7.0               IEC Site Audit and Weekly ET Site Inspections


7.1       IEC Site Audit


7.1.1          During this reporting period, the IEC team conducted a total of three independent site audits covering the Contract CV 2005/12 site (Fill Bank at TKO Area 137) and the Contract CV 2004/13 site (Temporary C&DMSF at TKO Area 137).


7.1.2          Findings of the site audits have been recorded on site checklists, copies of which were submitted to the Contractor for their further action as appropriate, and to the Client for their records.  Key issues were highlighted to the Contractor’s representative at the completion of each site audit to ensure that they were aware of the problem(s) identified and where necessary, to take immediate corrective actions. A copy of the completed checklists are appended to this report in Appendix H.


Table 7.1: Dates of Site Audits in March 2006

Date of Audit

Work Period

Site Audit Checklist Submitted Under IEC’s Ref No.

6 March 2006

Construction of C&DMSF


16 March 2006

Construction of C&DMSF


27 March 2006

Operation of Fill Bank



7.1.3          The major findings recorded during the site audits conducted during this reporting period are summarized below.  Full details are provided in the site audit checklists presented in Appendix H.


Table 7.2: Key Findings of Site Audits in March 2006 for Contract No. CV/2005/12


Key Findings


27 Mar 2006

Vegetation was found in the trapezoidal channel at DP4.  The Contractor should maintain the channel clear so as to ensure efficient flow of water during rainy season.

(to be completed by the Contractor – see footnote)


Silt was found in the oil collection sump near site office.  Silt should be removed from the collection sump to ensure effective operation of the system.

(to be completed by the Contractor – see footnote)


A container-type workshop was observed near the wheel washing bay and DP3.  Chemical drums and paint cans were placed directly on the ground.  Oil film observed on the floor in front of the workshop. As agreed in the Progress Meeting on 27/3/06, workshop should be relocated and materials properly stored in drip trays and covered with tarpaulin if left outdoors.

(to be completed by the Contractor – see footnote)


No covers were provided for the chemical storage drums in the Plant and Vehicle Maintenance Workshop.  A tarpaulin sheet should be also provided for drums stored outdoors.

(to be completed by the Contractor – see footnote)

Note: As at the issue of this report, the Contractor indicated that the actions to address the IEC’s comments were still underway and that a formal response to IEC’s Site Inspection Form dated 27/3/06 will be provided by 21/4/06.


7.1.4          Following from the previous two reporting periods (January 2006 and February 2006), there were again no air quality exceedances recorded during this reporting period.  Based on observations recorded during site inspections and site supervision events, the Contractor was observed to have implemented most of their dust prevention measures during the reporting period.  However, on occasion fugitive dust emission was observed when the trucks were travelling on the main haul road.  As such, the CV/2005/12 Contractor was reminded to ensure that all dust mitigation measures, particularly those near the site entrance, were operated according to their design merits to ensure that fugitive dust impacts to neighbouring land users was minimized.


7.1.5          The frequency of road / platform watering was considered to be acceptable in the reporting period.  Nevertheless, the Contractor has been reminded to regularly review the frequency of road watering in light of the seasonally dry weather conditions in Hong Kong.


7.1.6          The Contractor was reminded to conduct regular housekeeping to remove vegetation along the trapezoidal channels; and the collected silt inside the oil collection sump to avoid blockage of channels and pits.


7.1.7          During the Progress Meeting this period, the Contractor agreed to relocate the container-type workshop found near the wheel washing bay and DP3.  The Contractor has been reminded that all chemical drums and paint cans should be properly stored in drip trays and covered with tarpaulin if left outdoors.


7.1.8          The silt curtains had been repaired and considered acceptable.  However, the Contractor was reminded to maintain the silt curtains function properly and repair once damaged.


7.1.9          The frequency of road / platform watering was considered to be acceptable in the reporting period.  Nevertheless, the Contractor has been reminded to regularly review the frequency of road watering in light of the seasonally dry weather conditions in Hong Kong.


7.1.10      A routine site inspection was conducted by EPD’s representatives on 27 March 2006.  According to the letter reported from the Contractor dated 11 April 2006 (Ref: OPFRF/S/2.00/8.00/L/0135), the EPD’s representatives commented that the functioning of the wheel washing facilities was satisfactory.  However, some dump trucks coming out from the Construction Waste Sorting Facility (CWSF) using the access road alongside the northern boundary of the Fill Bank area might carry mud onto Wan Po Road after turning left to the exist of TKO Area 137.  Although the dump trucks were being operated under the CV/2004/13 Contract and carrying mud onto the internal access road and Wan Po Road, the CV/2005/12 Contractor is still responsible for the clean-up of the road as it falls within the Contract CV/2005/12 site area and works requirements.


