
8.1               The construction phase of the project commenced in April 2008.


8.2               1-hour TSP and 24-hour TSP monitoring was carried out in the reporting month. All monitoring results complied with the action / limit level. No exceedance was recorded.


8.3               All impact daytime noise monitoring results complied with the limit level in the reporting month.


8.4               Environmental site inspections were carried out 5 times in April 2008. Recommendations on remedial actions were given to the Contractor for the deficiencies identified during the site audit.


8.5               Two landscape and visual audits were carried out in the reporting month. One tree was found damaged and proper protection to the tree barks was recommended.


8.6               V001 to V013 were found to be in good condition during the monitoring visits, nevertheless, plastic fencings supported by strong poles were recommended to demarcate plant locations clearly to prevent tipping and entry of personnel in order to avoid damage to the plants.


8.7               No environmental complaint, notification of summons and prosecution was received in the reporting month.


8.8               According to the environmental site inspections performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations were provided:


Air Quality Impact

-          Nil


Construction Noise Impact

-          Nil


Water Quality Impact

-          Nil


Chemical and Waste Management

-          Oils and fuels should be stored in designated area;

-          Debris and rubbish on-site should be collected, handled and disposed of properly;

-          Waste skips should be provided to collect general refuse and construction wastes.


Ecological Impact

-          Soil nail installation should avoid / minimize damage of root system to the existing plants.


Landscape and Visual Impact

-          Soil nails on site should avoid tree trunks and tree roots.