8.0        Environmental Audit


8.1        Site Inspection


Site inspections were carried out by the ET weekly. A summary of the implementation status of the mitigation measures on site inspections is presented in Appendix F.


8.2               Status of Environmental Licensing and Permitting


All permits/licenses obtained during the Project are summarized in Table 8.1.


Table 8.1      Summary of environmental licensing and permit status


Permit No.

Valid Period




Environmental Permit




Whole work site

Marine Dumping Permit




·                   Hopper barge and Motor tug

Construction Noise Permit




·                   One Derrick Barge (CNP 061)

·                   One Tug boat (CNP 221)

Construction Noise Permit




·                   One Derrick Barge (CNP 061)

·                             One Tug boat (CNP 221)

8.3               Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures


WKC&T has been implementing the required environmental mitigation measures according to Implementation of Mitigation Measures stated in the Appendix A of EM&A manual. A summary of the implementation status of the mitigation measures is presented in Appendix F. The following observations were made during site inspection:


Water Quality

·         Daily dredging rate was kept below 500m3/day during the dredging period;

·         Use of a closed grab dredger was observed during dredging works. The grab was sealed tightly while being lifter and therefore no spillage was observed;

·         Silt curtain was used to enclose the grab while dredging works are in progress. Silt curtain used was well maintained and no leakage of suspended matters was observed;

·         All vessels were kept tidy and no oil or other substances were washed overboard;

·         No litter and loose objects, e.g. tools, were left lying around.


Terrestrial Ecology and Marine Ecology

·         No damage of surrounding natural habitats was observed;

·         No open fires were observed within the work site boundary;

·         No disturbance to the dolphin habitat was observed.


Waste Management

WKC&T has been implementing most mitigation measures on waste management. The Contractor was reminded to provide more manpower to maintain good waste management, such as recycling of waste before disposal.


8.4               Implementation Status of Event and Action Plan


There were thirteen exceedances of Action and Limit Level in Do, Turbidity and SS recorded during the Project. However, all exceedance was not work-related and hence no further mitigation measures were required.



8.5       Implementation Status of Environmental Complaint Handling


No written or verbal complaints had been received during the Project.


8.6       Implementation of Notification of Summons and Prosecution


There was no notification of summons respect to environmental issues registered during the Project. No prosecutions related to environmental issues were received.