3.1               Environmental site inspections are required to inspect the construction activities and operation of the temporary CWSF in order to ensure that appropriate environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures are properly implemented.


3.2               There were 4 site inspections conducted in October 2007 for the temporary CWSF at TKO 137 on 5, 11, 18 and 25 October 2007.


Site Inspections


3.3               Site inspections were carried out by ET to monitor the implementation of proper environmental pollution control and mitigation measures for the Project. After the site inspection, the Contractor was notified of the ET’s observations and recommendations. A corrective action plan detailing the environmental observations had also been prepared by the ET. The Contractor then completed this plan to propose/report their remedial works. This corrective action plan submission procedure was adopted for each subsequent ET’s inspection to notify all the relevant parties of the Contractor’s follow up actions. The site inspection summaries are attached in Appendix H. Particular observations are described as follows:


Air Quality


·         Fugitive dust was observed during dumping and manual sorting of non-inert waste in Area A. The Contractor was reminded to increase water spraying frequency by water truck or provide more water sprinklers for dust suppression.


·         Minor fugitive dust was observed during dumping of non-inert waste. The Contractor was advised to improve the water spraying at the non-inert stockpile and to provide longer water spraying time to the load of the trucks at the weigh-bridge in Area B1.


·         Dark smoke was observed emitted from an excavator in Area A. The Contractor has repaired the plant as observed on 11 October 2007.


·         Automatic wheel washing facilities were installed at the site egress of the Project.


·         The weather condition was mostly dry in the reporting month. The dampening frequency by water truck was inadequate.


·         Vehicles were travelling below the speed limit in the temporary CWSF. There were sufficient speed limit signs on site to advise the drivers.




·         The major noise source was vehicle movement in the temporary CWSF. Since the nearby NSRs were remote from the temporary CWSF, the noise impact was minimal. There was no specific observation noted regarding noise issue.


Water Quality


·         The removal of deposited mud inside the trapezoidal channel under the access bridge next the CEDD’s site office in Area A was in progress. The Contractor has cleared the deposited mud as observed on 25 October 2007.


·         Silt and mud was deposited on the access bridge and road next the CEDD’s site office in Area A. The contractor has cleared the deposited silt and mud as observed on 18 October 2007.


·         General refuse was found inside u-channel and desilting pit in Area A, and Area B1. The Contractor has cleared the refuse as observed on 25 October 2007.


·         Besides the afore-said issues, the Contractor was reminded to maintain the drainage systems regularly. It was recommended to arrange additional maintenance for the silt traps at the wheel washing bays before and after rainstorms so as to ensure their maximum treatment capacities.


Chemical and Waste Management


·         The Contractor provided waste skips to collect general refuse and would dispose of them regularly to the SENT Landfill.


Landscape and Visual


·         Hoarding was erected at the site egress and aligned along the site boundary in connection with the Fill Bank at TKO 137.


Review of Environmental Monitoring Procedures


3.4               The monitoring works conducted by the ET were inspected regularly. The observations for the monitoring works were recorded and summarised as follows:


·         The monitoring team recorded the observations around the monitoring stations within and outside of the construction site.


·         The monitoring team recorded the temperature, air pressure and general weather condition on the monitoring day.


Assessment of Environmental Monitoring Results


3.5               All monitoring results were audited against the A/L levels and any exceedances would be validated.


3.6               The monitoring results in this reporting period were comparable with the established action and limit levels.


Advice on the Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status


3.7               As advised by the Contractor, there were disposal of sorted inert material, sorted non-inert material, recycled metal and chemical waste and no disposal of inert C&D waste in the reporting month. The actual amounts of different types of waste generated by the activities of the Project in the month are shown in Table 3.1.


Table 3.1        Actual Amounts of Waste Generated in October 2007


Waste Type

Actual Amount

Disposal Locations

Public fill collected

57,126.81 ton


Sorted waste (inert material)

11,523.16 ton

TKO Fill Bank

Sorted waste (non-inert material)

44,446.39 ton

SENT Landfill

Recycling (Metal)

41.49 ton

Recycling companies

Non-inert C&D waste

0.001 cu

SENT Landfill

Inert C&D waste

0 tonne

TKO Fill Bank

Chemical waste

0 kg

Chemical Waste Treatment Centre


3.8               The Contractor should provide sufficient drip trays for all the oil drums/chemical containers. Besides, these drip trays should be covered by tarpaulin sheet to minimize rainfall accumulation.


3.9               The Contractor should use suitable containers with proper labels to store chemical wastes inside a designated chemical waste store in accordance with Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes. The Contractor should also advise their workers of the proper procedures in handling the chemical waste. All the trip tickets for chemical waste disposal were properly kept in the site office. No disposal of chemical waste was undertaken in the reporting month.


3.10            The Contractor should provide sufficient preventive measures during equipment maintenance works so as to avoid oil leakage on the ground. In the event of any oil leakage, the Contractor should clean up the polluted soil and handle all the materials using for this cleaning works as chemical waste.


Environmental Licences and Permits


3.11            No new environmental license and permit was obtained in the reporting month.


3.12            The status of all permits/licences obtained/in use during the reporting period are summarised in Table 3.2.


Table 3.2        Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status



Permit No.

Valid Period




Environmental Permit





·    Site clearance

·    Construction of a temporary storm water system

·    Stockpiling of 6 million m3 of public fill

·    Setting up two barging points for transporting the stockpiled public fill by barges

·    Setting up a temporary barging point at the existing Explosive Off-loading Barging Point for the period of May 2004 to December 2004 for transporting the stockpiled public fill by barge

·    Construction and operation of a Construction and Demolition Material Sorting Facility (C&DMSF)

·    Setting up a Construction and Demolition Material Crushing Facility at the TKO Basin

·    Remove the temporary fill bank

Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer





Certificate of Approval – Air Pollution Control (Furnaces, Ovens and Chimneys) (Installation and Alteration) Regulations





Effluent Discharge License






Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures


3.13            An updated summary of the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) is presented in Appendix I. Most of the necessary mitigation measures were implemented properly. Any deficiencies were noted in the remarks of the schedule.


Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit


3.14            There was no exceedance of 1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring recorded in the reporting month.


3.15            The event action plans are attached in Appendix J.


Summary of Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions


3.16            No environmental complaint, notifications of summons and prosecutions were received in the reporting month. A summary of environmental complaints and prosecutions was given in Table 3.3 and the cumulative statistics of complaints is presented in Appendix M.


Table 3.3        Summary of Environmental Complaints and Prosecutions


Complaints logged

Summons served

Successful Prosecution

October 2007


October 2007


October 2007
