Scope of Report


1.1               This is the sixth Quarterly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Summary Report for the Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facility at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 (the Project). This report presents a summary of the environmental monitoring and auditing works carried out by the ET for the Project for the period from February 2007 to April 2007.


Project Organization and Contacts of Key Management


1.2               The project organization is shown in Appendix A. The key personnel contact names and numbers are summarised in Table 1.1


Table 1.1     Contact Information of Key Personnel









Mr. Lawrence Ng

2762 5582

2714 0113

IC(E)  (MateriaLab)


Mr. Joseph Poon

2450 8238

2450 6138


(Paul Y -CREC(HK) JV)

Project Manager

Mr. Gene Cheung

2831 8282

2623 9426

Project Engineer (TKO137)

Mr. H G Gao

6501 4586



ET Leader

Mr. Y T Tang

3105 8537

2891 0305


Construction Programme


1.3               The construction phase under Contract CV/2004/13 – Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facility at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 commenced on 12 November 2005. The activities during this reporting quarter included:


l             Operation of Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (CWSF) by mechanical sorting plant;

l             Surface paving for inland haul road at Portion A;

l             Water pipe line linking Portion B1 and Portion A.

l             Drainage works at Portion A;

l             Enhanced dust suppression system at Portion A;

l             Placing hard core paving for haul road at Portion A; and

l             Levelling of haul road paving at Portion B1.


1.4               The general layout plan of the Project sites showing the contract areas are shown in Figure 1.1.


1.5               The construction programme is provided in Appendix B.