Monitoring Parameters


2.1               The EM&A Manual designated a monitoring station to monitor environmental impacts on air quality due to the Project. The monitoring location is depicted in Figure 2.1.


2.2               The EM&A Manual also required environmental site inspections for air quality, noise, water quality, chemical and waste management and landscape and visual.


Environmental Quality Performance Limits (Action/Limit Levels)


2.3               The environmental quality performance limits (i.e. Action/Limit Levels) were derived from the baseline monitoring results of the Fill Bank at Tseung Kwan O Area 137, and are given in Appendix C.


Environmental Mitigation Measures


2.4               Relevant environmental mitigation measures were stipulated in the Particular Specification and EP (No.: EP-134/2002/F) for the Contractor to adopt. A list of mitigation measures and their implementation statuses are given in Appendix D.