Appendix G Impact Daytime Construction Noise Monitoring Results
Location : NM1 (Yau Lai Estate Hong Lai House Rooftop - Façade)
Day time 07:00-19:00 hrs Normal Weekdays Impact Noise Monitoring Results
Date Start Time End Time  Weather Measured Noise Level for 30-min, dB(A) Baseline Noise Level, dB(A) Corrected Construction Noise Level, dB(A) ** Limit Level, dB(A) Major Noise Source(s) Observed Exceedance (Y/N) Mean Temp. (°C) Mean Wind Speed (m/s) Noise Meter Model / ID Calibrator Model / ID
Leq L10 L90
5-Feb-14 11:30 12:00 Sunny 60.4 61.9 57.5 65.4 60.4 75.0 Traffic Noise  N 17.1 <5 m/s Rion NL-31 (00320528) Rion NC-73 (10307223) 1096478.2 1096478.2 3467368.5 -2370890.3 #NUM! 1096478  
17-Feb-14 10:45 11:15 Cloudy 65.8 60.7 61.2 65.4 55.2 75.0 Traffic Noise  N 17.6 <5 m/s B&K 2270
Rion NC-73 (10186482) 334525.46 3801894 3467368.5 334525.459 55.24429 334525.5
            Average 58.5               58.54611
            Min. 55.2      
            Max. 60.4      
Location : NM2 (S.K.H. Yau Tong Kei Hin Primary School Rooftop - Façade)
Day time 07:00-19:00 hrs Normal Weekdays Impact Noise Monitoring Results
Date Start Time End Time  Weather Measured Noise Level for 30-min, dB(A) Baseline Noise Level, dB(A) Corrected Construction Noise Level, dB(A) ** Limit Level, dB(A)# Major Noise Source(s) Observed Exceedance (Y/N) Mean Temp. (°C) Mean Wind Speed (m/s) Noise Meter Model / ID Calibrator Model / ID
Leq L10 L90
5-Feb-14 10:58 11:28 Sunny 61.0 62.7 58.6 65.4 61.0 70.0 Traffic Noise  N 17.1 <5 m/s Rion NL-31 (00320528) Rion NC-73 (10307223) 1258925.4 1258925.4 3467368.5 -2208443.1 #NUM! 1258925  
17-Feb-14 10:45 11:15 Cloudy 64.7 60.0 62.8 65.4 64.7 70.0 Traffic Noise  N 17.6 <5 m/s B&K 2270
Rion NC-73 (10186482) 2951209.2 2951209.2 3467368.5 -516159.28 #NUM! 2951209
            Average 63.2               63.23266
            Min. 61.0      
            Max. 64.7      
# - Limit Level of 70dB(A) applies to education institutes while 65dB(A) applies during school examination period.            
** Construction noise level is only calculated when Measured noise level (Leq) > Baseline noise level.             
    If Measured noise level < Baseline noise level, Corrected noise level = Measured noise level            
Appendix G Impact Daytime Construction Noise Monitoring Results
Location : NM3 (C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong) Rooftop - Façade)
Day time 07:00-19:00 hrs Normal Weekdays Impact Noise Monitoring Results
Date Start Time End Time  Weather Measured Noise Level for 30-min, dB(A) Baseline Noise Level, dB(A) Corrected Construction Noise Level, dB(A) ** Limit Level, dB(A)# Major Noise Source(s) Observed Exceedance (Y/N) Mean Temp. (°C) Mean Wind Speed (m/s) Noise Meter Model / ID Calibrator Model / ID
        Leq L10 L90        
5-Feb-14 10:20 10:50 Sunny 61.3 64.2 56.3 65.4 61.3 70.0 Traffic Noise  N 17.1 <5 m/s Rion NL-31 (00320528) Rion NC-73 (10307223) 1348962.9 1348962.9 3467368.5 -2118405.6 #NUM! 1348963  
17-Feb-14 13:00 13:30 Cloudy 68.6 59.7 65.7 65.4 65.8 70.0 Traffic Noise  N 17.6 <5 m/s B&K 2270
Rion NC-73 (10186482) 3776991.1 7244359.6 3467368.5 3776991.1 65.77146 3776991
          Average 64.1               64.08745
          Min. 61.3      
          Max. 65.8      
# - Limit Level of 70dB(A) applies to education institutes while 65dB(A) applies during school examination period.
** Construction noise level is only calculated when Measured noise level (Leq) > Baseline noise level. 
    If Measured noise level < Baseline noise level, Corrected noise level = Measured noise level