Interim Notifications of Environmental Quality Limits Exceedances



Incident Report on Action Level or Limit Level Non-compliance



Contract No. CV/2004/13

Construction Waste Sorting Facilities at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 and Tuen Mun Area 38

Sampling Date

4 April 2006


09:00 – 09:00

Monitoring Location



24-hr TSP

Action / Limit Level

260 / 260 µg/m3

Measured Level

395.6 µg/m3

Major Construction Dust Source(s) During Measurement

·         Major dust source was fugitive dust from vehicles movement along the haul road between Area A and Area B2;

·         Other dust source was from dumping and sorting of waste inside the site.

Observed Construction Activities from Other Construction Site

·         Vehicles movement and excavation activities on the stockpile inside the adjacent CWSF.

Possible reason for Action / Limit Level Non-compliance

·         Exceedance was considered mainly due to the dust emission from vehicles movement along haul road and from dumping and sorting activities in Area A.

Actions taken / to be taken

·         Fugitive dust was observed during the site inspection on 6 April 2006 during dumping and sorting activities, the Contractor was reminded to review the water dampening programme;

·         Water truck had been deployed  4 times for dampening the haul road, yet frequency had to be increased;

·         ET continue to monitor the 24-hour TSP;

·         Additional monitoring had been scheduled to 12 April 2006;

·         Results of the additional monitoring for 24-hour TSP conducted to 6 April 2006 did not exceed the established action/limit level.

ET Advice

·         Ensure all sorting activities and dumping areas are sufficiently dampened;

·         Provide water sprinklers to haul road, dumping areas and sorting area for water spraying;

·         Implement proper mitigation measures inside the sorting facilities;

·         Ensure all the haul roads to be sufficiently wet;

·         Advise the dump truck drivers to travel on the dampened haul roads.


·         Nil


Interim Notifications of Environmental Quality Limits Exceedances



Incident Report on Action Level or Limit Level Non-compliance



Contract No. CV/2004/13

Construction Waste Sorting Facilities at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 and Tuen Mun Area 38

Sampling Date

4 April 2006


09:00 – 09:00

Monitoring Location



24-hr TSP

Action / Limit Level

260 / 260 µg/m3

Measured Level


Major Construction Dust Source(s) During Measurement

·         Vehicles movement inside the CWSF.

Observed Construction Activities from Other Construction Site

·         Vehicles movement inside the Fill Bank.

Possible reason for Action / Limit Level Non-compliance

·         Major dust source was considered to be dust generated from dump truck travelled along the unpaved road.

Actions taken / to be taken

·         Increase water spraying frequency at works area and the all haul road, including the unpaved road used by dump truck from the Project;

·         During the site inspection on 6 March 2006, the unpaved haul road appeared dampened;

·         ET continue to monitor the 24-hour TSP to confirm finding;

·         Additional monitoring had been scheduled to 12 April 2006.

ET Advice

·         Implement proper mitigation measures inside the sorting facilities;

·         Ensure the area near the site exit and all the haul roads to be sufficiently dampened;

·         Advise the dump truck drivers to travel on the dampened haul roads.


·         Nil