Comments on Mitigation Measures


Air Quality

6.1               The major dust sources were the dump track traffic, dumping and sorting activities inside the temporary CWSF. The Contractor was recommended to dampen the haul road and provide water spraying to all dusty operations;


6.2               The Contractor was advised to operate mist spraying systems and automatic water sprinklers in the temporary CWSF; and


6.3               All vehicles should be washed before leaving the site egress by provision, operation and maintenance of automatic wheel washing facilities.


Water Quality

6.4               Maintenance of the drainage system, including the trapezoidal channels, is required; and


6.5               Remove the stagnant water or provide pesticide for the stagnant water in the desilting chambers.


Chemical and Waste Management

6.6               Remove waste materials from site regularly to avoid accumulation;


6.7               Handle and store chemical waste properly;


6.8               Provide and maintain sufficient drip trays for diesel drums, chemical containers, chemical waste storage drums and diesel operated generator; and


6.9               Maintain good house keeping at works area.


Recommendations on EM&A Programme


6.10            The impact air quality monitoring programme ensured that any air quality impact from the construction activities would be readily detected and timely actions could be taken to rectify any non-compliance. Assessment and analysis of monitoring results collected demonstrated the environmental acceptability of the Project.


6.11            The EM&A programme effectively monitored the environmental impacts from the construction activities and no particular recommendations were advised for the improvement of the programme.


6.12            After review of the monitoring stations, ET proposed to cancel the air quality monitoring station TKO1 due to its incapability in reflecting the air quality impact arising from the Project upon the nearby sensitive receiver (i.e. TKO TVB City). Upon agreed by the ER and the IEC, ET submitted a revised EM&A manual with a letter of justification on cancellation of TKO1 to EPD on 20 April 2006. EPD had no objection to the cancellation of monitoring station TKO1 and the air quality monitoring at TKO1 was terminated on 1 June 2006.




6.13            Environmental monitoring of air quality (1-hr TSP and 24-hr TSP) for the Project was performed from May to July 2006. There was no AL level exceedance recorded in the reporting period.


6.14            No complaints, prosecutions or notifications of summons were received in the reporting period.