DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Air Quality Impact | ||||||
S2.4.1.3 | Dust suppression measures stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation and good site practices: • Any excavated or stockpile of dusty material should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting or sprayed with water to maintain the entire surface wet and then removed or backfilled or reinstated where practicable within 24 hours of the excavation or unloading; • Any dusty material remaining after a stockpile is removed should be wetted with water and cleared from the surface of roads; • A stockpile of dusty material should not be extended beyond the pedestrian barriers, fencing or traffic cones; • The load of dusty materials on a vehicle leaving a construction site should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting to ensure that the dusty materials do not leak from the vehicle; • Where practicable, vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet should be provided at every discernible or designated vehicle exit point. The area where vehicle washing takes place and the road section between the washing facilities and the exit point should be paved with concrete, bituminous materials or hardcores; • When there are open excavation and reinstatement works, hoarding of not less than 2.4m high should be provided as far as practicable along the site boundary with provision for public crossing. Good site practice shall also be adopted by the Contractor to ensure the conditions of the hoardings are properly maintained throughout the construction period. • The portion of any road leading only to construction site that is within 30m of a vehicle entrance or exit should be kept clear of dusty materials; • Surfaces where any pneumatic or power-driven drilling, cutting, polishing or other mechanical breaking operation takes place should be sprayed with water or a dust suppression chemical continuously; • Any area that involves demolition activities should be sprayed with water or a dust suppression chemical immediately prior to, during and immediately after the activities so as to maintain the entire surface wet; | To minimize the dust impact | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) and Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Air Quality Impact | ||||||
• Where a scaffolding is erected around the perimeter of a building under construction, effective dust screens, sheeting or netting should be provided to enclose the scaffolding from the ground floor level of the building, or a canopy should be provided from the first floor level up to the highest level of the scaffolding; • Any skip hoist for material transport should be totally enclosed by impervious sheeting; • Every stock of more than 20 bags of cement or dry pulverized fuel ash (PFA) should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting or placed in an area sheltered on the top and the 3 sides; • Cement or dry PFA delivered in bulk should be stored in a closed silo fitted with an audible high level alarm which is interlocked with the material filling line and no overfilling is allowed; • Loading, unloading, transfer, handling or storage of bulk cement or dry PFA should be carried out in a totally enclosed system or facility, and any vent or exhaust should be fitted with an effective fabric filter or equivalent air pollution control system; and • Exposed earth should be properly treated by compaction, turfing, hydroseeding, vegetation planting or sealing with latex, vinyl, bitumen, shortcrete or other suitable surface stabilizer within six months after the last construction activity on the construction site or part of the construction site where the exposed earth lies. |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Noise Impact | ||||||
S3.4.1.1 | Use of movable barrier, enclosure, acoustic mat and quiet plant. Use of wooden frames barrier with a small-cantilevered upper portion of superficial density not less than 14kg/m² on a skid footing with 25mm thick internal sound absorptive lining. | To minimize construction noise impact arising from the Project at the affected noise sensitive receivers (NSRs) | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | EIAO-TM, Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) |
S3.4.1.2 | Good Site Practice: • Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the construction program. • Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment should be utilized and should be properly maintained during the construction program. • Mobile plant, if any, should be sited as far away from NSRs as possible. • Machines and plant (such as trucks) that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between works periods or should be throttled down to a minimum. • Plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction should, wherever possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from the nearby NSRs. • Material stockpiles and other structures should be effectively utilized, wherever practicable, in screening noise from on-site construction activities. | To minimize construction noise impact arising from the Project at the affected NSRs | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction period of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | EIAO-TM, NCO |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Ecological Impact | ||||||
