Future Key Issues
Construction Programme for the Coming Month
informed by the Contractor, the activities to be conducted by them in the next
month included:
Manage the incoming public fill dump
trucks arriving through land access;
Transport temporary stockpiled public
fill from the Barge Handling Area (BHA) to Stockpile Areas or the Sorting
Facility for Penny’s Bay Reclamation Stage 2 (PBR2);
Transport stockpile public fill from
Stockpile Areas to the Sorting Facility for Penny’s Bay Reclamation Stage 2
Direct some incoming public fill dump
trucks to the Sorting Facility for Penny’s Bay Reclamation Stage 2 (PBR2) for
Routine site cleaning and maintenance of
internal haul roads and access roads; and
Routine implementation of environmental
mitigation measures such as dust suppression by water spraying, cleaning of
nearby public roads by using road sweeper and collection of floating debris
inside a berthing basin within the site boundary; and
Landscaping works in the vicinity of the
main entrance of the Fill Bank at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 and in front of the
Engineer’s Site Office.
Key Issues for the Coming Month
Key issues to be considered in the coming month include:
Chemical and waste management
Treatment of runoff and wastewater prior to discharge
Dust generated from loading and unloading activities; and
Dust generated from dump trucks traffic.
Mitigation measures to be required in the coming month:
Air Quality Impact
To provide adequate water spraying on haul roads and working
To operate and maintain automatic wheel washing facilities
To dampen the fill material prior to unloading or movement;
To provide road sweeping on the haul road near site egress
and the public roads outside site egress;
To ensure implementation of the dust mitigation measures for
the construction activities;
To maintain proper operation of the mist spraying system;
To provide proper maintenance for vehicles and machines on
site; and
To investigate any other dust sources around the air
sensitive receivers.
To switch off equipment if not in use;
To operate silent equipment;
To identify the noise sources inside and outside of the
To follow up any exceedance caused by the Fill Bank
operation; and
To re-schedule the work activities in the event of valid
noise exceedance.
Water Quality Impact
To maintain the drainage system in the Fill Bank;
To ensure the cleanliness of oil interceptor bypass tanks
and all the drainage channels;
To maintain the existing silt trap to ensure good efficiency
of wheel wash facilities;
To repair, inspect and maintain the silt curtains regularly;
To provide covers for the drip trays to avoid stagnant water
pond due to rainfall;
To provide proper treatment for oily water discharged form
the area around air monitoring station AA1;
To deploy a cleaning vessel to remove floating rubbish in
the TKO Basin;
To clean up the concrete paved area at Portion I every night
to avoid fill materials form being washed into the sea; and
To avoid any stagnant water or provide insecticide to avoid
mosquito breeding in the Fill Bank.
Chemical and Waste Management
To remove waste from the site regularly;
To properly store and handle chemical wastes on site;
To implement trip ticket system for all the imported public
fill and general refuse disposal;
To provide and manage sufficiently sized drip trays for
diesel drums or chemical containers;
To remove existing unwanted material in the stockpiles and
avoid improper disposal at the Fill Bank through inspection of imported
To maintain proper housekeeping at the workshop area;
To remove the oil stains in the event of leakage and handle
all materials using for this cleaning works as chemical waste;
To maintain mesh screen on top of the additional drainage,
DP3 opening to avoid improper dumping of rubbish into this channel; and
To identify C&D material by packaging, labeling,
storage, transportation and disposal in accordance with statutory regulations.
Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Month
The proposed EM&A program of the coming month is
attached in Appendix L.