3.0       Construction Progress in this reporting month


As informed by the Contractor, the activities in the reporting month include:


§         Manage the incoming public fill dump trucks arriving through land access;

§         Transport temporary stockpiled public fill from the Barge Handling Area (BHA) to Stockpile Areas or the Sorting Facility for Penny’s Bay Reclamation Stage 2 (PBR2);

§         Transport stockpile public fill from Stockpile Areas to the Sorting Facility for Penny’s Bay Reclamation Stage 2 (PBR2);

§         Direct some incoming public fill dump trucks to the Sorting Facility for Penny’s Bay Reclamation Stage 2 (PBR2) for unloading;

§         Routine site cleaning and maintenance of internal haul roads and access roads;

§         Routine implementation of environmental mitigation measures such as dust suppression by water spraying, cleaning of nearby public roads by using road sweeper and collection of floating debris inside a berthing basin within the site boundary; and

§         Landscaping works in the vicinity of the main entrance of the Fill Bank at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 and in front of the Engineer’s Site Office.