Agreement No. CE 28/2004 (GE)

Landslide Preventive Works at Po Shan, Mid-Levels

Design and Construction

(Natural Terrain Risk Mitigation Works)






Landscape & Visual Audit and Monitoring


Monthly Inspection Report No. 06


(September 2008)












Prepared by















Prepared by :




Tran Tuan Huy


13th October 2008

Approved by :





Alexander Duggie


13th October 2008


1.0                 INTRODUCTION


The Landscape and Visual Audit & Monitoring are conducted to fulfill the requirements of the EIA Report during the Construction and Operational Phases of the project, and are based on the procedures and requirements as set out in the Agreement No. CE 28/2004 (GE) Landslide Preventive Works at Po Shan, Mid-Levels – Design and Construction (Natural Terrain Risk Mitigation Works) - Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual.


As stated in section 3.5 and 3.6 of the EM&A Manual, all landscape and visual mitigation measures undertaken by the Contractor during the construction phase and the first 12 months of the operational phase shall be audited on a bi-weekly and monthly basis respectively to ensure compliance with the intended aims of the mitigation measures.


2.0                 SCOPE OF AUDIT and MONITORING


The broad scope of landscape and visual monitoring and audit on mitigation measures is as detailed below:


2.1                 Construction Phase


Indentify any potential conflicts between the proposed landscape measures and any other project works or operation requirements, and recorded for the contractor to resolve in early stage, without compromising the intention of the mitigation measures.  Also, the followings shall be monitored:


·         designation of ‘no-intrusion zones’, and to record any trespass by the contractor, including damage to existing vegetation;

·         allowance for adjustment of soil nails on site for the avoidance of tree trunks and tree roots;

·         dust and erosion control for exposed soil;

·         tree planting operations, checking method statement against specification requirements;

·         all retained trees within the working boundary shall be regularly checked and reported to the engineer, including damage to the tree canopy edge.


Considerations shall also be made to address the appearance and view by public through:

·         control over the appearance of construction workers, hoarding, construction plants / machines

·         careful selection of security floodlights to avoid light pollution


2.2                 Operation Phase


Ensure the compensatory planting and horticultural maintenance operations are properly carried out during the 12 months establishment period, including:


·         Inspection for fungal / viral attacks and pest infestations

·         Litter collection

·         Watering

·         Weeding removal

·         Replacement of defective planting material

·         Grass cutting / groundcover trimming and removal of arisings

·         Fertilizing application as required in specification

·         Aeration / mulching application


3.0                 INSPECTIONS


3.1                 Summary of Inspection – 9th September 2008


3.1.1            Matters Arising from Previous Inspections


·         It was observed that the Contractor had cleared away the remainder of soil bags away from the base of the tree trunks.


·         The Contractor had cleared away all remaining construction waste previously placed at the base of trees.


·         The Contractor had removed minor damaged tree branches caused by the recent typhoon. 


·         The Contractor still had not carried out any remedial measures for the exposed cut roots to prevent the roots from dried out.  The Contractor was reminded to carry out remedial actions as soon as possible.


·         It was observed that the Contractor had not removed a couple of the dead trees, including a tree with rotten trunk at the base located near existing tree T534.  The Contractor was recommended to remove all the dead and rotten trees away from the footpath area for safety.


·         It was observed that rectification of many of the tree identification numbers for the existing retained trees were outstanding.  The Contractor was reminded to re-instate the tree numbers on existing trees for ease of reference as soon as possible.


3.1.2            Protection of Existing Trees


·         It was observed that the leaves of existing tree T611 were wilted due to dry soil condition.  The Contractor was recommended to water the tree on a daily basis and to monitor the condition of the tree.


·         It was observed that the Contractor had stacked pipe sleeves near the base of the existing tree.  The Contractor was requested to remove the pipes away from the tree as soon as possible.


3.1.3            Recommendations


·         The Contractor was recommended to provide moist hessian wrapping to the exposed cut roots to prevent the roots from drying out.


·         The Contractor was recommended to clear away all construction materials away from existing trees and not to place it against or near the trees in future.


·         The Contractor was recommended to remove dead / rotten trees from site for safety.


·         The Contractor was reminded to rectify all ineligible tree identification numbers for all existing trees.


·         The Contractor was recommended to water the existing tree T611 to help improve the stressed condition of the tree, and to monitor the tree daily.


3.2                 Summary of Inspection – 30th September 2008


3.2.1            Matters Arising from Previous Inspections


·         The Contractor had provided hessian wrappings as remedial measures for the exposed cut roots to prevent the roots from dried out.


·         The Contractor had removed the stacked pipe sleeves previously placed near the base of the existing tree.


·         It was still observed that the Contractor had not removed the dead trees, including a tree with rotten trunk at the base located near existing tree T534.  The Contractor was recommended to remove all the dead and rotten trees away from the footpath area for safety.


·         It was still observed that rectification of many of the tree identification numbers for the existing retained trees were outstanding.  The Contractor was reminded to re-instate the tree numbers on existing trees for ease of reference as soon as possible.


·         It was observed that the leaves of previously wilted tree T611 had dried out and dying.


3.2.2            Protection of Existing Trees


·         It was observed that the Contractor had tied the toe board onto the existing tree trunk.  The Contractor was requested to remove it as soon as possible.


·         It was observed an existing tree (tree no. unknown) was fallen over during recent typhoon.  The Contractor was requested to clear away the dead tree as soon as possible.


3.2.3            Recommendations


·         The Contractor was requested to remove the toe board away from existing tree and not to use tree for anchorage.


·         The Contractor was reminded to rectify all ineligible tree identification numbers for all existing trees.


·         The Contractor was recommended to remove dead / rotten trees from site for safety. The Contractor was also reminded to record and report all dead trees as found on site to the Engineer for record.


4.0                 AUDIT SCHEULE


4.1                 Audit Schedule for October 2008


The next audits are scheduled to be conduct on 8th and 22nd October 2008.