Site Inspection

6.1               Site Inspections were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor the implementation of proper environmental pollution control and mitigation measures for the Project. In the reporting month, 5 site inspections were carried out on 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 April 2008. The detail findings of the landscape and visual audits in the reporting month are presented separately in Section 5. The environmental site inspection summaries are attached in Appendix K. Particular observations are described below.


Air Quality


6.2                No adverse observation was identified in the reporting month.




6.3               No adverse observation was identified in the reporting month.


Water Quality


6.4               No adverse observation was identified in the reporting month.


Chemical and Waste Management


6.5               Oil stain was found under a drill rig at Row K. The Contractor was reminded to clear the oil stain and provide a drip tray.


6.6               A few chemical containers at Row M were placed on ground without drip tray. The Contractor was reminded to provide drip tray to all chemicals on site.


6.7               One oil container at Row D was placed on ground without a drip tray. The Contractor was advised to provide drip tray to all chemicals on site.


6.8               Stockpile of C&D waste was found at Row E. The Contractor was reminded to clear the C&D waste off-site regularly.




6.9               V001 to V013 were found to be in good condition during the monitoring visits, nevertheless, plastic fencings supported by strong poles were recommended to demarcate plant locations clearly to prevent tipping and entry of personnel in order to avoid damage to the plants.


Landscape and Visual


6.10            The Contractor was advised that retained trees should be properly protected before installation of scaffolding at PT3. Immediate action had been undertaken by the Contractor and status / condition was to be followed up.

Assessment of Environmental Monitoring Results

6.11            All monitoring results were audited against the Action / Limit levels and any exceedance would be validated and issued when necessary.


6.12            The monitoring results in the reporting period were comparable with the EIA predictions. Detailed discussions are given in Section 2 and 3.


Advice on the Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status

6.13            The Contractor is registered as a chemical waste producer for this Project. The Chemical Waste Storage Area located at the Contractor’s site office area was properly maintained in the reporting month.


6.14            No waste disposal was made in the reporting month. Most of the C&D waste generated was reused on site.

Environmental Licenses and Permits

6.15            The environmental licenses and permits for this Project and valid in the reporting month is summarized in Table 6.1.


Table 6.1      Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status


Permit No.

Valid Period




Environmental Permit




-   Installation of about 700 nos. of soil nails and about 60 nos. of raking drains in the natural terrain;

-   Rock slope stabilisation works at upper portion of the natural terrain; and

-   Other associated works.

Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer




Spent lubricating oil and mineral oil

Effluent Discharge License





Notification of Constriction Work under APCO (Construction Dust)





Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

6.16            In response to the site audit findings, the Contractor carried out corrective actions.


6.17            A summary of the Implementation Schedule of Mitigation Measures (EMIS) is presented in Appendix C. Most of the necessary mitigation measures were implemented properly.

Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit

6.18            All 1-hour TSP, 24-hour TSP and noise monitoring results complied with the Action / Limit levels.


6.19            No exceedance was recorded in the reporting month.

Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

6.20            The Environmental Complaint Handling Procedure is annexed in Figure 6.1.


6.21            No environmental complaint, notification of summons and successful prosecutions was received in the reporting month.