

This is the sixth Quarterly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Summary Report prepared by Maunsell Environmental Management Consultants Limited (MEMCL) for the “Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facility at Tseung Kwan O Area 137” (The Project). This report documents the findings of EM&A Works conducted during the impact period from February 2007 to April 2007.


The construction activities carried out from February 2007 to April 2007 were:


l             Operation of Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (CWSF) by mechanical sorting plant;

l             Surface paving for inland haul road at Portion A;

l             Water pipe line linking Portion B1 and Portion A.

l             Drainage works at Portion A;

l             Enhanced dust suppression system at Portion A;

l             Placing hard core paving for haul road at Portion A; and

l             Levelling of haul road paving at Portion B1.


Environmental Monitoring Works


EM&A Programme


A summary of monitoring and audit activities conducted in the reporting quarter is listed below:


24-hour TSP monitoring



1-hour TSP monitoring



Environmental Site Inspection




Air Quality


1-hr TSP Monitoring


All the monitoring data complied with the AL levels in the reporting quarter. The 1-hr TSP monitoring results remained at an acceptable level during the construction and operation of the CWSF.


24-hr TSP Monitoring


There were two limit level exceedances recorded in the reporting quarter. One additional monitoring event was conducted in the quarter.


Complaints, Non-compliance and Prosecutions


No complaints, non-compliances or prosecutions were received in the reporting quarter.