Construction Programme for the Coming Months
The construction programme for the Project is provided in Appendix B.
The major construction works
in May 2008 are:
Permanent Nails
installation at Portion A1
Test Nails (5
nos.) for Pull Out Test at Portion B2
Site Clearance for
soil nails setting out to Portion A2 (i.e. from Row Q to Row AE)
Permanent Nails
installation at Portion B2
Key issues to be considered
in the coming month included:
Properly store and label
oils and chemicals on site;
Collection of construction
waste should be carried out regularly;
Site runoff should be
properly collected and treated prior to discharge;
Construction activities
should avoid causing damage to the trees and to plants species of conservation
Quieter powered mechanical
equipment should be used.
The following mitigation
measures are required:
Air Quality Impact
Regular watering should be
used during soil nailing;
Dusty material stockpiled
should be completely covered;
Dusty activities should be
re-scheduled if high-wind conditions encountered;
Open burning should be
strictly prohibited;
All dusty vehicle loads
transporting to, from and between site locations should be covered with
Vehicle wheel and body
washing facilities should be used at all exit points of the site;
Wind shield, dust
extraction units or water spraying should be used at the loading points.
Construction Noise Impact
Quieter powered mechanical
equipment should be used;
Insulating fabric should be
used for drill rigs during drilling process;
Noise generating
construction works should be carried out during daytime only;
Noise barriers or other
measures should be used to minimize disturbance to the bat roost;
Plant on site should be
properly maintained and serviced regularly;
Mobile plants should be
sited as far from NSRs as possible;
Machines and plant in
intermittent use should be throttled down;
Strong noise emitting
plants, wherever possible, should be oriented so that noise is directed away
from the nearby NSRs;
Material stockpiles,
wherever possible, should be effectively utilized to screen noise from
construction activities;
Movable noise barrier with
surface mass in excess of 7kg/m2 should be used for PME wherever
Noise insulating fabric
should be adopted for drill rig operating in Works Area E.
Water Quality Impact
Prevent runoff water from
entering the nearby water-bodies;
Silt traps and oil / grease
separators should be regularly cleaned and maintained;
Outlet pipe extending above
the slope surface should be installed;
Air should be used as the
flushing medium of the drilling equipment;
Earth bunds or sand bag
barriers should be provided on-site to direct storm water to silt removal
Exposed slope / soil
surface and opened stockpile of more than 50m3 should be covered
with tarpaulin;
Oils and fuels should be
used and stored in designated area.
Chemical and Waste Management
Debris and rubbish on-site
should be collected, handled and disposed of properly;
Waste skips should be
provided to collect general refuse and construction wastes;
Soil contamination with
fuel leaked from construction plants should be removed off-site;
Sufficient waste disposal
points with regular collection should be provided;
Appropriate measures should
be provided to minimize windblown litter and dust during transportation of
Different containers should
be used to segregate and store different types of waste;
Encourage collection of aluminum
cans, PET bottles and paper by providing separate bins;
Unused chemicals should be
recycles wherever possible;
Proper storage and site
practices should be adopted to minimize the potential for damage and contamination
of construction materials;
Oils and fuels should be
stored in designated area;
Plan and stock construction
materials carefully to minimize waste generation.
Ecological Impact
Soil nail installation
should avoid / minimize damage of root system to the existing plants;
Fences should be erected
along the boundary of the works area
Disturbance to the natural
woodland and shrubland habitats should be minimized
by preventing tipping, vehicle movements and encroachment of personnel onto the
adjacent area;
Permanent casing should be
provided to the drillhole of soil nail;
Placement of equipment or
stockpile should be located in designated areas to minimize disturbance to natural
or moderate-high ecological value habitats;
Construction activities
should be restricted to works areas;
Disturbance to existing
vegetation should be minimized wherever possible.
Landscape and Visual Impact
Designation of
“no-intrusion zones” and record any trespass and damage to existing vegetation;
Soil nails on site should
avoid tree trunks and tree roots;
Dust and erosion control
should be provided for exposed soil;
For tree planting
operations, method statement should be checked against specification
All retained trees within
the working boundary should be checked regularly;
Control over appearance of
hoarding, construction plants / machines;
Security floodlights should
be carefully selected to avoid light pollution.
Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Months
The tentative schedule for
environmental monitoring in May 2008 is provided in Appendix L.