1.0               INTRODUCTION


Concentric Construction Ltd (CCL) appointed Environmental Team (ET) of ETS-Testconsult Limited (ETL) to undertake the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) for the “Operation of Public Fill Reception Facilities at Tseung Kwan O Area 137, Quarry Bay and Mui Wo” (Contract No.: CV/2005/12) (The Project).


In accordance with the Amended Environmental Permit (No.: EP-134/2002/F) (the EP), an EM&A programme should be implemented in accordance with the procedures and requirements in the EM&A Manual of the approved EIA report (Registration No. AEIAR-060/2002). The EM&A programme for this study as stated in Section 2.3.1 of the EM&A Manual covers the following environmental aspects during the establishment, operation and removal phases of the Fill Bank at Tseung Kwan O Area 137:


§         Fugitive Dust;

§         Noise generation from onsite activities;

§         Water Quality; and

§         Landscape and Visual.


The EM&A programme requires environmental monitoring for air quality, noise and water quality and environmental site inspections for air quality, noise, water quality, landscape and visual, and waste management. The EM&A requirements for each parameter described in the following sections include:


§         All monitoring parameters;

§         Monitoring schedules for the reporting month and forthcoming months;

§         Action and Limit levels for all environmental parameters;

§         Event/Action Plans;

§         Environmental mitigation measures, as recommended in the Project EIA study final report; and

§         Environmental requirements in contract documents.


Baseline monitoring was completed in August and September 2002 by MateriaLab. Action and Limit Levels were established for air and water quality parameters based on the baseline monitoring results.


This report documented the findings of EM&A Works conducted during the operation phase of Fill Bank at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 in March 2006.