Site Audits


8.1 Site audit was carried out on a weekly basis to monitor the timely implementation of proper environmental management practices and mitigation measures in the Project site.  The summaries of site audits are attached in Appendix G. 


8.2 Site audits were conducted on 5, 13, 18 and 27 December 2018 in the reporting month. IEC joint site inspection was conducted on 18 December 2018. No non-compliance was observed during the site audit.

Review of Environmental Monitoring Procedures


8.3 The monitoring works conducted by the monitoring were inspected regularly. The following observations have been recorded for the monitoring works:


Noise Monitoring

Ÿ The monitoring team recorded all observations around the monitoring stations, which might affect the monitoring result.

Ÿ Major noise sources were identified and recorded. Other intrusive noise attributing to the result was trimmed off by pausing the monitoring temporarily.

Statues of Environmental Licensing and Permitting


8.4 All permits/licenses obtained for the Project are summarized in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1    Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status

Permit No.

Valid Period





Environmental Permit (EP)




Construction of Cycle Tracks and the Associated Supporting Facilities from Sha Po Tsuen to Shek Sheung River – Stage 1





Construction of Cycle Tracks and the Associated Supporting Facilities from Sha Po Tsuen to Shek Sheung River – Stage 2


Billing Account for Construction Waste Disposal

A/C No.: 7025411



Billing Account for construction waste disposal under Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation


Effluent Discharge License




Discharge License for the discharge of wastewater from the construction site including contaminated surface run-off to the communal storm water drain


























Registration of Chemical Waste Producer




Registration of chemical waste producer for chemical waste produced during construction of Cycle Tracks and the Associated Supporting Facilities from Sha Po Tsuen to Shek Sheung River – Stage 2


Construction Noise Permit (CNP)






Status of Waste Management


8.5 The amount of wastes generated by the major site activities of this Project during the reporting month is shown in Appendix K.


8.6 In respect of the dump truck cover, the Contractor is advised to take record photos and inspection to ensure that all dump trucks have fully covered the skip before leaving the site.

Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures


8.7 According to the Environmental Review Reports, Environmental Permits and the EM&A Manuals of the Project, the mitigation measures detailed in the documents are recommended to be implemented during the construction phase.  An updated summary of the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) is provided in Appendix I.


8.8 During site inspections in the reporting month, no non-conformance was identified. The ET weekly site inspections were carried out during the reporting month and the observations and recommendations are summarized in Table 8.2. Refer to Appendix G for the site inspection checklists in the reporting month.

        Table 8.2    Observations and Recommendations of Site Audit



Observations and Recommendations


Water Quality

13,18, 27 Dec 2018

To provide adequately designed wastewater treatment facilities for settling runoff/groundwater prior to discharge at Portion D.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

27 Dec 2018

At Portion E, provide mitigation measures (eg. Watering) for dust suppression on public road and improve condition of wheel washing facility.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

Air Quality

14, 20, 28 Nov, 5, 13 Dec 2018

To keep site entrance clean and free from dust at Portion B.

The condition was observed to be improved/rectified by the contractor during the audit session on 18 Dec 2018

14, 20, 28 Nov, 5, 13, 18, 27 Dec 2018

Provide mitigation measure (e.g. watering)for the haul roads regularly to avoid dust generation at Portion M.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

28 Nov, 5, 13, 18 Dec 2018

To keep site entrance clean and free from dust at Subway A.

The condition was observed to be improved/rectified by the contractor during the audit session on 27 Dec 2018

5, 13, 18, 27 Dec 2018

Stockpile of dusty material should be covered by the imperious material for dust suppression at Portion B.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

13 Dec 2018

To display a proper NRMM label for the backhoe at Portion B.

The condition was observed to be improved/rectified by the contractor during the audit session on 18 Dec 2018

13 Dec 2018

To provide mitigation measure (eg. Watering) for dust suppression at Portion D.

The condition was observed to be improved/rectified by the contractor during the audit session on 18 Dec 2018

13, 18, 27 Dec 2018

Properly cover the stockpile of dusty material at Portion E.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

18, 27 Dec 2018

At Portion M, excavated materials outside the works area should be cleared.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

18, 27 Dec 2018

At Portion D, regular watering should be provided at exposed slope to minimize wind erosion.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

18, 27 Dec 2018

At Portion J, stockpile should be covered by tarpaulin.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

18, 27 Dec 2018

At Portion B, regular watering should be provided at exposed area to minimize wind erosion.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

18, 27 Dec 2018

At Portion A, regular watering should be provided at exposed area to minimize wind erosion.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

27 Dec 2018

Display a proper NRMM label for the excavator at Subway A.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.



There was no observation in the reporting period.


Waste/ Chemical Management

26 Jul – 27 Dec 2018

Clear the oil stains as chemical waste at WA3.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

15 Aug – 27 Dec 2018

To provide drip tray for the chemical containers at Portion E.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

Ecology and Fisheries


There was no observation in the reporting period.


Landscape and Visual

26 Jul – 27 Dec 2018

To set up a proper tree protection zone at WA3.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.

5, 13, 18, 27 Dec 2018

A proper tree protection zone should be provided for the retained trees for preservation at Portion D and Subway D.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.



18, 27 Dec 2018

At Portion M, the environmental permit should be displayed.

Follow up actions will be reported in the next month.


Implementation Status of Event and Action Plans


8.9     The Event and Action Plan for noise is presented in Appendix H.

Construction Noise

8.10  No Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded in the reporting month.

Summary of Complaint, Warning, Notification of any Summons and Successful Prosecution


8.11  The summaries of environmental complaint, warning, summon and notification of successful prosecution for the Project is presented in Appendix J.