Construction Programme for the Coming Months


4.1               The construction programme for the Project is shown in Appendix B.


4.2               The activities to be conducted in the next month included:


l             Temporary access road construction including road kerb and U-channel;

l             Widening of temporary access road;

l             Installation of surveillance system and public address system;

l             Construction of Engineer’s site office and car parking area;

l             Operation of Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (CWSF) by manual sorting;

l             Construction of water meter applied from WSD;

l             Installation of steel fence along the access road;

l             Installation of water spraying system for dust suppression; and

l             Foundation construction for full-scaled mechanical sorting plant.


Key Issues for Coming Month


4.3               Key issues to be considered in the coming month include:


·         Chemical and waste management;

·         Treatment of runoff and wastewater prior to discharge;

·         Dust generated from loading and unloading activities; and

·         Dust generated from dump trucks traffic.


4.4               The following mitigation measures are required:


Air Quality Impact


·         To prohibit any open burning on site;

·         To provide adequate water spraying on haul roads and working platforms;

·         To operate and maintain automatic wheel washing facilities properly;

·         To dampen the fill material prior to unloading or movement;

·         To provide road sweeping on the haul roads near site egress and the public roads outside site egress;

·         To provide proper maintenance for equipment and vehicles on site;

·         To ensure implementation of the dust mitigation measures for the construction activities, if any;

·         To maintain proper operation of the mist spraying systems;

·         To ensure vehicle speed below 10 km/hr in the temporary CWSF;

·         To investigate any other dust sources around the air sensitive receivers; and

·         To follow up any exceedance, if any, caused by the temporary CWSF operation.


Noise Impact


·         To identify the noise sources inside and outside of the site;

·         To follow up any exceedance caused by the temporary CWSF operation;

·         To switch off equipment if not in use;

·         To operate silent equipment; and

·         To re-schedule the work activities in the event of valid noise exceedance.


Water Quality Impact


·         To operate and maintain the wastewater treatment facility for the site toilet;

·         To provide covers for the drip trays to avoid stagnant water ponding due to rainfall;

·         To ensure cleanliness of oil interceptor bypass tank and all the drainage channels;

·         To maintain the existing silt trap to ensure sufficient treatment of wheel wash water frequently;

·         To maintain the drainage system in the temporary CWSF; and

·         To avoid formation of any stagnant water or provide insecticide to avoid mosquito breeding in the temporary CWSF.


Chemical and Waste Management


·         To remove waste from the site regularly;

·         To properly store and handle chemical wastes on site;

·         To implement trip ticket system for all the imported public fill and general refuse disposal;

·         To provide and manage sufficiently sized drip trays for diesel drums or chemical containers;

·         To maintain proper housekeeping at the workshop area;

·         To provide all the preventive measures during equipment maintenance;

·         To remove the oil stains in the event of leakage and handle all the materials using for this cleaning works as chemical waste; and

·         To identify C&D material by packaging, labelling, storage, transportation and disposal in accordance with statutory regulations.


Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Months


4.5               The tentative schedule for environmental monitoring programme for April 2006 is shown in Appendix L.