7.1.11      A formal complaint was received by EPD on 27 March 2006 after the aforementioned site inspection regarding the problem of dust and debris on Wan Po Road near TVB City (for the section outside the Fill Bank site entrance).  In order to address the complaint, the frequency of road sweeping along the section outside the site entrance was increased.  Investigation reports were prepared by both the Contractor and ET reporting the event and proposed remedial measures; and submitted for EPD’s review (in early April 2006).


7.2        Weekly ET Site Inspections


Weekly ET site inspections were carried out by ET to monitor the timely implementation of proper environmental pollution control and mitigation measures for the Project. In this reporting month, five weekly site inspections were conducted (02, 08, 14, 20 and 30 March 2006). After each site inspection, the Contractor was notified of the ET’s observations and recommendations. A follow-up action plan detailing the environmental observations had also been prepared by the ET. The Contractor then completed this plan to propose / report their remedial works. The Contractor should also submit the completed the follow-up action report to ET by e-mail. This follow-up action plan submission procedure was adopted for each subsequent ET’s inspection to notify all the relevant parties of the Contractor’s follow up actions. The weekly site inspection reports are attached in Appendix I. Summaries of the weekly site inspection findings in this reporting month are described as follows:


Air Quality

§         The major dust sources were dump truck movement on the unpaved haul roads and loading & unloading activities on various working platforms in the Fill Bank. The Contractor deployed water bowsers to dampen the haul roads and the working platforms;

§         A road sweeper was used to remove settled dust particulates outside the site egress on Wan Po Road;

§         Several automatic sprinklers served to dampen the haul roads outside the site office and on the ramp to the stockpiling area;

§         Wheel washing facilities were operating during weekly site inspections. Besides, the Contractor operated several mist spraying systems at the site egress and weighbridge respectively. The truckloads were dampened during inspection of fill material at the CEDD Combined Reception Office;

§         No potential fugitive dust from vehicle movement was observed in this reporting month. The Contractor was still reminded to water the haul road more frequently during dry season;

§         Refer to the previous observation in January 2006, the Contractor had used clean tarpaulin sheets to cover the stockpiles of sand at DP3 near wheel wash facilities;

§         The dump trucks were operating below the speed limit in the Fill Bank. There were sufficient speed limit signs on site to advise the drivers;

§         The fill material was usually dampened on the barge. Dust impact was minimal from the barge delivery and unloading activity at the BHA;

§         No dark emission was noted from the site machines in the reporting month. Generally, all the powered mechanical equipment (PME) were maintained regularly; and

§         Other than the Fill Bank operation, dust sources also included road paving works of Wan Po Road outside the site egress, operation of PBR2 at Portion J of the Fill Bank, temp C&DMSF at Portion K, delivery of rock fill material from the SENT Landfill to the EPD’s barging point and associated dumping activity, operation of the SENT Landfill, vehicular movement and wind erosion on Wan Po Road.



§         The major noise source was dump truck traffic in the Fill Bank. Since the nearby NSR were remote from the Fill Bank, the noise impact was minimal. There was no specific observation noted regarding noise issue.


Water Quality

§         Silt and mud was observed to have accumulated at the manhole at DP3 during the ET weekly site inspection on 30 March 2006. The Contractor should clean up the manhole regularly in order to avoid the accumulation of sand and mud. Since the finding was improved during site inspection on 04 April 2006, no further action was required to be taken by the Contractor;

§         The Contractor had replaced the damaged section of silt curtain at the entrance of the Marine Barging Area with a new one on 25 March 2006. Since the silt curtain was found to have been damaged on several occasions during the previous site inspections, the Contractor was still reminded to check the silt curtain carefully and maintain it properly;

§         Fill materials had accumulated on the concrete embankment at the BHA. The Contractor should clean up the fill materials as soon as each unloading activity is completed to avoid the fill materials from being washed into the sea; and

§         Stagnant water was accumulated nearby the BHA during the ET’s weekly site inspection on 30 March 2006. The Contractor was reminded to drain the stagnant water away to avoid mosquito breeding. Since mitigation measure was implemented on 02 April 2006, the finding was closed.