S4.2.1.1 | Solid dull green noise/visual barriers of at least 2m high shall be erected and maintained between active works area and all areas of ecological importance. | Minimize noise and human disturbances during construction phase. | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | EIAO-TM |
S4.2.1.2 | Avoid unnecessary lighting. | Minimize mortality impacts on birds. | Design / Contractor/ Plant Operator | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | EIAO-TM |
S4.2.1.3 | Good construction site practice to minimise dust generation should be followed on all construction sites. Measures to avoid, minimise and mitigate impacts on air quality are detailed in this schedule | Minimize dust generation from construction sites. | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | EIAO-TM |
S4.2.1.4 | The following measures to avoid, minimise and mitigate impact on water quality during construction phase shall be implemented • Temporary sewerage and drainage to be designed and installed to collect wastewater and prevent it from entering water bodies; • Proper locations well away from nearby water bodies should be used for temporary storage of materials (i.e. equipment, filling materials, chemicals and fuel) and temporary stockpiles of construction debris and spoil, and these should be identified before commencement of works; • To prevent muddy water entering nearby water bodies, work sites close to nearby water bodies should be isolated, using such items as sandbags or silt curtains with lead edge at bottom and properly supported props. Other protective measures should also be taken to ensure that no pollution or siltation occurs to the water gathering grounds of the work sites; • Construction debris and spoil should be covered and/or properly disposed of as soon as possible to avoid these being washed into nearby water bodies; • Proper locations for discharge outlets of temporary wastewater treatment facilities well away from sensitive receivers should be identified; | Avoid, minimise and mitigate impact on water quality | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | EIAO-TM |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Ecological Impact | ||||||
• Adequate lateral support should be erected where necessary in order to prevent soil/mud from slipping into water bodies; • Site boundaries should be clearly marked and any works beyond the boundary strictly prohibited; • Regular water monitoring and site audit should be carried out at adequate points along any watercourses where construction works are underway upstream within their catchments and also on the Ng Tung, Sheung Yue and Shek Sheung Rivers. If the monitoring and audit results show that pollution occurs, adequate measures including temporarily cessation of works should be considered; • Excavation profiles should be properly designed and executed with attention to the relevant requirements for environment, health and safety; • Where soil to be excavated is situated beneath the groundwater table, it may be necessary to lower the groundwater table by installing well points or similar means; • Stockpiling sites should be lined with impermeable sheeting and bunded. Stockpiles should be properly covered by impermeable sheeting to reduce dust emission during dry season or contaminated run-off during rainy season. Watering should be avoided on stockpiles of contaminated soil to minimize contaminated runoff and construction materials should be properly covered and located away from nearby water bodies; and • Supply of suitable clean backfill material after excavation, if required. • Vehicles containing any excavated materials should be suitably covered to limit potential dust emissions or contaminated run-off, and truck bodies and tailgates should be sealed to prevent discharge during transport or during wet season; • Speed control for the trucks carrying contaminated materials should be enforced; • Vehicle wheel washing facilities at construction sites’ exit points should be established and used, where necessary; and • Other measures as detailed in this schedule. |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Water Quality Impact | ||||||
S5.2.2.1 | Construction Site Runoff Practices and measures provided in the Practice Note for Professional Persons on Construction Site Drainage, (PROPECC PN1/94) should be followed where applicable. | Control construction runoff | Contractors | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | EIAO-TM, WPCO, EIAO |
S5.2.2.2 – S5.2.2.3 | Sewage from Workforce • Portable chemical toilets and sewage holding tanks should be provided for handling the construction sewage generated by the workforce. A licensed Contractor should be employed to provide appropriate and adequate portable toilets and be responsible for appropriate disposal and maintenance. • Notices should be posted at conspicuous locations to remind the workers not to discharge any sewage or wastewater into the nearby environment during the construction phase of the Project. Regular environmental audit on construction site should be conducted in order to provide an effective control of any malpractices and achieve continual improvement of environmental performance on site. It is anticipated that sewage generation during the construction phase of the Project would not cause water quality impact after undertaking all required measures | Handling of site sewage | Contractors | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | EIAO-TM, WPCO, EIAO |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Waste Management | ||||||
