

5.1               Environmental monitoring of air quality (1-hr TSP and 24-hr TSP) for the Project was performed in October 2007. There was no exceedance of 1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring recorded in the reporting month.


5.2               Environmental site inspections were conducted 4 times in the reporting month. Due to the dry weather conditions, fugitive dust was occasionally observed during dumping and manual sorting of non-inert waste and during vehicle movement along the haul road in Area A. Improving the water spraying at the non-inert waste stockpile and to provide longer water spraying time to the load of the trucks at the weigh-bridge in Area B1 in order to maintain the load damp prior dumping in Area A


5.3               No environmental complaint, prosecutions or notifications of summons were received in October 2007.




5.4               According to the environmental site inspections performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations were provided:


Air Quality


·         Ensure the frequency of water spraying on haul roads, unloading areas and stockpiles to be sufficient to suppress the dust sources;

·         Provide proper maintenance for the powered mechanical equipment and barges to avoid emission of dark smoke;

·         Provide water spraying onto the truckloads during inspection of fill material;

·         Conduct road sweeping on the public road and the main haul roads outside and near the site egress by the road sweeper;

·         Undertake water spraying on stockpiling area by water bowers;

·         Erect adequate speed limit signs to advise the truck drivers of the speed limit;

·         Operate mist spraying systems and automatic water sprinklers in the temporary CWSF;

·         Implement the dust mitigation measures for the construction activities;

·         Designate proper haul roads to ensure effective water spraying; and

·         Ensure all vehicles to be washed before leaving the site egress by provision, operation and maintenance of automatic wheel washing facilities.


Construction Noise


·         Conduct noisy activities at a farther location from the NSR.


Water Quality


·         Maintain the drainage system, including the trapezoidal channels;

·         Operate and maintain the treatment system for the site toilet; and

·         Remove the stagnant water or provide pesticide for the stagnant water in the permanent desilting chambers, if any.


Chemical and Waste Management


·         Remove waste materials from site regularly to avoid accumulation;

·         Handle and store chemical wastes properly;

·         Remove unwanted material in the existing stockpiles and avoid further dumping of such material;

·         Provide and maintain sufficient drip trays for diesel drums, chemical containers, chemical waste storage drums and diesel operated generator set;

·         Maintain good housekeeping at the workshop area;

·         Ensure sufficient tarpaulin sheets are provided to cover drip trays;

·         Avoid soil being polluted during oil filling and equipment maintenance; hence, properly remove and store the contaminated soil, if any, and

·         Provide a proper chemical waste store.


Landscape and Visual


·         Erect all the site hoardings/chaining fences in accordance with agreed design at proper location.