Chemical and Waste Management

§         The Contractor provided waste skips to collect general refuse and disposal of them regularly to the SENT Landfill. In this reporting month, 4.95 tons C&D waste were disposed to SENT Landfill and 400L waste oil was collect by licensed waste collector;

§         The chemical waste was stored in the Chemical Waste Storage Area (CWSA). The Contractor should dispose chemical wastes regularly to avoid over accumulation of chemical waste on site;

§         Rubbish was disposed on the ground near Pier Maintenance Workshop during ET weekly site inspection on 14 March 2006. The Contractor was reminded to provide waste skips to collect general refuse and dispose of them regularly to the SENT Landfill. During the subsequent site inspection, no rubbish was observed on the ground and rubbish bin was provided. Hence, the finding was improved; and

§         Equipment maintenance was undertaken at the workshop area. Tarpaulin sheeting and containers should be laid underneath the equipment undergoing maintenance to collect leaked oil and avoid further contamination.


Landscape and Visual

§         The germination rate on the hydroseeded panels at Portion A, B, G, H and I were observed to be satisfactory in this reporting month. The Contractor was still advised to maintain the panel properly;

§         Sufficient lighting was provided for the Fill Bank operation in the evening.


Site Practices

§         Sufficient rubbish skips had been provided at site by the Contractor and the site area was found tidy and clean;

§         The Contractor had provided drip tray for all generators in order to avoid oil spillage; and

§         No oil leakage from the site machines at Workshop was observed during the ET weekly site inspection in this reporting month.


Landfill Gas

§         The registered safety officer carried out landfill gas monitoring (oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane) twice per day for each temporary office in this reporting month;

§         The equipments used in the monitoring have been calibrated for all these three parameters; and

§         All the monitoring results were satisfactory.


7.3               Review of Environmental Monitoring Procedures


The monitoring works conducted by the Environmental Team were inspected regularly. The observations for the monitoring works were recorded and summarized as follows:


Air Quality Monitoring

§         The monitoring team recorded the observations around the monitoring stations within and outside of the construction site.

§         The monitoring team recorded the temperature, air pressure and general weather condition on the monitoring day.


Noise Monitoring

§         The monitoring team recorded the observations around the monitoring station, which might affect the results.

§         Major noise sources were identified and recorded.


Water Quality Monitoring

·         The monitoring team recorded the observations around the monitoring stations, which might affect the results.


7.4               Assessment of Environmental Monitoring Results


All monitoring results were audited against the Action and Limit levels and any exceedances would be validated.


According to the summary of marine water monitoring results, one exceedance of Turbidity on Action Level at Monitoring Stations M4 was recorded at 29 March 2006 (mid-ebb). According to the site observation, no abnormal site activities were observed at the Fill Bank. As there was no sediment plume observed from the Fill Bank and no wastewater discharge was noted from the Fill Bank and the TKO Basin, the exceedance was considered not due to the Fill Bank. The exceedance might be due to natural fluctuation of Turbidity in the water body around the area. Hence, no further actions were required.


No exceedances were recorded in air quality and noise monitoring in this reporting month.


The monitoring results in this reporting period were comparable with those of baseline period. Detailed discussions were given in Section 2, 3 and 4 of this Report.


7.5               Advice on the Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status


The Contractor should provide sufficient preventive measures during equipment maintenance works so as to avoid oil leakage on the ground. In the event of any oil leakage, the Contractor should clean up the polluted soil and handle all the materials used for this cleaning works as chemical waste.


Concrete bundings were erected outside the CEDD combined reception office and near the automatic wheel washing facilities for storing generator sets and oil drums. The drain outlet of all the bunded areas should be plugged properly. Besides, pre-cast drip trays were provided for oil drums at several areas, such as workshop and chemical storage area. The Contractor should collect and dispose of any stagnant water accumulated in the concrete bunding and drip trays and handle them as chemical waste.


The Contractor should use suitable containers with proper labels to store chemical wastes in accordance with Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labeling and Storage of Chemical Waste. The Contractor should also advise their workers of the proper procedures in handling the chemical waste. All the trip tickets for chemical waste disposal were properly kept in the site office. No chemical waste disposal was undertaken in the reporting month.


The Contractor was reminded to increase the frequency of inspection and cleaning of the site drainage system, including permanent desilting chambers, desilting facilities, oil interceptor bypass tank, DP3 and DP4 and all the trapezoidal channels. Moreover, the Contractor should apply pesticides in the stagnant water ponds.


All the runoff from the parking area should be pumped to the desilting facilities and oil interceptors to remove suspended solids and oil & grease prior to discharge.