

This is the ninth Quarterly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Summary Report prepared by Maunsell Environmental Management Consultants Limited (MEMCL), which changed the name to ENSR Asia (HK) Ltd. (ENSR) on 1 May 2007, for the “Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facility at Tseung Kwan O Area 137” (The Project). This report documents the findings of EM&A Works conducted during the impact period from November 2007 to January 2008.  


The construction activities carried out from November 2007 to January 2008 were:


l             Operation of Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (CWSF) by mechanical sorting plant;

l             Modification of road hump along haul road in Portions A and B2;

l             Modification of water sprinklers at Red Zone and haul road in Portion B2;

l             Modification of tarpaulin sheeting cover to the mechanical sorting plant as fugitive dust preventive measures;

l             Setting up of additional area Portion B3 to facilitate night work operation of the Sorting Facility;

l             Replacement of tubular railing of drainage chamber;

l             Disposal of sorted waste to Landfills and Fill Banks; and

l             Maintenance work for haul road and mechanical sorting plants.


Environmental Monitoring Works


EM&A Programme


A summary of monitoring and audit activities conducted in the reporting quarter is listed below:


24-hour TSP monitoring



1-hour TSP monitoring



Environmental Site Inspection




Air Quality


1-hr TSP Monitoring


All the monitoring data complied with the AL levels in the reporting quarter. The 1-hr TSP monitoring results remained at an acceptable level during the construction and operation of the CWSF.


24-hr TSP Monitoring


There was no AL level exceedance recorded in the reporting quarter. The 24-hr TSP monitoring results remained at an acceptable level during the construction and operation of the CWSF.


Complaints, Non-compliance and Prosecutions


There were two environmental complaints received by EPD on 5 and 15 November 2007 concerning serious dust emissions from the haul roads and at the loading/ unloading areas of the temporary CWSF at TKO Area 137. The ET was notified on 17 December 2007. Complaint investigations were carried out on 20 and 27 December 2007. Fugitive dust was observed during the investigation on 20 December 2007. The Contractor had replaced the water sprinklers at the non-inert waste stockpile area. Fugitive dust was not observed in the investigation conducted on 27 December 2007. An investigation report was submitted to EPD on 9 January 2008.


No non-compliance or prosecution was received in the reporting quarter.