EIA Ref.
EM&A Ref.
Mitigation Measures
The construction work of cycle bridge at Shek Sheung River is not recommended to
(Stage 1 only) be carried out during wet seasons (April to October), and the dry weather flow will
be diverted to avoid entering the works area. In order to further protect the river
water quality from disturbance, the construction work especially excavation works,
will be surrounded by cofferdams to ensure the works will be carried out in a dry
condition to prevent water pollution to the river.
Stream decking is recommended to be carried out during dry weather condition. To
(Stage 2 only) prevent disturbance to the river water quality, measures will be taken to ensure the
works to be carry out in a dry condition to prevent water pollution to the river, such
as sandbag barriers.
Based on the current available information, the tentative programmes of some
(Stage 2 only) construction works for the Agreement No. CE 57/2011 (DS) Drainage Improvement
at Northern NT - Package A Drainage Improvement Works in San Tin (Remaining
Works) - Investigation (DIST) and the Construction of Cycle Tracks and the
associated Supporting Facilities at Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long (NSWCT) projects
may overlap with Stage 2 cycle track construction works. It is recommended that the
Contractor should liaise with the project contractor(s) of the DIST and the NSWCT
projects to schedule the construction works and allow programme phrasing to avoid
major concurrent activities to be undertaken simultaneously in the vicinity.
Construction Waste Management
S.6.2.1 –
An on-site environmental co-ordinator employed by the Contractor should be
identified at the outset of the works. Prior to commencement of Project works, the
co-ordinator shall prepare a WMP in accordance with the requirements set out in
the ETWB TCW No. 19/2005, Waste Management on Construction Sites, for the
ER’s approval. The WMP shall include monthly and yearly Waste Flow Tables
“WFT”) that indicate the amounts of waste generated, recycled and disposed of
(including final disposal site), and which should be regularly updated;
Given the potential for secondary environmental impacts (dust, noise, water quality