S6.2.2.1 | Good Site Practices and Waste Reduction Measures: • Nomination of an approved person, such as a site manager, to be responsible for the implementation of good site practices, arrangements for collection and effective disposal to an appropriate facility, of all wastes generated at the site; • Training of site personnel in site cleanliness, appropriate waste management procedures and concepts of waste reduction, reuse and recycling; • Provision of sufficient waste disposal points and regular collection for disposal; • Appropriate measures to minimise windblown litter and dust during transportation of waste by either covering trucks or by transporting wastes in enclosed containers; • Regular cleaning and maintenance programme for drainage systems, sumps and oil interceptors; • An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) should be prepared by the contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval. | Minimize waste generation during construction | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO) |
S6.2.3.1 | Waste Reduction Measures: • Segregate and store different types of waste in different containers, skip or stockpiles to enhance reuse or recycling of materials and their proper disposal; • Proper storage and site practices to minimize the potential for damage and contamination of construction materials; • Plan and stock construction materials carefully to minimize amount of waste generated and avoid unnecessary generation of waste; • Sort out demolition debris and excavated materials from demolition works to recover reusable/recyclable portions (i.e. soil, broken concrete, metal etc.); and • Provide training to workers on the importance of appropriate waste management procedures, including waste reduction, reuse and recycling. | Reduce waste generation | Contractor | Work Sites | Prior to the commencement of construction of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | WDO |
S6.2.4.1 | Storage, Collection and Transportation of Waste Should any temporary | Minimize waste | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase | WDO |
S6.2.4.2 | storage or stockpiling of waste is required, recommendations to minimize the impacts include: • Waste, such as soil, should be handled and stored well to ensure secure | impacts arising from waste storage | of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Waste Management | ||||||
containment, thus minimizing the potential of pollution; • Stockpiling area should be provided with covers and water spraying system to prevent materials from wind-blown or being washed away; and • Different locations should be designated to stockpile each material to enhance reuse. • Remove waste in timely manner; • Employ the trucks with cover or enclosed containers for waste transportation; • Obtain relevant waste disposal permits from the appropriate authorities; and • Disposal of waste should be done at licensed waste disposal facilities. | ||||||
S6.2.5.2 | C&D Materials from Site Formation • Maintain temporary stockpiles and reuse excavated fill material for backfilling; • Carry out on-site sorting; • Make provisions in the Contract documents to allow and promote the use of recycled aggregates where appropriate; • Adopt “selective demolition” technique to demolish the existing structure and facilities with a view to recovering broken concrete effectively for recycling purpose, where possible; and • Implement a trip-ticket system for each works contract to ensure that the disposal of C&D materials are properly documented and verified. | Minimize waste impacts from excavated and C&D materials | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, WDO, ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 |
S6.2.5.3 | C&D Material from Buildings Demolition and New Building Construction • The Contractor should recycle as much as possible of the C&DM on-site. Public fill and C&DM waste should be segregated and stored in different containers or skips to enhance reuse or recycling of materials and their proper disposal. For example, concrete and masonry can be crushed and used as fill, and steel reinforcing bar can be used by scrap steel mills. Different areas of the work sites should be designated for such segregation and storage. • The use of wooden hoardings shall not be allowed. An alternative material, such as metal, aluminium or alloy etc, could be used. • Government has developed a charging policy for the disposal of waste to landfill at present. It will provide additional incentive to reduce the volume of generated waste and ensure proper segregation to allow | Minimize waste impacts from building demolition and new building construction | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, WDO, ETWB TCW No. 19/2005 |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Waste Management | ||||||
reuse of the inert material on site when implemented. • In order to minimize the impacts of the demolition works, the generated wastes must be cleared as quickly as possible after demolition. Therefore, the demolition and clearance works should be undertaken simultaneously. To facilitate proper segregation of inert and non-inert C&D material arising from demolition works, selective demolition method should be adopted. | ||||||
