Table 1.2        Construction Programme Showing the Inter-Relationship with Environmental Protection/Mitigation Measures

Construction Works

Major Environmental Impact

Control Measures

As mentioned in Section 1.9

Noise, dust impact, water quality and waste generation

·             Sufficient watering of the works site with active dust emitting activities

·             Properly cover the stockpiles

·             On-site waste sorting and implementation of trip ticket system

·             Appropriate desilting/sedimentation devices provided on site for treatment with valid Discharge License before discharge

·             Well maintain the drainage system to prevent the spillage of wastewater during heavy rainfall

·             Use of quiet plant and well-maintained construction plant

·             Provide movable noise barrier

·             Proper wheel washing for construction vehicles before leaving the site

·             Provide sufficient mitigation measures as recommended in Approved EM&A Manual/Lease requirement