9.1     Major site activities undertaken for the coming months include:


Portion A


Construction of Cycle Track, Installation of Bicycle Parapet

Portion B


Construction of Subway A, Construction of Cycle Track

Portion C


Construction of Retaining Wall RW 11A, 11B, 11C, 12, 13 & 14, 15A

Resting Station R7, Construction of Drainage Works

Portion D


Construction of Drainage Pipe, Construction of RW 15B, 15C,15D, 15E, 16A Stream Decking D1, D2 & D3, Realignment of San Tam Road

Portion E


Construction of Retaining Wall RW D2, D4, D5, D7, D17, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24& D25,D26, D26ABC Construction of Drainage Pipe, Construction of Boundary Wall, Realignment of Mai Po Lung Road

Portion F


Construction of Drainage Pipe, Construction of Retaining wall RW 43, Soil Treatment for RAP, Construction of Boundary Wall

Portion G


Remaining Works for Box Culvert C

Portion H


Construction of Retaining Wall RW 45A, 49, DW1 & DW2 Construction of Drainage

Portion I


Construction of Subway D

Portion J


Construction of RW 46, 47, 48, 24, 25, 26, Construction of Stream Decking D8

Portion K


Construction of Footpath and Cycle Track, Installation of Bicycle Parapet

Portion M


Construction of RW 30A, 30B, Construction of Bridge E

Shui Fu Road


Decontamination of soil


9.2     Key environmental issues in the coming months include:


·            Wastewater and runoff generation on-site;

·               Regular removal of silt, mud and sand along u-channels and inside sedimentation tanks;

·           Review and implementation of temporary drainage system for the surface runoff;

·           Noise from operation of the equipment, especially for excavation works and machinery on-site;

·           Dust generation from stockpiles of dusty materials, exposed site area, excavation works and other dust-generating activities;

·           Water spraying for dust generating activities and on haul road;

·           Proper storage of construction materials on-site;

·           Storage of chemicals/fuel and chemical waste/waste oil on-site;

·           Accumulation of general refuse and construction waste on-site; and

·           Protection measures for retained trees.


9.3     The tentative program of major site activities and the impact prediction and control measures for the coming months, i.e. January to February 2019, are summarized as follows:






Construction Works

Major Impact Prediction

Control Measures

As mentioned in Section 9.1

Air quality impact (dust)

(a)    Frequent watering of haul road and unpaved/exposed areas;

(b)   Frequent watering or covering stockpiles with tarpaulin or similar means; and

(c)    Watering of any earth moving activities.

Water quality impact (surface run-off)

(d)   Diversion of the collected effluent to de-silting facilities for treatment in compliance with valid Discharge License prior to discharge to public storm water drains;

(e)    Provision of adequate de-silting facilities for treating surface run-off and other collected effluents prior to discharge;

(f)    Provision of perimeter protection such as sealing of hoarding footings to avoid run-off from entering the existing storm water drainage system via public road; and

(g)    Provision of measures to prevent discharge into the stream.

Noise impact

(h)   Scheduling of noisy construction activities if necessary to avoid persistent noisy operation;

(i)     Controlling the number of plants use on site;

(j)     Regular maintenance of machines

(k)   Use of quiet PMEs on-site; and

(l)     Use of acoustic barriers and noise enclosure if necessary.

Landscape and Visual


(m)  Proper setup of precautionary area for retained trees.


Monitoring Schedule for the Next Month


9.4     The tentative environmental monitoring schedules for the next month are shown in Appendix D.