S6.2.5.4 | Chemical Waste • If chemical wastes are produced at the construction site, the Contractors should register with EPD as chemical waste producers. • Chemical wastes should be stored in appropriate containers and collected by a licensed chemical waste contractor. Chemical wastes (e.g. spent lubricant oil) should be recycled at an appropriate facility as far as possible, while the chemical waste that cannot be recycled should be disposed of at either the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre, or another licensed facility, in accordance with the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation | Control the chemical waste and ensure proper storage, handling and disposal | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste General) Regulation, Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Waste |
S6.2.5.5 | General Refuse • General refuse should be stored in enclosed bins separately from construction and chemical wastes. • Recycling bins should also be placed to encourage recycling. • Preferably enclosed and covered areas should be provided for general refuse collection and routine cleaning for these areas should also be implemented to keep areas clean. • A reputable waste collector should be employed to remove general refuse on a daily basis. | Minimize production of the general refuse and avoid odour, pest and litter impacts | Contractor | Work Sites | Construction phase of Advance Works and Main Works of Phase 1A | Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste General) Regulation, Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Waste |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017 DSD Contract No: DC/2013/09 Advance Works for Shek Wu Hui Sewage Treatment Works – Further Expansion Phase 1A and Sewerage Works at Ping Che Road
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Landscape and Visual | ||||||
S7.3.1.1 | Good Site Practices • For areas unavoidably disturbed by the Project on a short term basis e.g. works areas, the general principle to try and restore these to their former state to suit future land use, should be adhered to. • With regard to topsoil, where identified, it should be stripped, treated appropriately, and where suitable and practical stored for re-use in the construction of the soft landscape works such as roadside amenity strips, and open space sites. | Minimize the impact to the landscape and visual | Contractor | Work Sites | Prior to construction and construction phase | |
S7.3.2.1 | MM4 -Tree Protection & Preservation • Existing trees to be retained within the Project Site should be carefully protected during construction. In particular Old and Valuable Trees (OVTs) will be preserved according to ETWB TC (Works) No. 29/2004. Detailed Tree Protection Specification shall be provided in the Contract Specification. Under this specification, the Contractor shall be required to submit, for approval, a detailed working method statement for the protection of trees prior to undertaking any works adjacent to all retained trees, including trees in Contractor’s works areas. A detailed tree survey will be carried out for the Tree Removal Application (TRA) process which will be carried out at the later detailed design stage of the Project. The detailed tree survey will propose which trees should be retained, transplanted or felled and will include details of tree protection measures for those trees to be retained. | Protect and Preserve Trees | Designer / Contractor | Work Sites | Prior to construction and construction phase | ETWB TCW No. 10/2013, 29/2004 and 3/2006 |
S7.3.2.1 | MM5 -Tree Transplantation • Trees unavoidably affected by the Project works should be transplanted where practical. Trees should be transplanted straight to their final receptor site and not held in a temporary nursery as far as possible. A detailed Tree Transplanting Specification shall be provided in the Contract Specification, where applicable. Sufficient time for necessary tree root and crown preparation periods shall be allowed in the project programme. A detailed transplanting proposal will be submitted to relevant government departments for approval in accordance with ETWBTC 2/2004 and 3/2006 and final | Transplant Trees where suitable for transplantation | Designer / Contractor | Work Sites where possible. Otherwise consider offsite locations | Prior to construction, construction phase and operation phase | WB TCW No. 10/2013, 3/2006 and 2/2004 |
22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for July 2017
EM&A Ref. | Recommended Mitigation Measures | Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concern to Address | Who to implement the measures? | Location of the measure | When to implement the measures? | What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve |
Landscape and Visual | ||||||
locations of transplanted trees should be agreed prior to commencement of the work. | ||||||
S7.3.2.1 | MM17 -Light Control • Construction day and night time lighting should be controlled to minimize glare impact to adjacent VSRs during the Construction phase. Street and night time lighting shall also be controlled to minimize glare impact to adjacent VSRs during the operation phase. | To minimize glare impact to adjacent VSRs. | Designer / Contractor | Work Sites and/or the Plant | Construction phase and operation phase |