are also provided in Appendix 8. As all monitoring was conducted at free field condition, a facade correction of 3dB(A) was applied to each of the noise measurements.
Station |
Date |
Measured Noise
Level, dB(A) |
Limit Level for Leq(30 min),
dB(A) |
Leq (30min) |
L10(30min) |
L90(30min) |
NM1 |
02 February 2008 |
58.8 |
61.8 |
54.5 |
75 |
06 February 2008 |
61.1 |
62.9 |
57.4 |
12 February 2008 |
58.7 |
61.2 |
56.4 |
18 February 2008 |
60.3 |
63.4 |
57.2 |
23 February 2008 |
58.9 |
61.8 |
54.2 |
29 February 2008 |
61.0 |
63.3 |
57.2 |
NM2 |
02 February 2008 |
54.8 |
57.6 |
50.7 |
06 February 2008 |
53.3 |
56.9 |
50.3 |
12 February 2008 |
53.9 |
57.0 |
51.6 |
18 February 2008 |
53.6 |
56.9 |
51.3 |
23 February 2008 |
53.1 |
56.9 |
50.6 |
29 February 2008 |
53.4 |
57.2 |
51.8 |
Note : (1) Shaded area indicates an exceedance of Limit Level.
(2) A facade correction of 3dB(A) was applied to each of noise
Table 6-11 Noise Monitoring Results
Factors Which Might Affect the Monitoring Results
Dust from other sources such as roads with the movement of heavy vehicles
in the vicinity of the monitoring stations would affect the air quality
monitoring results.
QA/QC Results and Detection Limit
The quality assurance (QA) / quality
control (QC) results and detection limit are shown in Appendix 9.
of Action and Limit Levels
non-compliance of Action or Limit Level was recorded for noise monitoring.
One 1-hr TSP and one 24-hr TSP levels
exceedances at CAM2a on 29 February 2008 were recorded.
In case of an environmental complaint received, all related parties should follow the complaints response procedures specified in the EM&A Manual.
During this reporting month, no environmental complaint was received. Cumulative number of environmental complaint is shown in Appendix 10.
Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions
No notification of summons or
successful prosecution was recorded during the
reporting month. The cumulative
number of notifications of
summons and successful prosecutions are shown in Appendix 10.
7.4 Review of the Reasons and Implications of Non-compliance, Complaints, Summons and Prosecutions
of Acton/Limit Level
One 1-hr TSP and one
24-hr TSP levels exceedances at CAM2a on 29 February 2008 were recorded. During
the monitoring works on that day, no dusty construction works of the expansion
of SWHSTW were observed. However, it was observed
that soil handling works were being undertaken for the planter construction at
the pumping station nearby the monitoring station (CAM2a). Thus, it is
considered that the exceedances were not related to the construction works of
the expansion of SWHSTW.
7.4.2 Complaints, Summons and Prosecutions
No complaints, summons and prosecutions were recorded during the reporting period.
Weekly site inspections were carried out on 4, 13, 20 and 29 February 2008. The findings of the site inspections and appropriate mitigation measures were recorded in the site inspection checklists.
The observations raised during the site inspections, corresponding recommendations and rectification status are summarised in Table 7-12.
Inspection Date |
Deficiencies |
Recommendation |
Status |
Note /
Reminder |
4 February 2008 |
environmental deficiency was observed. |
N.A. |
N.A. |
The Contractor was
reminded to protect the gullies around the site to prevent debris and rubbish
entering drains. 2.
The Contractor was
reminded to clear debris in the U-channels 3.
Pond water was
accumulated around the site; the contractor was reminded to drain away. 4.
The Contractor was
reminded to dispose of all the general refuse near the site office property. |
13 February 2008 |
environmental deficiency was observed. |
N.A. |
N.A. |
1.No observations |
20 February 2008 |
environmental deficiency was observed. |
N.A. |
N.A. |
Contractor was reminded to cover the gully near site exit to prevent debris
and rubbish entering drains. |
29 February 2008 |
environmental deficiency was observed. |
N.A. |
N.A. |
Gully near site
exit is now properly sealed (closed). 2.
The contractor was
reminded to provide wheel washing at site exit and to remove the muddy
tracks. |
Table 7-12 Summaries of Site Inspections and Recommendations
The site audit conducted by IEC was carried out on 13 February 2008 and the Contractor has undertaken appropriate actions in response to the IEC’s findings. There was no outstanding issue or deficiency for the observations arising during the weekly site inspections. The EPD inspection took place on 20 February 2008; the contractor was reminded by the EPD to enhance dust suppression measures.
According to the information provided by the Contractor, the following waste materials were generated during the reporting month:
C&D materials – 362.60 m3, and
§ General Refuse – 26.0 m3.
materials were disposed of at Tuen Mun Area 38 Public Fill. General
refuse was collected and disposed of at NENT Landfill properly. No chemical waste was produced during the
reporting month. Trip ticket system was implemented and disposal records were
in order on site. The Waste Management
Plan was followed.
The construction activities for the coming three months are summarized below:
and backfilling;
of waling and struts;
of sheet piles;
§ Installation of cat ladders;
§ Water Tightness Test;
Roofing and finishing work;
steelwork with FRP covers; and
The upcoming EM&A schedule for the future three months is shown in Appendix 11.
EM&A works have been undertaken during February 2008
for the Project based on the requirements set in the EM&A Manual.
All monitoring equipments have been calibrated and all
monitoring protocols have been carried out properly according to the EM&A
One 1-hr TSP and one 24-hr TSP levels exceedances
at CAM2a on 29 February 2008 were recorded but it is considered that the
exceedances were not related to the construction works of the expansion of SWHSTW.
compliant, notification of summons or successful
prosecution was recorded during the reporting month.
Four weekly site inspections were
carried out during the reporting month.
In response to the observations raised by ET, the Contractor has
undertaken follow-up actions to rectify the condition.
Project Organization |
Construction Programme |
Location of Works |
Project Area, Environmental Sensitive Receiver and Monitoring Location |
Action and Limit Levels |
Environmental Requirements and Implementation Status |
Calibration Records |
Monitoring Results and Graphical Plots |
QA/QC Results and Detection Limit |
Cumulative Statistics of Complaint, Notification of Summons and
Successful Prosecution |
Upcoming EM&A Schedule |