1          introduction


1.1        “Construction of Cycle Tracks and the Associated Supporting Facilities from Sha Po Tsuen to Shek Sheung River” (the EIA Report) is a Schedule 2 Designated Project (DP) under Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO). The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report (Registered No.: AEIAR-133/2009) and the associated Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual was approved on 12 March 2009.

1.2        Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) implemented the DP in two stages, i.e. Stage 1 and Stage 2. An Environmental Permit (EP) No. EP-450/2013 has been granted for Stage 1 works on 30 May 2013. Pursuant to Section 13 of the EIAO, the Director of Environmental Protection amends the Environmental Permit (No. EP-450/2013) based on the Application No. VEP-478/2015 and the EP (Permit No. EP-450/2013/A) was issued on 25 August 2015 to CEDD as the Permit Holder.

1.3        An Environmental Review (ER) Report of the “Construction of Cycle Tracks and the Associated Supporting Facilities from Sha Po Tsuen to Shek Sheung River – Stage 2” had been prepared in July 2015 and the Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual (EM&A Manual) was also included as part of the ER report in the application (Application No.: AEP-501-2015).  An Environmental Permit No. EP-501/2015 was issued on 2 September 2015 for Stage 2 works to CEDD as the Permit Holder.

1.4        “Agreement No. CE 67/2015 (HY) Cycle Tracks from Tuen Mun to Sheung Shui – Remaining Works – Design and Construction” (hereinafter called the “Project”) covers the Stage 1 (Part) and Stage 2 works of the DP. This Project was commissioned to Sang HingKuly Joint Venture (hereinafter called the “Contractor”) for “Contract No.: YL/2015/01 Cycle Tracks from Tuen Mun to Sheung Shui – Remaining Works”. The site location and work programme are shown in Figure 1a-1h and Appendix A respectively.

1.5        Cinotech Consultants Ltd. was designated as the Environmental Team (ET) to undertake the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) works for the Project. The construction commencement of the Project was on 23rd November 2016. This is the 26th Monthly EM&A Report summarizing the EM&A works for the Project from December 2018.

Project Organizations

1.6        Different parties with different levels of involvement in the project organization include:

Ÿ  Project Proponent – Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)

Ÿ  Supervisor Representative – Mannings (Asia) Consultants Limited (Mannings)

Ÿ  Environmental Team (ET) – Cinotech Consultants Limited (Cinotech)

Ÿ  Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) – ANewR Consulting Limited (ANewR)

Ÿ  Contractor – Sang HingKuly Joint Venture (SKJV)


1.7        The Organizational Structure for Environmental Management is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3   Organization Structure (Environmental Aspects)

1.8        The key contacts of the Project are shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1       Key Project Contacts



Contact Person

Phone No.

Fax No.


Project Proponent

Mr. Chu Wai Lun, Thomas

2417 6370

2412 0358


Supervisor Representative

Mr. Simon Ng

3168 2028

3168 2022


Environmental Team

Mr. KS Lee

2151 2091

3107 1388

Ms. Betty Choi

2151 2072


Independent Environmental Checker

Mr. Adi Lee

2618 2836

3007 8648



Mr. Ma Kin Man

9552 1734

2890 8205

Construction Activities undertaken during the Reporting Month

1.9        The major site activities undertaken in the reporting month included:

Portion A


Construction of Cycle Track, Installation of Bicycle Parapet

Portion B


Construction of Subway A, Construction of Cycle Track, Parapet Footing

Portion C


Construction of Retaining Wall RW 11B, 11C, 12, 13 & 14, 15A

Resting Station R7

Portion D


Construction of Drainage Pipe, Construction of RW 15B, 15C, 15D,15E, 16A Stream Decking D1, D2 & D3

Portion E


Construction of Retaining Wall RW D4, D17, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24, D25 & D26A,B,C Construction of Drainage Pipe, Construction of Boundary Wall

Portion F


Construction of Drainage Pipe, Construction of Retaining wall RW 43, Soil Treatment for RAP, Construction of Resting Station at Man Tin Cheung Park, Construction of Boundary Wall

Portion H


Construction of Retaining Wall RW 45A, 49, DW1 & DW2 Construction of Drainage

Portion I


Construction of Subway D, Construction of Drainage Pipe

Portion J


Construction of RW 46, 47, 48,24, 25, 26

Portion K


Construction of Road Kerb, paving block, Construction of Cycle Track

Portion M


Construction of RW 30A, 30B, Construction of Bridge E

Shui Fu Road


Decontamination of soil

1.10     Inter-relationship with environmental protection/mitigation measures are presented in Table 1.2. 

Table 1.2        Construction Programme Showing the Inter-Relationship with Environmental Protection/Mitigation Measures

Construction Works

Major Environmental Impact

Control Measures

As mentioned in Section 1.9

Noise, dust impact, water quality and waste generation

Ÿ   Sufficient watering of the works site with active dust emitting activities

Ÿ   Properly cover the stockpiles

Ÿ   On-site waste sorting and implementation of trip ticket system

Ÿ   Appropriate desilting/sedimentation devices provided on site for treatment with valid Discharge License before discharge

Ÿ   Well maintain the drainage system to prevent the spillage of wastewater during heavy rainfall

Ÿ   Use of quiet plant and well-maintained construction plant

Ÿ   Provide movable noise barrier

Ÿ   Proper wheel washing for construction vehicles before leaving the site

Ÿ   Provide sufficient mitigation measures as recommended in Approved EM&A Manual/Lease requirement


Summary of EM&A Requirements

1.11     The EM&A programme requires construction noise monitoring, air quality monitoring, landscape and visual monitoring and environmental site audit.  The EM&A requirements for each parameter are described in the following sections, including:

Ÿ  All monitoring parameters;

Ÿ  Action and Limit levels for all environmental parameters;

Ÿ  Event and Action Plans;

Ÿ  Environmental mitigation measures, as recommended in the EIA Reports, Environmental Review Reports and EM&A Manuals

1.12     The advice on the implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control/mitigation measures is summarized in Section 8 of this report.

1.13     This report presents the monitoring results, observations, locations, equipment, period, methodology and QA/QC procedures of the required noise monitoring and audit works for the Project in December 2018.