1.                  INTRODUCTION




1.1               Maunsell Environmental Management Consultants Limited (MEMCL) was commissioned by Paul Y. – CREC(HK) Joint Venture to undertake the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) works for the construction phase of the Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facility (CWSF) at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 (TKO 137) (hereafter called “the Project”).


1.2               An Environmental Permit (No.: EP-134/2002/F) was granted to the Project on 26 January 2006. The scale and scope of this project as stated in the EP include:


·         Site clearance;

·         Construction of a temporary storm water system;

·         Stockpiling of 6 million m3 of public fill;

·         Setting up two barging points: one at the Tseung Kwan O Basin (TKO Basin) and one at the Construction and Demolition Material Sorting Facility (C&DMSF) for transporting the stockpiled public fill by barges;

·         Setting up a temporary barging point at the existing Explosives Off-loading Barging Point located in the south-eastern part of Area 137 for the period of May 2004 to December 2004 for transporting the stockpiled public fill by barge;

·         Construction and operation of a Construction and Demolition Material Sorting Facility (C&DMSF);

·         Setting up a Construction and Demolition Material Crushing Facility at the TKO Basin; and

·         Remove the temporary fill bank.


1.3               Under the EP, construction and operation of the construction and demolition material sorting facility is within the scope. Therefore, the said activities in the temporary CWSF in TKO 137 are under the governance of the EP.


1.4               In accordance with the Particular Specification of the Project, baseline monitoring was not required. However, the baseline conditions as well as action and limit levels of the Project would be established based on the baseline data collected by Fill Bank at TKO 137.


Scope of Report


1.5               This is the seventh monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report under Contract CV/2004/13 – Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facilities at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 and Tuen Mun Area 38. This report presents a summary of the environmental monitoring and inspection works, list of activities, and mitigation measures carried out by the ET for the temporary CWSF in TKO 137 for May 2006.


Project Organization


1.6               The project organization is shown in Appendix A.


1.7               The key personnel contact names and numbers are summarised in Table 1.1


Table 1.1         Contact Information of Key Personnel









Mr. Richard Ng

2762 5307

2714 0113

IC(E)  (BMT)


Mr. Ben Ridley

2815 2221

2815 3377


(Paul Y -CREC(HK) JV)

Project Manager

Mr. Gene Cheung

2831 8282

2623 9426

Site Engineer

Mr. Gao

6501 4586



ET Leader

Mr. Y T Tang

2893 1551

2891 0305


Summary of Construction Works


1.8               The construction phase of the Project commenced on 12 November 2005. As informed by the Contractor, the activities during this reporting month included:


l            Temporary access road construction including road kerb and U-channel;

l            Installation of steel fence along temporary access road;

l            Construction of car parking shelter at Engineer’s office;

l            Operation of Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (CWSF) by manual sorting;

l            Installation of water spraying system for dust suppression;

l            Forming end-tipping platform and access ramp for mechanical sorting plant; and

l            Erection of mechanical sorting plant.


1.9               The general layout plan of the Project sites showing the contract areas are shown in Figure 1.1.


1.10            The construction programme is provided in Appendix B.


Summary of EM&A Requirements


1.11            Air quality monitoring is required under the Particular Specification of the Project. The description and detailed monitoring requirements for air quality are provided in Section 2 of this Report.


1.12            Environmental site inspection is required by the ET on a weekly basis. Detailed inspection requirements are provided in Section 3 of this Report.