5.                  LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL

Monitoring Requirement

5.1               During the construction phase of the Project, landscape and visual monitoring should be carried out bi-weekly by a Registered Landscape Architect (RLA) to check if the design, implementation and maintenance of the landscape and visual mitigation measures are fully realized. A detailed report is annexed in Appendix J.

Summary of the Landscape and Visual Monitoring on 8 April 2008

Site Clearance and Soil Nail Works


5.2               Clearance of understorey shrubs / groundcovers and erection of scaffolding was observed carried out mainly in works area E.


5.3               The proposed soil nail locations at the lower portion of works area E are generally observed not in conflict with existing trees.


Protection of Existing Trees


5.4               Tree protection works was generally observed carried out for existing trees where there are scaffolding and soil nail works carried out in the vicinity.


5.5               It was observed that the bark of existing tree T254 was damaged by the works as no tree protection was provided.  The Contractor was requested to carry out tree protection works for the tree as soon as possible.


5.6               Also, it was observed that the tree bark of one existing was damaged by the erection of the temporary conveyor / pulley system on the slope just immediately outside of the site boundary of Landslide Preventive Works.  The Engineer was requested to clarify if it is considered part of the soil nail works.




5.7               The Contractor was reminded to provide tree protection to existing trees, especially where there are works to be carried out in the immediate vicinity.

Summary of the Landscape and Visual Monitoring on 22 April 2008

Matters Arising from Previous Inspections


5.8               As previously requested, the Contractor had carried out tree protections for the damaged trees.


Site Clearance and Soil Nail Works


5.9               Clearance of understorey shrubs / groundcovers and erection of scaffolding was observed continued to be carried out mainly in works area E.


Protection of Existing Trees


5.10            It was observed that an existing dead tree was partially uprooted and fallen over.  The Contractor was requested to clear the dead tree for safety consideration.




5.11            The Contractor was recommended to clear the fallen dead tree for safety consideration.

Next Landscape and Visual Audit Schedule

5.12            The landscape and visual audits in the next reporting month (i.e. May 2008) was tentatively scheduled to 6 and 20 May 2008.